
Way of Beasts: Chronicles

A world where 60% of the human race has become extinct, a new land where the animal kingdom dominates, a place where common sense no longer exists, justice is a privilege of the strong. Gods of all mythologies try to spread their glory through their apostles. Herran, a young war orphan who is destined to suffer. A promise that can never be broken is the sword of a God.

SottaM · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Forest Monsters

I walked for a long time, the sun had almost set and the previous night was still playing in my head.

I look back and I can't see anything of my house, the big tree blended in with the others as if our home was just a delusion in my head,

I keep walking

'By the way, it's been a while since I heard the devil. Strange'

'Where do I go? I can't walk around without knowing where I'm going'

I continued walking north as even during the day the forest grew darker,

When I realized I was lost, I tried to go back to the south but the forest kept getting darker,

As the earth began to shake faster and faster, I instinctively dodged a blow from a figure approximately 8′ 10″ tall.

His body felled many trees, and he pulled out a black claw and placed it in his fists.

I started to dodge his blows

After a couple of minutes trying to defend myself from him, I summoned my golden spear when he surprised himself, giving me space to counter attack.

I threatened to stab him in the face, he promptly jumped back to gain space but I didn't allow it, I stuck the tip of the blade into his foot, eliciting a scream from the giant, his one giant eye in the middle of his forehead, frowning.

I felt his aura stop me for a moment as he landed a clean punch on my arm.

I felt my arm move out of place but I didn't even have time to scream when I went flying, feeling my body rebounding against several trees as I saw the distance between me and the giant increasing,

my consciousness going back and forth as I clung to the sand, I felt my hand getting wet as I still groggily raised my head and saw the giant approaching

my training came to a head when I tried to use my opponent's strength against him,

'If he's strong it means I can dodge'

We spent a couple of minutes in this fight and dodge

'Damn, look at how many trees... wait'

Hehe I let out a half laugh taking more effort from the giant when I started running towards where there were trees, I started running around them while the giant came after me


I threatened to go right and went left behind a tree that I had already chosen

I threw my spear towards him with all my strength, taking him by surprise, he managed to hold on to the shaft but the blade stuck in his shoulder, causing a minor wound.

'There's no way I can survive'

When I hear a lot more bangs, as if the earth turned into a bounce house

I lost my balance when the giant stopped and looked back, dozens of giants behind him staring at me from the darkness, just the sparkles of their eyes in the shadows of the forest

'now fucked'

a giant came walking slowly when I tightened my grip on my blade

"Hey human, I know this spear"

his voice resounding like thunder as he reached out towards me in a safe direction

I look back and wonder if I could get away from them, but with that guy's straight-line speed there was no way to get away.

I hand over my spear as he looked it from top to bottom

When he gave one of the others a meaningful look and signaled for me to follow them

When I thought about running away, several of them surrounded me while leading me into the forest.

I can't see anything with these big chunks of meat in front of me

Upon arriving at a large ravine, with several caves, two guards looked at me suspiciously but said nothing.

When we sat down the monster that told me to follow entered a cave

and everyone else went their way, leaving me alone with him

As soon as we sat down he gave me a large bowl filled with liquid to my mouth, I was dying of thirst but I didn't drink for fear of being sick.


when he looked into my eyes and said two words with difficulty but that left me with goosebumps

"you... strong?"

I shook my head in denial, afraid of the reaction when he looked at me suspiciously.

"Lugh... warned you.."

I was surprised that he knew the name of my God

looking suspiciously, when I felt a sense of comfort inside me I took it as an affirmation of my inner self

he pointed to his chest and said one word, right after pointing at me and saying

"Help... you... strong"

I felt my heart sink at the thought of having help

I bowed before the beast and nodded, accepting the help he was offering me without even asking anything.

He nodded and stood up then with his fingers he called me to follow him again

We walked for a long time into the ravine when I started to feel the ground shaking much more frequently, making me a little anxious.

As he descended a little further, he pointed to an open area where there were several coastal monsters while two of them faced each other in combat.

'I don't even know if he wants me to fight with these monsters'

I looked at him with fear when he slapped me on the back as if encouraging me but it made me fly and touch the audience

when I received several different looks from the monsters, some mocking, others evaluating me and others interested

When the duel ended, the floor was full of blood, they didn't even clean it before one of the giants came in, who had a shield and a sword and pointed at me

all the monsters around opened the way for me to see the direct challenge

I unconsciously took a step back as flashbacks of the burning village ignited something in me

I straightened my back as I tried to look bigger while walking among the monsters

When going up on stage one of the monsters came between us two and made an X with his hand at me and then pointed at him, and did the same with my rival leaving me confused

He looked at me with disdain before smiling at the crowd who started to scream cheering for his friend while I felt the pressure of the crowd.

'I need to get stronger for them, for my blood.'