
Way Back To Neverland

In the quiet cotton factory town where Asher Blackwood and Henry Williams reside, peculiar occurrences begin to unfold, shrouded in an eerie air of mystery. Whispers in the shadows suggest the hand of Neverland, an enigmatic force lurking in the periphery of their lives. Soon, these whispers lead to a cataclysmic event that sends Asher and Henry fleeing for their lives. Their journey takes them to the elusive realm of EverGreen, a place steeped in secrets and the arcane. There, they encounter the enigmatic Yuan Xhin, a master of magic who becomes their mentor. Asher's newfound power is an inferno of black flames, while Henry discovers an astonishing ability to mend and heal. Burning with a fervent desire for revenge against Neverland, Asher and Henry embark on a thrilling odyssey, encountering wondrous and perilous creatures of magic along the way. Amidst the dazzling tapestry of their adventures, Asher finds himself drawn to Alexia Grey, a remarkable individual untouched by magic's embrace. In the midst of a mesmerizing magic festival, Asher's skills flourish, revealing the depths of his newfound powers and unraveling the secrets of his own past. But as the story unfolds, a shattering tragedy befalls Alexia, casting a haunting shadow over their newfound knowledge. As the dust settles and shocking truths come to light, the future remains uncertain. What lies ahead for Asher and Henry? Will vengeance consume them, or will they find a path through the labyrinth of magic and mysteries that surround them? The journey has only just begun, and the answers are concealed in the depths of an ever-unfolding enigma.

InkDreamer07 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 9 - Whispers of Destiny: Unveiling Secrets in Frost Holm part 2

As they entered, the unexpected warmth of the interior enveloped them. The cosy house, constructed entirely of well-maintained wood, emanated an inviting ambience. Paintings adorned the walls, surprising them with their beauty. Each stroke of the brush seemed to capture a fragment of the human experience. Some depicted serene landscapes, others told stories of distant lands, and a few portrayed faces that seemed to have witnessed centuries pass. Though the house was not particularly spacious, its charm was undeniable.

Henry's curiosity was piqued by the artwork. He turned to Mr Everhart and inquired, "Who is the artist behind these paintings?"

With a nostalgic smile, Mr Everhart responded, "My wife is the artist. She had a talent, didn't she?"

Henry, appreciating the talent displayed, replied warmly, "Indeed, they are beautiful."

Inviting them to sit in the lounge, the old woman, Marina, brought steaming mugs of coffee. The scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the room, a welcome contrast to the mid-October chill. The mugs were adorned with delicate patterns, and the coffee itself had a rich, aromatic flavour that instantly warmed their souls.

After settling down, the old man encouraged them to introduce themselves. Asher took the lead, saying, "I'm Asher Blackwood. This is Alexia Gray, and he is Henry Williams. We're on a journey to find Neverland."

The old man's expression shifted to one of surprise. "Neverland? Are you sure?"

Asher confirmed, "Yes, Neverland. Why do you ask?"

The old man's tone turned grave. "I'm not sure you fully understand what Neverland is."

Alexia interjected, her concern palpable. "Is there a problem?"

With a heavy sigh, the old man began to explain, "Let's discuss this cursed book first, and then I will tell you about Neverland."

They agreed, eager to unravel the mysteries surrounding the book.

"As I mentioned, this book carries a curse," the old man began. "I know this because a friend of mine, about ten years ago, read this very book. Strange things started happening to him, and he ultimately met a tragic end. The eerie part is that after the previous reader's death, the first person to touch the book also perishes. Henry," he continued, his voice sombre, "you touched this book yesterday, becoming the first to do so since my younger brother's demise."

Henry's face paled as he realized the implications. "So, you're saying I'm going to die?"

The old man replied softly, "I don't want to say that, but every person who has touched this book has met the same fate. Regardless of Neverland, it's a malevolent force. I've heard of someone who went there and returned, but his limbs were no longer attached to his body."

Asher shuddered at the thought. "That's horrifying. But still, nothing can deter us from our journey. Do you know how we can reach Neverland?"

The old man chuckled. "I won't stop you, and I doubt anyone could. I see the determination in your eyes."

Alexia's voice trembled with worry. "But what about Henry? Is there any way to break this curse?"

The old man replied, "I don't believe there's a cure, but don't lose hope. Perhaps you can find one."

Henry was silent, his fear and despair evident in his expression.

Asher thanked the old man, "Thank you for sharing this with us. We should be going now."

The old man bid them farewell with a warm smile, "You're welcome. Come visit again sometime."

As they left the old man's house, Henry remained lost in thought. They decided to head to Alexia's house, realizing there was no longer any need to visit Emily.

