
Way of Beasts: Chronicles

A world where 60% of the human race has become extinct, a new land where the animal kingdom dominates, a place where common sense no longer exists, justice is a privilege of the strong. Gods of all mythologies try to spread their glory through their apostles. Herran, a young war orphan who is destined to suffer. A promise that can never be broken is the sword of a God.

SottaM · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Hármodio Pov

[Hármodio Pov]

Observing this white boy with black hair and a slight body as if he had never had a healthy diet,

'that would explain his 5′ 9″ height and his lack of physical conditioning'

'Well he's a kid so there's still room for growth but it's going to be a lot of work'

I take the weights and place them in front of him to try to measure how much physical strength he has, I'm impressed.

'How can you be so weak? Even if he doesn't have a good diet, he never fought?'

'What the hell did the old man see in him?'

I will test his instincts and how he reacts

step step

I see it fly a few meters before looking at me in surprise.

'Reduce the force of the blow so as not to break something of the boy but he is tough'

'Let's provoke him'

I raise my index finger and call him for a fight

I dodge a cross towards my belly when I feint a punch towards him,

He ducks back out of my range and looks at me with those eyes.

'Malice huh'


"You're interesting, kid, but will you be able to live up to what the old man wants?"

We continued the fight for a few minutes when he fell tired

'He even has good instincts but depending on if he is chosen his fate will be sealed.'

When I repair a small tattoo on your leg

'huh? Did he know all this time?'

"Hey brat, do you know what that Mar-"

I look quickly when I feel an aura

I see the old man coming towards me looking at me as if now is not the time

"How long, old man, have you got anything for me?"

As he smiles like he's lucky enough, I feel like wiping the smile off his face.

"I wouldn't be so happy if I were you, he's a long way from ideal physical shape."

'Does he know?'

"I know."

He smiles and walks towards the boy

'So he knows...

Well then it's not my problem anymore since the old man can see'

I start walking when a sentence makes me stop

"He is the chosen one"



"Do you know how many people passed the test? Do you really think this brat will pass? He might be good. But it's another level"

"Well, I warned you"

I feel an irresistible urge to drink

"May God give me direction if I am to help him with everything I have"

When I leave the training area courtyard I see the girl who brought the problem to me

"Hello sir"

she greets me while smiling

"Hello Catarina, did you see if you have anything to drink?"

"No, the bar only opens at night so as not to disturb the warriors on their missions"

"Of course of course"

'I always felt a strange aura around her, it reminds me of the past'

I run my hand over the scar from that day underneath my clothes

'It still hurts, those damned primates,

I hope what the old man said is true, this will change everything'


I enter the house when I think again about what the old man told me

I look at the drawing on my wall

'Where are you, daughter?'

'Are you still alive?

It's been years and you never came back, I hope you're happy, wait for your father'

A smile appears on my face, the first sincere one in many years

'Well then, it's almost time to move'