
Way of the Knights

The Final Haven Kingdom. The last known habitable place for humans. Protected by it's faithful Knights, it's walls were destroyed and rebuilt over and over again, signifying it's strength and unwillingness to bow down before the forces of evil. Raven, a young man who's soul returned back in time with his memories intact, what are the changes that he will bring to prevent the kingdom's destruction? Join his adventures along with his family, friends and his lover to find out what is his own Way of being a Knight. *** Disclaimers: 1.) One chapter everyday, might change depending on the ratings and/or personal reasons. We'll see. 2.) English isn't my native language, there's bound to be some errors here and there. You have been warned. Enjoy.

Hateful_Fellow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
942 Chs

Absolute Strength


Everyone's eyes bulged on their sockets. 

Some of them still couldn't wrap their heads around the fact that this human just killed someone with mere words. All of them stared at him in alarm and horror, the tribe leaders were no exception. 

This might be the first time that Raven used this attack on a living being. What he did just now was pretty simple. After suppressing the Ape using the might of his cultivation base, he infused his Destruction Laws on the air and projected it towards the ape's location using his voice. The Ape might be a Tier 4 Demonic Beast but without experiencing the baptism of Laws, its just as vulnerable as a defenseless child. 

Raven walked ever so slowly towards the invaders in a casual manner. To others, it appeared like he was just roaming around his yard.