
Haltur Tribe

Surprisingly enough, Ashana Angah is someone who could speak many language.

He could speak Yan fluently, an understandable Yindu word in a few dozen dialects, and Roma words even though it is a bit broken.

And because of that he also studies the martial arts of the Yan people .

But he clearly does not have the talent in fighting. But he does have a talent in reading and memorizing things

So, he once went to a Daoist Temple in disguise and learns many things in that temple and he also learns about the Daoism that some Yan martial artist practise among other.

The more he examines it, the more it becomes abundantly clear that the very reason for cultivating qi and living naturally within nature in the Daoist practice is simply is to attain immortality.

To him, the mysticism of immortality is Daoism at its heart.