
Way Back To Neverland

In the quiet cotton factory town where Asher Blackwood and Henry Williams reside, peculiar occurrences begin to unfold, shrouded in an eerie air of mystery. Whispers in the shadows suggest the hand of Neverland, an enigmatic force lurking in the periphery of their lives. Soon, these whispers lead to a cataclysmic event that sends Asher and Henry fleeing for their lives. Their journey takes them to the elusive realm of EverGreen, a place steeped in secrets and the arcane. There, they encounter the enigmatic Yuan Xhin, a master of magic who becomes their mentor. Asher's newfound power is an inferno of black flames, while Henry discovers an astonishing ability to mend and heal. Burning with a fervent desire for revenge against Neverland, Asher and Henry embark on a thrilling odyssey, encountering wondrous and perilous creatures of magic along the way. Amidst the dazzling tapestry of their adventures, Asher finds himself drawn to Alexia Grey, a remarkable individual untouched by magic's embrace. In the midst of a mesmerizing magic festival, Asher's skills flourish, revealing the depths of his newfound powers and unraveling the secrets of his own past. But as the story unfolds, a shattering tragedy befalls Alexia, casting a haunting shadow over their newfound knowledge. As the dust settles and shocking truths come to light, the future remains uncertain. What lies ahead for Asher and Henry? Will vengeance consume them, or will they find a path through the labyrinth of magic and mysteries that surround them? The journey has only just begun, and the answers are concealed in the depths of an ever-unfolding enigma.

InkDreamer07 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 5 - Burning Determination

The commentator called both competitors to the battlefield. Maggot appeared first, but when Asher made his entrance, an unmistakable sense of fear washed over Maggot, evident from the perspiration on his forehead.

After entering the arena, the referee instructed them to step forward and shake hands. Hesitant due to his fear of Asher's magical pressure, Maggot eventually extended his hand, and Asher shook it firmly.

The referee then announced that it would be a freestyle battle, allowing the participants to employ their preferred fighting styles. Asher had planned to wield his katana, which he now unsheathed, ready for the upcoming clash.

The match began with the thunderous beat of drums echoing through the arena. Without warning, Maggot let out a piercing scream, his fear evident as he hurled a massive rock in Asher's direction, initiating the battle.

Everyone thought it was the end for Asher, but somehow he managed to escape. Fear grips Asher as he fumbles to summon his flames for protection, the nervousness overwhelming him. He's afraid of wielding his magic, terrified of getting burned by its dark power.

Meanwhile, Maggot, sensing Asher's vulnerability, seizes the opportunity and hurls a relentless barrage of rocks towards him. Desperately, Asher tries to defend himself with his katana, but the onslaught is too much to handle.

He takes several painful hits, stumbling to the ground as blood starts dripping from his head and left arm near the right shoulder. Maggot's cruel laughter fills the air.

Maggot, mockingly taunts, "No! I was not scared. This fool cannot make me afraid. Hahaha, it's the end for you, little boy!"

Asher teeters on the brink of unconsciousness when, suddenly, he sees a vision of Alexia calling out to him. She stands in a realm of pure white, a beacon of hope in the darkness.

In his thoughts, Alexia urges, "Stand up. You have to fight for yourself, for Henry. You have to find Neverland, remember?"

With her words echoing in his mind, she vanishes. The vision reignites a spark within Asher. Slowly, he opens his eyes, his hands clutching the ground as he gathers strength. Blood still trickles from his wounds, but an unexpected smile forms on his face.

Asher, barely conscious, challenges Maggot, "Are you sure you have defeated me? Little punk."

Realising that he needs to embrace his magic to stand a chance, Asher's mind races, seeking a solution. He suddenly has an idea. Determination takes over his fear as he decides to channel his Flames into his katana. The dark magic ignites the blade, and with newfound resolve, he names this move the "Demonic Katana," stunning everyone in the arena with his unique power.

The commentator exclaims with shock and excitement, "What we are witnessing is truly extraordinary. This young boy possesses black flames magic, one of the rarest forms of magic in history. As far as the records tell us, the last user of black flames magic died almost 100 years ago from burning himself. Who is this boy?"

Terrified by the release of Asher's magic, Maggot trembles, feeling the immense pressure on his body. Though paralyzed by fear, he devises a final attack to exploit Asher's weakened state.

Furious, Asher demands, "Now, tell me what you're going to do, you filthy little bastard!"

Maggot, trembling but defiant, unleashes his ultimate attack, "Stone magic, final form: 'The Rain of Bloody Asteroids'!" He laughs sinisterly, "You're going to die, you filthy little brat!"

The arena quakes as massive stones materialise in the sky, and the skies themselves turn crimson.

Unfazed, Asher's excitement rises, and he retorts, "Is that so? If you're going to unleash your final form, then let me show you mine."

Though unsure of what it entails, Asher resolves to pour all of his magic into his katana, screaming as he channels every ounce of his mana. The Flames soar skyward, enveloping his katana and body in a blazing aura he names "Demonic Katana Expanded," for protection and greater power.

Maggot hurls the stones with relentless force, and Asher, fueled by determination, swings his katana with all his might.

The collision of their opposing magics creates a tremendous blast, engulfing the battlefield in a mist of sand, leaving the spectators on the edge of their seats.

As the mist clears, both combatants stand tall. Maggot bears a deep cut on his shoulder, and his eyes are white with terror. Asher, supported by his katana, breathes heavily but remains standing. Then, Maggot collapses to the ground, and the entire arena erupts in cheers.

The commentator announces, "This is the battle of the century, and the winner is Asher Blackwood!"

Amidst the jubilant cheers, Asher raises his right arm in victory, but the exertion takes its toll, and he collapses. Opening his eyes once more, he finds himself cradled in the arms of Alexia. A tender smile forms on his face before he succumbs to unconsciousness.

However, it was not Alexia who caught him; that was just his imagination. In reality, Henry caught him and took him to the infirmary for medical attention. After winning the match, Asher qualified for the second round.

However, his next opponent had not been decided yet. If he wins the second round, he will proceed to the third and final round where he would face the defending champion, Dark Blizzard. Sometime later, Asher regained consciousness and found Alexia sitting beside him.

While Henry was in the arena, observing the other battles to gather information about Asher's potential opponents, Asher's katana, Crimson Blaze, lay on the bed beside him. He looked at the weapon and began talking to it, imagining Alexia in front of him.

Asher admired her beauty, "Hey, Crimson Blaze, I am envisioning a beautiful girl in front of me. She has long golden hair resembling waterfalls of spun gold, gracefully dancing in the gentle breeze. Her blue eyes, I imagine as deep pools of sapphire, shimmering with intelligence and warmth. And her smile... Ah, I cannot accurately describe it. I believe I may be going mad. She occupies my thoughts constantly, no matter where I go or what I do."

A slight smile appeared on Asher's face as he spoke.

Meanwhile, Alexia was listening to all of this with a smile and asked him gently, "How are you feeling?"

Asher replied jubilantly, "Hey, Crimson, I can also hear her voice. She is asking, 'How am I?' I think I've gone mad. Is this love?"

Alexia asked again, this time with amusement, "You are not imagining things. I am here."

Asher got startled and pretended as if he hadn't said anything. Alexia then got up and approached Asher, their foreheads meeting. His body started trembling, and his heartbeat increased....
