
Way of Beasts: Chronicles

A world where 60% of the human race has become extinct, a new land where the animal kingdom dominates, a place where common sense no longer exists, justice is a privilege of the strong. Gods of all mythologies try to spread their glory through their apostles. Herran, a young war orphan who is destined to suffer. A promise that can never be broken is the sword of a God.

SottaM · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Other life

When I opened my eyes again I heard some small sharp noises?

My head started moving on its own as I looked around my room?

a bed made of straw and I could see my parents still sleeping in the "bed" next to it

I felt a warm feeling in my heart when I saw the big smile on my mother's face even in her sleep

I got up to sit down when a pang of irritation appeared when I saw my hair was so long.

'Why does my dad never let me cut it?'

I got up and went out, being careful not to wake them up and started walking around our temporary house,

When I passed a couple who were friends of my parents and were probably going to hunt for something to eat

"Hello Samson, how are you?"

"Hi auntie, I'm fine, thank you"

I said without stopping my rhythm as I headed towards my destination

I felt a silent tear fall when I saw a young couple with a new born baby in its mother's arms.

I remember one of my first memories when my mother, who couldn't have children, had me, the cry of happiness on her face, the tight hug that took the breath away from me and the relief of everyone around me,

so much so that they threw a "party" in honor of my birth

I kept walking until I arrived at a lake,

I started to drink water when I saw a bird land near the tree, taking my focus away from the water and my annoying hair.

'What's it like to be free? being able to fly and not be... me'

I heard a noise nearby and became alert, I quickly hid as my parents taught me and watched as a girl around my age arrived close to the lake where I had been.

she was bleeding from one of her arms and several wounds all over her body, but she still didn't ask for help, as if she didn't need it even though she needed it,

Did I feel something strange on my belly like it was tickling?

'Am I getting sick?'

I turned to leave and took a step but I couldn't resist and looked at her again, this time one more step away.

'What is that?'

 When she stood there looking around before giving up and falling unconscious into the lake

I hurriedly ran and threw myself into the lake, swam and swam and it seemed like there was no end as she drowned with her eyes closed.

I pulled her with my arm, her weight as thin as paper, making me hold on tight so as not to hurt her.

I pulled her out of the lake and carried her in my arms and ran to my parents, attracting several looks at the village.

"Dad, Mom, she needs help!"

I said with desperation in my tone

my father raised an eyebrow as he groggily got out of bed

I was "pulled" out of the boy's body and now I was looking down on the village, both far and near.


When a voice sounded next to me, breaking me out of the reverie of living someone else's memories

"She's... just like I remembered"

I felt the sad tone in your voice, maybe because of longing or maybe because of a lost love

said Samson while looking with a sad look at the village

"What happened to her?"

I asked, trying to understand all those feelings that were shown to me and the intention behind

"Love heals..."

He looked at me and smiled lonely

When I suddenly heard screams and looked down in despair, Samson's feelings merging with my own.

hate and sadness, despair and anguish

love and loneliness...

I felt anxious as I watched my parents, myself and everyone in the village fighting and running away from the invading army when I felt an aura and raised my guard even though I knew I wasn't involved

I looked at Samson and he was looking with bloodlust towards the army


Seeming to remember my presence, he apologized and returned to his natural stoic face.

I saw the woman who said good morning to me cry in front of her husband's good humor, a reminder of all the times he motivated "me" to move forward, making me shed a silent tear in mourning for him.

When he was about to take the final blow, his wife threw herself forward to try to save him, resulting in the death of both of them.

I felt an immeasurable emptiness inside me as if those were my family,

inside my head it was like an empty house and the echo of the longing for those who had passed away echoing in every room, making me feel palpable hatred for my enemies

a few moments later we were ambushed again and

Delilah, now a little older, tripped while escaping, and leaned against the corner of a tree,

I hid, waiting for an opening to save her, but the enemy soldiers ignored me and continued marching,

Relief flooded my being as I felt guilty for not thinking about my parents,

I saw a man approach her and say something, but most of the soldiers had already passed by.

I advanced towards him and he pulled out his sword, in my desperation I ended up using too much force and I heard a crack as I pulled his arm away, I threw myself forward again while punching him in the face,

I saw it fly for a few meters before hitting a tree and I turned to see the dalilah, with her scraped knee.

I smiled and extended my hand

"You always put yourself in danger and wait for me to save you"

she smiled in relief as she took my hand

We tried to run but she had hurt her feet

So I carried her on my back as I ran

trying to find out where my parents went

"Am I too heavy?, why are you red in the face"

I looked at her, incredulous that she would say something like that at that moment and smiled a little,

"Obviously not, you're perfect. Thank God"

When I heard her speak softly with an amused voice

"Thank you for always saving me, my hero"

I felt my heart accelerate, I don't know if it was because of the adrenaline of the moment or because of the words she said when I felt that feeling in my stomach again.

Now we were seeing a slightly older Samson walking among some bushes in a forest,

I looked at him with a hint of envy because my "beard" hadn't grown much yet.

It was more like a dirty mustache, which made me consider asking him how he managed to grow so sure.

When suddenly a lion ran towards him and I felt despair, this time the emotion was readily mine

Samson next to me smiled disdainfully as he looked at me to see my reaction.

Taking my eyes off his mockery I looked at the scene below when it was already over.

There was no fight, the lion was obliterated by a human, just with his hands

We moved once again to another place, this time it was Samson and Delilah in a very beautiful place near a lake

when I started to be able to hear their conversation...

I decided to use characters little used by people, because I believe they have already explored generic characters from mythologies a lot.

(I'm not saying there won't be, but maybe not as relevant as other less "well-known" characters)

SottaMcreators' thoughts