

Everything change on Planet scytech when they first discover new energy that was never seen or heard before anywhere in this whole world. It was also reason for the aliens race came scytech planet after getting energy signal from it. War broke out between scytech planet people and aliens because it half of scytech land become Westland. After fighting over 200 years peace treaty was signed and one giant intergalactic nation come to alive where all kind of race stay together. Technology that human never have seen before appear infront of their eyes and human broke free from their normal mortal body limit. Jazz Rowan a 16 years old boy, who wanted to become intergalactic fighting champion but reality had something quite different for him despite that he didn't give up on his dream of becoming strongest person. [Shameless Author Notes] : if you enjoy my work you can give power stone to this novel and if you think my work is trash then throw power stone at this novel. Notice : "This cover does not belong to me I found it on Pinterest. if this is your art if you want to remove it I will remove it or I can give you credit for cover

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Your death is mercy too my life

There was completely silence in jazz coach, like calm before the storm.

This absolute silence was broke by the ear-piercing sound of a bullet. Jazz suddenly felt as cold water was thrown on his face.

"Just as I thought something is definitely wrong with this people, it must be their doing."

Everyone from 1st and 2nd coach got startled hearing gun sound.

When jazz was talking to him the person sitting beside him heard his mumbling voice then he remembers that there was this five unknown man group that enter from rising sun city they have been acting suspiciously from the start and just when they split apart and few minutes later they're hearing gun shoot out sound.

He might look normal from his face and cloth,, but he is level 10 human. He stood up from his sit, and he starts walking towards that man in full-body armor to confront him.

"Who are you people, which organization or mafia you work for and just we heard gun sound is that something to do with you."

The two remaining people also saw that man, they stood up from their sit to confront this unknown man in black cloak.

Just before they were about to reach him a sudden flash of light pass through them and next moment coach floor was dyed red like blood, it was blood of those four men. Their upper body from the waist part slide from their body.

They're still alive and watching their lower body standing, and the last thing they saw with terror in their eyes was this unknown person. They never imagined that one they would die by in hands of someone they never knew, a stranger.

Furthermore, they shouldn't have taken that dramatic action before knowing anything and even If they knew what is happening they wouldn't act now it's too late to regret at this moment.

Shortly afterwards their body also falls on the floor 2nd coach is bloody red jazz saw everything for second his mind goes blank and his body lost completely control of him after that seeing what happened to those three men even those three adults man couldn't do anything while standing against him, while he is just normal 16-year-old high school student.

Jazz was in really miserable situation now all he could do at this moment is to sit as his sits and wait for upcoming death, only thing he wishes now to get painless death.

That unknown person now turn his head towards Jazz, looking at this kid he saw Jazz blank eye that is waiting for painless death, then for the first time in this coach he takes another step towards his next victim.

Then he stood few feet away from the Jazz and at the time Jazz could see that in the hand of this man is hilt only empty hilt he then remembered that laser sword is also had hilt just like this, when it's activated it would produce a laser sword blade that could kill three men easily. Then next moment once again that light flash in coach.

The price of laser sword is something that normal thief or local mafia members couldn't buy it to have laser sword in possession in hand it's meant that either he has lots of money or

The unknown person never put Jazz as trouble some boy from the beginning as what can a child do against him or his team a kid couldn't even save himself, how can he become interface for their plan without even bothering to look at the Jazz?

He activated his laser sword and slash towards where Jazz was sitting but this time it was different he didn't feel any kind of obstacles like his laser sword pass through an air, when he killed those three men he got feeling like cutting through a tofu with knife but now with this kid, it felt he just slashed at empty air nothing else.

Currently Jazz is laid on the floor with his back is facing the floor and in front of him stood that killer. Jazz is looking at the corner of his coach where surveillance camera is located, the authority must have gotten the information by now that there is massacre happening in the train and by now cops must have surrounded the station.

All of this was Jazz wishful thinking at this split moment.

Even Jazz didn't realize that or even thought of this, how did he dodge the that attack. One who most shocked at this moment is that unknown person how did this brat able to dodge his when that level 10 and level 15 human couldn't even see his attack coming, it's not possible for a normal human to dodge his attack.

This kid must be some has special awakening, or he is a secret agent who sent here at scytech planet to hunt us down.

For the first time Jazz has seen this man speak, his voice is hoarse voice and deep. Hearing this voice makes him feels like that demon is standing in front of him.

"Regardless of who you are, I will kill you. Blame your luck that you are run into us, you are going to die young kid."

"You are going to kill me just because I run into you, what a kind of sick reason is that to kill someone else."

"I don't know who you are, but you won't be able to flee from this place, authority have already gotten the news that you guys has hijacked this train."

"Ooh, you have guts to threaten me when your life is in my hand, you human are nothing but bugs that we can kill while squeezing our fist."

Jazz knew that he couldn't fight against this person. So, he is stalling for time, so somebody can help him and another thing jazz knew for sure is this group of people aren't human, they must have come from different planet.

"If you are waiting for help, then sorry to let you know that there won't be help coming here for you or anyone because we have hacked the entire city. So, there will be no news about us or all the people in this train dying."

"Why are you doing this. There will nothing for you to get by killing us human."

"Well, you are right about that there is nothing for me to gain by killing you,, but I will still kill you because I can."

"We live in a dog-eat-dog world."

"The Weak gets devour by the strong and if you want to live just another day in this world then you need to devour the weak, then you will live to see another day."

"Your death is mercy too my life."

"My death is mercy too his life."

"What the fuck is wrong with you people."

"What's wrong isn't just me, but the whole world is wrong."

(This kid don't have system, yet he's still young and from the scanning his body I found that he didn't even get his first awakening either and for him to have this much reflection as mere human something about him suspicious because even he himself didn't realize that his uniqueness of his body and senses.)

(I must get him alive or dead for research to find how can he dodge a level 50 attack without having a single drop of sweat on his forehead and from why laid on floor I can see his body and muscles are completely relaxed and flexible, that isn't something someone in his situation would have as who isn't even level 1 yet.)?

(If one would look at him now they would think that he is just a lamb that about to get killed but the way his body posture his it seems like he is in complete guard and will dodge my second attack.)

(I must find out the reason behind his body unique body.)

"I can spare your life kid if you join our organization and pledge your loyalty to us, you have ten seconds to decide now."

(What is wrong with this person head first he wanted to kill now he wants me to join the organization. They must be cold-blooded killers just like him, I need to get out of this place somehow.)

(But without accepting his offer there is not other way for me to survive, if I decline his offer he would kill me right here and now.)

"What is it that you are after."

"You don't need to know what's our goal is, and the only thing you need to say is yes or no."

"This both words hold your fate now. So, think before speaking again."

"One word will bring you an abundant amount of resources that will give you power beyond your imagination, and the other word will give what you truly deserve now."

Time is seeping through Jazz grasp now, he could already imagine what would happen to him after 10 second.

Jazz has decided his answer.

"10 second is over now tell me what is your answer kid."

Jazz look at that men with burning eyes.

"My answer is…"

"Fuck you"