

A shrewd college student couldn't stand the influence of his roommates when he went through financial plights and later joined hands with them to sell drugs on campus.

TheAfricanTale · Others
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7 Chs



"They made me laugh when I was depressed, they gave me food when I was hungry" he murmured when they were returning to their room after lectures.

He asked his friends about their funds, Cole being fed up with Peter's inquiries opened up about their secret and why they used the secret dialect.

"Why do you do that," Peter asked

"Do what? How do you think the big guys with the big cars got their money, they call themselves rich yet we don't know how they made such billions " Albert

"Everyone needs a secret to get to the top, if you don't have one count yourself out of the billionaire's list?" Peter

" Now you need our secret to survive here right, " Albert

" We picked up drugs from dealers in the hood and deliver them here, every week is 150 bucks each " Cole

"Separately bro, you will be fatty with 150 bucks" Dave

" Pick up drugs, I can't do this bro " Peter

" you can't? , you ain't gonna say that again, that word comes from losers mouth only " Cole

"I bet you are not one " Dave

"Do you know money rhymes with honey, if you need a peaceful mind to study for your first class you need money to look healthy, or else you can't get your first class. Let your mum have some sort of peace bro you are grown up man now " he continued

"Our parents sent us to school knowing that they can't afford it, they called it faith in Christ" Albert.

"Sometimes the good has to be bad to survive, " he said.

He accepted to be part of them due to the difficulties in buying books and foodstuff, Cole gave him GHC 1000. The four became a coterie and they named it DACP.

He urged them to go anonymous by wearing masks and using different locations in delivering their drugs.

"wearing masks will protect us from the hidden cameras" he uttered,

The three yelled "coward"

" We don't have a choice as we need a watch fella,& just don't be too soft"

Cole uttered.

He reminisced the chatter with Quarsie but to him, he had no option but to join as he owed Cole 1000 bucks.

"The society one comes from has a way of manipulating how he thinks and behaves, these boys seem to care less about the main primary goal in this institution."

he thought.

The connection between the four became much stronger, they learned how to make one happy when he is troubled as no one was going to. They sang songs, danced, and went on TikTok challenges to enjoy a happy life on campus.