
Coffee Shop

I sat beside Winston as he snuggled the pillow underneath him. The gem only glowing because the presence of Winston was near. Though I do not know why it does glow near Winston, I now know there is something to this necklace then it's looks.

I held the necklace In my hand, staring at every corner of the black jewel. I could make a profit if I sell this- but should I?

"I'll just go walk to the cafe.." I said mumbling to myself as I got up from my spot.

As I walked toward the door I stopped and turned back, gently kissed Winston's head and sprinted out the bedroom. I grabbed my shoes and quickly put them on. Turning the metal door handle, blasting through the door way out into the bright gold sunshine. Slowing doen my pace, and joyfully walking down the street. Cautiously looking both ways for those fast motors. When none were in sight, I crossed over into the markets. Pushing threw crowds just to get a cup of coffee. I finally made it, not many people were there surprisingly.

"Hello sir, what could I get ya!"

I looked up to see a surprisingly handsome man. Dark blue hair, Reddish eyes, tall muscular frame. And a bright atmosphere.

"Hello! What can I get you?" He asked me as he lit a smile across his face.

"I'll take a black coffee."

"Anything else?"

"That's it"

"Your name?"


"Alright Shun, your order will be made soon!"

I walked to an empty table as I wait for my order to be made. Dozing off into childish thoughts.

What'd it be like to date someone other then Winston? I wonder. His thoughts growing more a d more as the chatter around the shop grew quieter and quieter.

"Shun, your order is ready!"

As I hear my name, I was awoken from what seemed to be a dream of my own thoughts.

Walking out of the shop, holding my warm cup of coffee. The breeze blowing at my hair, people yapping everywhere. Then... BAM!...Someone bumped into me, almost knocking me over. I turned around to see a kid behind me. Flat out on the ground, her hair was black, she wore a black wool jacket and leggings. Nothing much to her, probably just a normal kid.

"What's the big deal giant!" She snorted out at me. Tension building up in the atmosphere.

"Watch where you're going next time" I had replied, offering a hand to her.

"Where are your parents kid?"

"Kid!? I'm 23 Idiot!!" She yelled out.

Twenty-three!? She looks so young, like she's Eight or something. How is she Twenty-Three? She's intriguing, just who is she?