
If Life Could Be Like the Moment When We First Met (Part Eleven)

Xu Yourong said, "Your face is as pale as the snow, how could I not mind?"

Chen Changsheng turned around to look at her and replied, "You're not much better. Your face is as pale as the frost on the grass."

Xu Yourong was a little at a loss and looked at her reflection in the water. Only then did she realize that her face was abnormally pale, and her hands subconsciously grabbed her cheeks.

In Chen Changsheng's eyes, the subconscious action was really cute.

"Thank you." She awoke from her daze, and then supported herself on his shoulder and leaned against his back.

"Excuse me." He placed a hand in the crook of her knees and slowly lifted her body upwards.

Just like this, they left that pile of grass. They stamped through the bloody sea of grass and left for some other, cleaner place.