
The Application of Reputation

In the record that he reads, Aeryon smiles a bit

"This woman is truly brave. It is a pity she came from different camp." He paused for a second from reading the report and sighed

If she is truly his wife and loyal towards him, he would be worried. Instead, he would be overjoyed to know that Ayera could take charge

But the braver she is, the more he is suspicious. Aeryon did not doubt the person he uses. If he did not believe them, he would rather not use them 

But Ayera is not his person. 

This is Garron daughter. Like father, like daughter. She taking charge, is it simply to help him?

No, he shakes his head. 

He knows the answer. She is trying to make her presence known in the tribe. If she is really loyal and if she really acquiesced as the wife of the chief, why should she need to make her presence known?

Influence. She wanted to cultivate her image, cultivate her influence. Why should she do that if she is loyal?