
Way of Beasts: Chronicles

A world where 60% of the human race has become extinct, a new land where the animal kingdom dominates, a place where common sense no longer exists, justice is a privilege of the strong. Gods of all mythologies try to spread their glory through their apostles. Herran, a young war orphan who is destined to suffer. A promise that can never be broken is the sword of a God.

SottaM · Fantasy
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37 Chs


I propelled myself forward with mana and thrust my spear into Khan's heart

He didn't react, as he looked at the spear and then at me

I jumped away from Khan as he began to stand up, the aura covering his body.

when we look into each other's eyes

I spoke without expression

"I have a lot to protect Khan"

I saw the wound closing with the naked eye when I understood

'I can't extend the fight, but I also can't beat him one-on-one'

Khan raised his curved sword and pointed it at me, amusement in his eyes.

"Why child?"

My anger started to rise because that smile reminded me of the monster in the dark who gave me the power to change everything

I let out a mocking laugh that didn't reach my eyes.

"Because I wanted to"

He got serious and advanced towards me, cutting forward, I jumped back twice and saw him follow me with ferocity

I injected mana into my eyes and the world slowed down a little as I dodged at the last second of their attacks pushing me to the corner of the wall,

when dodging a vertical blow I managed to see the wall through my peripheral vision,

'Here goes nothing'

I jumped towards the wall and gained momentum, flying like a bullet towards him'

I threw my spear into the air, which distracted him for a few milliseconds, giving me time to summon another weapon that he couldn't escape.

A war hammer

I hit him squarely as his body bounced off the frozen walls of this godforsaken place.

I timed to throw the spear at his body as he flew in the other direction and threw

Suddenly he twisted and easily dodged the spear as he faced me, this time taking me seriously

'Shit I'm almost out of power'

he seemed to notice when he smiled as he walked towards me

"He finished?"

Blood red fire began to leak from his sword as he flew towards me.

I threw myself against the wall on the side and jumped around it, but not without a price

I saw my arm fall while an absurd pain formed in my body, making me almost collapse.




looking at my arm on the ground I saw him pick it up and throw it with all his strength towards me, making me sink into the ice wall that I thought was indestructible.

I heard a young voice that brought me back to myself, but not in the right way

'If you die now I can forgive you, for not saving me and my mother, come and apologize'

I looked towards the child who was above the two of us, shining like a beacon in the middle of this entire room.

making me really question whether I could have the pleasure of giving up, or of dying

when a heavy noise sounded next to me, I glanced over and saw

The wooden doll that you asked me to take

I felt a whirlwind of feelings but there was one that stood out


Seeming to realize I started to become deaf to the noises around me while it was as if it were just me and my enemy here.

and a voice in my head telling me to DIE


My breath was lost in the midst of so many blows and focus, while with each khan blow some part of me was lost

I hesitated when I remembered the borrowed power...

'Shit... what if I forget who I am? or the promises, what would I be?'

After a few moments of thought I decided

'I would never forget... not those bodies, those flames and that blood... the blood of my people'

It was as if time stopped, and I was seeing myself in third person, I saw the Khan tearing off limb by limb, starting with the right leg after my spear failed to activate.

'Damn... doesn't it actually have a shape?'

After a few minutes I felt extreme agony as I saw myself decapitated,


with my head in front of my own body I had an idea

I went back to the current moment, I acted exactly the same as when I lost my leg,

I gave my best in my performance that he would take that blow but I let the spear fail,

Khan smiled and launched a fierce blow at my face with his sword, but it was a feint, he opened his pivot foot to the right, and shrank his entire body in a fluid movement to take my leg away.

I followed your eyes looking straight at your trophy

when with my hand out of his sight I summoned a crude sword, and slashed towards his head

looking surprised he twisted to defend with his sword but he missed and the price was his arm

I saw a flicker of surprise and fear in his eyes as I caught his sword arm and held tight,

his arm trying to get back into place with that black goo but I didn't let him, I walked towards him while he crawled away

"Kings don't crawl like worms Khan..."

He, in his desperate attempt, perhaps because I had hurt his ego, tried to grab me and take me to the ground when I brought his own sword down on his head,

Ironically his blood red fire eating his own body,

"How?, a nobody like you..."

"Simple, you cut me several times, but why did the fire never burn me?"

looking perplexed he stared at me as if I were a monster

"But thanks Khan, I have a goal now."

As his body turned to ash I looked at my last obstacle before ascending back

"I will shape the world my way... like a king with the dreams of those who are gone... and using those who sacrificed themselves for me as stepping stones"

I felt weak and darkness took over...