
Way of Beasts: Chronicles

A world where 60% of the human race has become extinct, a new land where the animal kingdom dominates, a place where common sense no longer exists, justice is a privilege of the strong. Gods of all mythologies try to spread their glory through their apostles. Herran, a young war orphan who is destined to suffer. A promise that can never be broken is the sword of a God.

SottaM · Fantasy
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37 Chs


I dodge the incoming jab by moving my head to the side when I unconsciously see his feet switch positions.


Seeing the sole of your foot approaching my chest I see behind your wild smile as I fall back.

Looking at me from above as if mocking me she said

"Everything is fine?"

'I refuse'

I stand up as if that blow that took all the air from my lungs never happened while I mock your blow

"You're really weak, you know?"

The smile fading from his face and his expression closing gave me a feeling of... well

'Fucked up too much'

At that exact moment I hear the voice of angels announcing my salvation

"TIME TO SWITCH! Whoever attacked now defends"

I take a deep breath of relief and when I look at the reason for my tension I see her raising a finger and calling me closer as if challenging me.

'Now, it's my turn'

I quickly approach Catherine

'Well, that was a very clever move, would she fall?'

I threaten to throw a jab to get closer to her, and she promptly dodges my blow just by moving the upper part of her body backwards.

I feel a slight sensation of her lips on the hand I hit

'No fucking way'

I see her mock me as I launch a barrage of blows towards her face and she dodges them all perfectly.

'Well, it seems concentrated at the top then'

I threaten to hook her in the face when I see her move back again, I take advantage of the moment and kick her right leg.

Seeming to have predicted it, she tilts the shin of her leg in the direction of my blow and I hit it squarely.


I fall feeling pain as if my foot had broken

She grabs my foot while I'm on the ground, I try to escape her grip but to no avail

"I'm sorry but this is going to hurt a little"

she says, but my eyes are closed so I only recognize the sadness in her voice.

She squeezes my foot and I feel the shape of my foot change inside when I hear a bone crunch.



"Ready, rest a little and don't force your foot, I'm really sorry about that, it was an oversight on my part"

I feel bad that she blames herself

"It's okay, I'm weak. I know you were taking it easy, thank you for that"

'I need to reach her'

She calls the harmonium closer before the two move away and I witness one of the few duels that I wasn't included in.

They moved like a dance, in an advanced rhythm always trying to correct the other's mistake

'it's beautiful'

I feel a little sadness inside me

'Will I ever reach that level?'

All of Hermodium's blows seemed strong and heavy while Catherine dodged them all with mastery


I understand the movements that I can adapt and add to my small arsenal, I certainly wouldn't be able to replicate their movements but at least it's something for me to try to achieve

I see Catharine hit the future point of Hermodium


'can she see the future?'

I look around and all the students are fascinated by this incredible fight between two people above the others,

'Are they also stronger than me?'

I need to improve

At that moment, the two stop fighting and harmódio turns to everyone and says

"Tunakaribia wakati wa nyinyi kujua kama mtakuwa wateule, basi ifunzeni miili yenu. Imebaki miezi 3 tu na wapiganaji wengi wenye vipaji walikufa siku hiyo."

I feel the atmosphere change around me, like everyone is focused now and I see them leave

I limp closer to Catherine trying to understand what happened, she also looks serious

"Hi catherine, can you explain to me what harmódio said?, you know, I don't understand very well yet"

She laughed as if this joke broke the mood

"Well, the time is coming to see if you will be chosen by a god, whether because you have worshiped him since you were a child or if he has some purpose for you"

'God? like gods?'

"God like Thor? the one from the comics?"

She raises an eyebrow as if she doesn't understand the question.

"Comic? what is this?"

I'm perplexed

"It's a comic, I don't know how to explain it, they're like drawings telling his stories"

A bright expression on your face

"I understood"

Seeming to remember something, she looks at me and lets out a mocking smile.

"Can you walk, weakling?"

"So you will hurt my pride, if I had one"

She laughs like it's a joke

"Well, you achieve that over time, showing your strength, did you like my fight against the big guy?"

"Yes, you were incredible, how do you do that? like dodging and predicting where the other person is going to be"

"hahaha well Julian, he was taking it easy so his movements were slow, this makes it easier for me to hit him, if he were serious he would kill me in one exchange at most"