
Troubled Times (1)

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After he exited the Prime Devil Sect's Devil Palace, Lu Sheng went to the Research Temple. He wrote down all the precious skill formulas he had obtained in his recent Arrival with a secret code which he'd devised himself.

This code converted different characters into completely different symbols. Although it was a rather simple code, Lu Sheng had shuffled the words of his writings with a certain rhythm only he knew after writing in code for added measure.

Hence, if one did not know how to rearrange the words back in their proper order, no matter how knowledgeable or talented that person was, he would not be able to decipher what Lu Sheng had recorded.

Lu Sheng spent three whole days to completely record all the skill formulas which he deemed valuable. Memory was not completely dependable, as it would slowly change, fade, and distort with the passage of time. Even a genius would gradually forget some of the contents if he did not revise them often.