Asher reassured Henry, "Don't worry, you're a strong man, bro. Don't lose hope."

Henry managed a weak smile. "You're right. Let's go home."

A week later, Henry lay in bed, his body covered in bandages. Alexia sat beside him, and Asher stood close to the wall, unable to hide his distress. Henry's skin was beginning to show signs of decay from his neck downward.

Alexia's voice trembled with sadness as she implored Asher, "Asher, look at him. His skin is decaying. Do something!"

Tears welled up in Asher's eyes. "I've tried everything I can. I've consulted every doctor in town, but no one can help. What else can I do?"

In a feeble voice, Henry called out to Asher, "Asher, I don't want to die. Do something. I want to go to Neverland with you. I want revenge. Save me."

Asher gripped Henry's bandaged hand tightly. "Don't lose hope. I'll save you."

Henry's breaths grew shallow, his lungs heavy. Blood seeped from his wounds, and his once-vibrant green eyes dulled with pain. The moment arrived when he would bid farewell to this world, and his last words slipped from his lips, "Save me."

Alexia's tears flowed uncontrollably, and Asher, still clutching Henry's hand, struggled to accept the reality of his friend's passing.

As this sombre moment unfolded, a sudden transformation occurred. Henry's body began to glow, and he floated gently into the air.

Alexia and Asher hurriedly retreated, their footsteps echoing in the tense silence.

Alexia immediately turned to Asher, her voice filled with concern. "What's happening?"

Asher replied in a hushed tone, "I don't know."

The light emanating from Henry's body continued to grow in intensity.


Henry slowly opened his eyes and found himself standing before an immense door in a blinding white expanse. He marvelled at his miraculously healed wounds and the return of his right hand, a wide grin spreading across his face.

Suddenly, a voice echoed in the emptiness, commanding him to open the door if he wished to survive. Henry inquired, "Who are you?"

There was no reply. The door was colossal, and his efforts to move it alone were futile. Nevertheless, he had no choice but to try. Henry pushed with all his might, but the door remained unmoved. Frustration and fear washed over him as he recalled his near-death experience. He slumped against the door, then quickly rose, determined to push on.

"I'm coming, Asher, just hold on!" he shouted.

With a renewed resolve, Henry pushed again, pouring every ounce of strength and will to live into the effort. The door

finally budged, and his body began to emit a radiant glow as it slowly swung open. Summoning his last reserves of strength, he gave one final, mighty push. The door creaked open, and a brilliant burst of light erupted forth.


The burst of energy released a powerful shockwave that sent Alexia and Asher tumbling backwards. The intensity was blinding, making it difficult for them to open their eyes. Then, abruptly, the radiant light from Henry's body ceased, and he collapsed onto the bed.

What they saw astonished them. Henry's body appeared completely rejuvenated, without a single visible scratch, and his hand had been fully restored.

As they looked on in wonder, Henry began to stir, his eyes slowly opening. He gazed at his hands in disbelief, flexing his fingers and feeling the strength coursing through his body.

Alexia couldn't contain her joy and relief. "Henry, you're alive! You're alive!"

Asher, overcome with emotion, could only nod in agreement, tears of happiness streaming down his cheeks.

Henry sat up, his eyes filled with a newfound determination. "I don't know how this happened, but I'm not going to waste this second chance. We're going to find Neverland, and we're going to make things right."

Tears welled in Asher's eyes as he whispered, "Yes, we are going to find Neverland."

Henry, examining his miraculously healed hand, mumbled, "Oh my goodness, Ho... How does this happen?"

Alexia, her voice trembling with emotion, wiped away her tears and beamed, "I am so happy to see you alive. Your curse is gone, and your hand is healed."

Henry's stomach growled, and he chuckled, "Can I get something to eat? I'm so hungry."

With a broad smile, Alexia agreed, "Yes, why not?"

"We'll leave together tomorrow," chimed in someone else.

Henry nodded, replying, "Yeah, we will."

Over lunch, an idea struck Asher. He turned to Henry, his curiosity evident. "Hey, Henry, I was thinking, what just happened? I mean, you just... died and all this."

Henry spoke gently, "I'm not sure, but when I 'died,' well, actually, I didn't die. I found myself in an unseen place, and I just opened the door in front of me. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in my bed. That's all."

Asher pressed, "I see. Show me your magic."

Henry obliged, asking, "Why? What happened?"

"Just show me," Asher insisted.

Henry summoned a bit of his magic, and a sudden spark of electricity crackled through the air, startling everyone. None of them had expected such a display.


*Author's notes*: If you find this chapter interesting then don't forget to vote for it.