
Way Back To Neverland

In the quiet cotton factory town where Asher Blackwood and Henry Williams reside, peculiar occurrences begin to unfold, shrouded in an eerie air of mystery. Whispers in the shadows suggest the hand of Neverland, an enigmatic force lurking in the periphery of their lives. Soon, these whispers lead to a cataclysmic event that sends Asher and Henry fleeing for their lives. Their journey takes them to the elusive realm of EverGreen, a place steeped in secrets and the arcane. There, they encounter the enigmatic Yuan Xhin, a master of magic who becomes their mentor. Asher's newfound power is an inferno of black flames, while Henry discovers an astonishing ability to mend and heal. Burning with a fervent desire for revenge against Neverland, Asher and Henry embark on a thrilling odyssey, encountering wondrous and perilous creatures of magic along the way. Amidst the dazzling tapestry of their adventures, Asher finds himself drawn to Alexia Grey, a remarkable individual untouched by magic's embrace. In the midst of a mesmerizing magic festival, Asher's skills flourish, revealing the depths of his newfound powers and unraveling the secrets of his own past. But as the story unfolds, a shattering tragedy befalls Alexia, casting a haunting shadow over their newfound knowledge. As the dust settles and shocking truths come to light, the future remains uncertain. What lies ahead for Asher and Henry? Will vengeance consume them, or will they find a path through the labyrinth of magic and mysteries that surround them? The journey has only just begun, and the answers are concealed in the depths of an ever-unfolding enigma.

InkDreamer07 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 13 - Confrontation

As the king's chilling laughter filled the air, Henry, Alexia, and the incapacitated Asher braced themselves for whatever fate had in store for them, trapped in the relentless grip of time's inexorable march.

The king, standing unwavering, exuded an air of invincibility that cast a long shadow over their hopes. Asher, slowly stirring from the blurry haze that clouded his vision, felt a mix of fear and determination coursing through his veins. His hands trembled, not just from the remnants of pain but from the gravity of the situation that hung like a heavy fog.

Henry, ever the strategist, leaned in close to Asher, his voice soft but filled with caution. "Asher, don't attack recklessly. We need a plan, or it could be disastrous."

Asher nodded, acknowledging Henry's wisdom. The room buzzed with an electric tension as they faced their formidable opponent. With nerves of steel, Henry made the first move. In a bold display of his newfound lightning magic, he unleashed a swift jolt of electricity towards the king. It crackled and sizzled through the air, an audacious challenge to the ruler's seemingly absolute power.

The king, however, remained eerily composed. With a fraction of a second to spare, he gracefully sidestepped Henry's attack, his movements fluid and precise. The electric bolt fizzled into the empty space he had occupied just moments before.

Undeterred, Asher continued his relentless assault alongside Henry. Their combined efforts, while undeniably powerful, seemed like mere child's play to the king, who appeared to be toying with them. Yet, amidst the relentless barrage of attacks, Asher's keen senses began to pick up on a subtle anomaly, a crack in the façade of the king's invulnerability.

Amidst the flurry of punches and magical strikes, Asher observed something crucial. The king couldn't manipulate time entirely; instead, he had the uncanny ability to momentarily freeze it for a mere two to three seconds within his immediate vicinity. It was a revelation that sparked a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.

With a spark of excitement and a surge of determination, Asher called out to Henry, urgency lacing his voice, "Henry, I think I've figured out how his power works." His vision cleared, and he relayed his observations to his friend. There was a sense of risk hanging over this newfound understanding, but they found themselves with no alternative options. They had to take this gamble, and it was now or never.

Henry absorbed Asher's insights, and a plan took shape in his mind. He whispered back, "Alright, Asher. Here's what we'll do. I'll initiate the attack from the front. As he blocks my assault, you strike him from behind."

The two friends shared a determined look, their unspoken resolve binding them together. They synchronized their movements flawlessly, ready to execute their bold strategy. Henry channeled his magic, gathering it within his middle finger, preparing for a surge of electricity that would prove pivotal in their plan.

With a nod from Asher, the plan was set into motion. Henry unleashed a burst of crackling electricity towards the king. Simultaneously, Asher darted behind their formidable foe, his every movement guided by precision and purpose.

The king, initially regarding this as a mere warm-up, suddenly found himself facing a complex and coordinated assault. As Henry's attack bore down upon him from the front, Asher closed in swiftly from behind, his determination shining brighter than ever. It was a moment that held the fate of all in its balance, a daring move that could shift the tide of the battle.

Amidst the chaos of battle, the king found himself in an increasingly precarious situation. His desperation drove him to unleash a powerful counterattack. With a sweeping motion of his arms, he emitted a formidable burst of supersonic waves that rippled through the throne room. The sheer force of this sonic onslaught sent objects hurtling in all directions. Asher, in close proximity to the king, bore the brunt of this sonic blast, crashing through the wall with bone-jarring force.

