
Wang Ye’s start

Wang Wei started reading Wang Ye' journal.

When I was a small child I was left by my parents in an orphanage. There I never had many friends the other kids were not interested in me or what I did and likewise. But my story took a turn when I turned five years old. I went to the city hall. I went there just like any other kid that had turned five years old. That is because we were going to awaken our soul form. As I was waiting there were a lot of disappointed faces. Some happy and some that were very excited. Those were the kids that could cultivate soul energy. It was finally my turn. I went into one of the rooms. The room I chose had a male chi master. It was a stout male who looked to be in his high thirties. He then said in a hoarse voice.

"Sit down and start to meditate."

I did as he instructed and everything went smoothly. He told me I was the most amazing kid he has seen in all the years he has awakened soul forms. I had the red fire-dragon soul form and I had level seven soul energy. I was considered a prodigy. I enrolled in one of the top academies in the region. In there I met a person who would stick with me for my entire life. His name was Long Yun he came from a small village named victory village. His soul form was the holy leopard. He had no family or anything he was all alone in this world. Just like me. We became close friends, brothers even. we soon were the two strongest in the entire academy. After we finished our final year in the elementary academy we decided to travel the world. We didn't continue our studies and decided to learn from the world. We travelled far and wide. By the time we were fifteen, we were already powerful chi masters at rank thirty-five. We were the strongest amongst our peers and none could stand up to us. We earned our money by fighting in the arenas all across the land. While we were travelling we would hunt soul beasts and sell the resources we would get from them when we arrived in a big city. We lived a good life. But that suddenly changed when we turned sixteen.

As Wang Wei turned the page he saw that it was the back cover of the book. He saw a little scribble at the bottom of the book.

It read: To whoever finds this if you want to know stronger techniques or want to know more of my life head to the dragon caves and there you will find the second part.

"What the hell is this!" Wang Wei said very angrily.

He wanted to know what happened and was curious for the stronger techniques.

The next morning he came down for breakfast.

When Shen Teng came down Wang Wei wasted no time.

"Good morning teacher."

"Good morning Wang Wei."

"Teacher, what are the dragon caves?"

"Where did you learn about that?" Shen Teng asked with, a serious look on his face.

"It was on the back of the book I obtained. Apparently, its only purpose was to produce a little information and tell where more information and techniques were." Wang Wei said.

"The dragon caves are a cave system which is perfect for cultivating if you have a dragon type soul form. However, there is a barrier which keeps people out who are below the rank of a chi master and it also keeps out people who have wrong intentions. Whether that is murder or theft it keeps them out. If you want to take something you have to prove that you are worthy by fighting a dragon type soul beast. So you are not ready by a long shot." Shen Teng said.

"Why not? I have fought with soul beasts before." Wang Wei said.

"I know but dragon type soul beasts are on a different level. They are smarter and they have more power, speed and defence. Overall they are way stronger than normal soul beasts." Shen Teng said.

"Oh, okay. I will wait before going to the dragon caves." Wang Wei said.

The two then ate their breakfast. After they finished Shen Teng left because he had some work in his office. Wang Wei stayed behind and practised the techniques that were noted in the book he obtained. He started with the individual techniques. They were said to be very difficult to master and only certain people could use them to their fullest potential that is why there were only one or two people who could use these techniques per generation. The first skill he practised was the dragon body. It would cover the entire body in dragon scales. After practising for a while he could only cover both his arms and shoulders.

'No wonder only one person per generation can master these techniques' Wang Wei thought to himself. 'These techniques are ridiculously complicated.'

As he was resting he used the cultivation technique described in the book. It led his soul energy through the meridians he already used but also through meridians which lay deeper in his body. It took him two full hours to complete one circle but he felt that the soul energy he obtained was much denser than the soul energy which he would usually absorb.

When he was finished with that he practised the martial techniques described.

It all started with stances which would enhance his strength. It wasn't anything particularly difficult for the first few seconds but after that, his muscles started aching. He started moving his body according to the instructions. It was extremely difficult to even move one finger for Wang Wei.

He finished the move and immediately fell to the ground.

'That was way to difficult. I can only wonder as to how difficult the stronger techniques will be.' Wang Wei thought to himself.

He then looked at the time and sprang up. He then ran to the water and used the boat to reach the mainland. He then started running toward the dorm rooms. He promised Lee Zheng and Long Yue that he would hang out with them.

Sorry for the inconsistency of uplaods.

i have been swamped in school work for the past few weeks. i appologize in advance since it looks like i won't get any break.

i will try to get out at least two or three chapters per week. and eventually the upload schedule will return to what is was before.

RedRicocreators' thoughts
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