

The fact that their background is also quite similar endear him to Lu Xiao.

They also share the same hatred toward the Yan people.

The killer of his mother is a Yan person.

Who is also his father.

When he was only six years old, he run from the house.

And then he returned back when he was fifteen.

He cut his father feet, and then his hands, cut his tongue, and gouge out his eyes and then he let this person body to be put in the middle of the jungle.

He wanted his father to feel how helpless he was when he could not prevent the death of his mother.

When the people of the Steppe broke into Nurshira and he saw the fire burning the scholars of Yan and the people of Yan who had always discriminated against him,, he did not feel sad for this oppressor and thieves of the land

Lu Xiao associated more toward the Great Steppe, toward the Hu, Qiang, Di and other barbarian tribes.