Henry, his senses reeling from the unexpected assault, exclaimed in disbelief, "What the hell is that now?"

It was then that Alexia, who had been observing the battle from a distance, stepped forward with a calm but determined expression. She explained to Henry, her voice laced with insight, "It's not time control, Henry. It's these sonic waves. From the beginning, when you throw an attack towards him, he releases waves of the same velocity but in the opposite direction. It neutralizes the speed of the attack and makes it appear as if time has stopped. When he releases these waves, the air around him distorts, and that's how you can identify it."

Henry absorbed her explanation, realizing that she might have just cracked the enigma of the king's powers. Meanwhile, the king, no longer amused, took off his crown made of gleaming gold and shed his regal cloak. His actions revealed a physique that radiated strength and resilience.

With both hands raised high above his head, the king's aura seemed to change. The very ground beneath them trembled and convulsed, as if responding to his will. The violent tremors sent shockwaves through the room, causing Alexia to lose her balance and fall to the ground.

The tide of the battle had shifted once again, and as the king's formidable power manifested in the trembling earth, Henry, Asher, and Alexia were faced with an even more daunting challenge.

The king's eerie, evil laughter hung in the air, a spooky soundtrack to the mess around them. The room that used to be grand was now a pile of broken stuff, witnessing the big fight between the king's strong power and Henry, Asher, and Alexia trying hard to fight back.

The air was thick with dust and bits of broken things, making it hard to see. Sunlight came through holes in the ceiling, making pretty patterns of light and dark on the messy floor. It felt like even the room missed how fancy it used to be.

Henry, with his face looking both really sure and really sad, held Alexia tight. He wanted to protect her from all the destruction. Her tears mixed with the dirt on her face, showing how sad and scared she felt.

Around them, the things from their fight were scattered like fallen soldiers. Big pieces of stone that used to be part of the fancy room now looked like a sign of how hard they fought. Even the fancy cloth that used to hang so nice now just looked messy and sad.

The throne, which meant the king's power, was lying on its side, not looking grand at all. It was broken, like a symbol that the king was losing his power.

But there was still some hope. Asher, even though he was buried under lots of rocks and broken things, was not forgotten. He was the one who never gave up, and they couldn't leave him like this.

Henry was thinking hard, trying to find a way to get Asher out of the rocks. The room was so quiet, like it was waiting for something. How could they beat a king who could control time and destroy everything?

Alexia felt so sad and frustrated. She started this journey to find adventure, but it turned out to be way harder and sadder than she thought. She lost her friends, and she always had to be scared. And now, Asher was in trouble.

Henry, who was really good at making plans, started thinking about what they could do. They couldn't stay stuck in this broken room with the king watching them and feeling happy about their sadness.

With a determined look on his face, Henry whispered to Alexia, making her feel a bit better, "We can't stay here. We have to find a way to get Asher out and fight the king. We'll do it together, and we'll make it."

While they talked, the king gently landed on the ground. With a wicked intent, he summoned a lethal bullet crafted from his dark magic. This sinister projectile shot through the air with tremendous speed, finding its mark in Henry's shoulder, who stood protectively close to Alexia. A sharp cry of pain escaped Henry's lips as the searing agony surged through him.

Alexia, her bravery unwavering, tried to retaliate with her small dagger. However, the king's magic enveloped him like an impenetrable shield. In a ruthless and swift move, he kicked her squarely in the face, sending her stumbling backward.

Henry's fury and desperation swelled as he witnessed his friend falling victim to the king's heartless attacks. He uttered his words through gritted teeth, every syllable tinged with anger, "You fiend!"

The king, showing no mercy, fired another dark bullet that found its mark in Henry's leg. Agonized screams reverberated through the chamber as Henry collapsed to the ground, clutching his wounded leg. His features contorted with pain, yet he summoned the strength to endure the torment.

But the king's cruelty had no bounds. In a chilling display of power, he seized Alexia by the neck, hoisting her into the air with ease. Panic surged through her as she struggled against his iron grip. Desperation etched across her face, she clawed at the invisible vice that threatened to extinguish her life.

The king's magic remained an impenetrable veil, rendering her every attempt futile. With each passing moment, Alexia's vision grew blurry, the world around her fading into darkness. The numbness creeping through her body served as an ominous harbinger of her impending loss of consciousness.

Just when hope seemed to be slipping away, a low rumbling emanated from the collapsed ceiling. The once-stable heap of debris stirred with newfound vitality, revealing an unexpected source of deliverance. The king, momentarily distracted by his cruel triumph over Henry and Alexia, shifted his attention toward the growing commotion above.

The room pulsated with tense anticipation as the rumbling intensified, echoing like thunder within the confined space. It was a moment shrouded in uncertainty, as all present—friend and foe alike—awaited the revelation of what lay concealed within the fallen rubble.


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