
Display of Skills


Unlike Kyle, Nina and Tori didn't bother wasting words with their enemies. 

They just got up from where they were resting and waited for them to make a move. 

Nina and Tori aren't together. In fact, the three of them haven't even met each other ever since they were transported here. Still, their minds worked perfectly in sync because of their experiences while travelling Divine Realm together. 

Nina challenged her enemies with her Sword Laws, Tori confronted them with her hammer and Strength Laws while Kyle pressured his enemies with the weight of a heavenly body with his World Laws. 

The fight clash was extremely heated. It was hectic, frantic and nail-biting. 

Nina dances around her enemies like a glamorous shadow, leaving them with numerous cuts and wounds in the process. Her enemies felt like their attacks were useless since it all just passed through her like she was a ghost.