

Stella was an ambitious girl but her life changed when mistakenly she entered in the wrong room and met the wrong man, did she lost her virginity to him or not? She still had to find answer for that. But her life acted like waves after that, with each wave she experienced a new aspect of life. She lost her loved ones, changed her religion, got heartbroken and went through all the hurdles to end up with a man who was secretly in love with her along ago..... But life had to show her something more than that and the waves kept coming, to shook here mere appearance once again and until the sea calms.....

Y_tariq15 · Urban
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24 Chs

chapter 16

Her body got ignited at once, all heated up. Shivers ran down her spine and goosebumps all over her body. He got surprised to see her body's reaction. One hand behind her head,  forcing her and other palm on her soft face.

Pleasure was taking over Stella, but it took her a minute to realize that it was not with the right man. And she tried to pushed him, with her both hands on his shoulders. But his strong muscles didn't even move. She knew that it was no use but she wanted to escape from his grip. Her lips hurt. She tried hard. His kiss got deeper inside her. She pushed him hard, losing hope she started hitting him with her both little hands. He was hurting her now. She tried her best to escape from his hands. Finally tears started to ran down her cheeks, touching his face too. He woke up from the feeling and pleasure he was forcing on her. He opened his eyes and looked at her sad eyes filled with salty water and hatred for him. He finally let go of his hands, she took a step back. He felt warm feelings for her in his heart. She denied him, this thought made him feel guilty inside, he never forced himself on anyone. And it was her first time when someone kissed her, brutally.

Not even a second passed and she slapped him with all her force. She put her all anger in the slap, hitting him hard. His head started to bleed again, blood running down his cheek to the neck and then soaking his sweatshirt. Her eyes glared at the blood, she got mixed feelings of anger and horror. He looked at , straight in her eyes and smiled lightly.

"Satisfied?" he asked in a low voice. She felt sorry for what she did.

He leaves the room silently. She looked at the thick blood droplets which were shining on the floor. She put both of her hands on her mouth and walked backwards, sat on the bed. She regretted what she just did. She noticed a clock on table beside the bed. It was 3 in the morning. She just laid flat on bed, thinking what to do next. She felt sorry for him. She realized that she shouldn't had hit him this hard. She spend two hours with wide eyes open and blaming herself. Finally a women entered her room, she was a maid. "here are your clothes madam, sir want you to leave right now" she handed them to her and walked away.

She looked at the clothes, they were cleaned. She felt more guilty but she tried to cope her with the thought that he is responsible for my mother's death and he even kissed me against my will. She went to the bathroom and changed her clothes and returned. She saw her bag lying on the couch. She picked and walked outside the room. She glared at the luxurious Mansion. She was mesmerized  by its design. It was very large. She looked at the carpeted stairs and took steps down. As she reached down she saw a large kitchen on her left. Its design was unique. For the first time she saw Steven's house, and was impressed.

She walked out of the house and saw Steven coming in. The blood was roughly wiped off and the wound was open, she noticed. He didn't even look at her and walked past away. She looked that he changed his blood stained clothes. Her eyes were fixed on his face until he walked past her and went upstairs. She felt more worried and blamed her for it.

As she stepped out she saw the same maid standing beside a black car. "Please sit in, driver will drop you to your house" she said.

"No thanks, I can go on my own" she tried to walk away.

"Miss please sit in, sir ordered that you will only go in this car" she tried to convince her.

As she turned around she saw Steven standing on the stairs, staring her. There were no expressions on his face. She felt ashamed and didn't wanted to meet his eyes. Without saying another word she sat in.

She reached home at 6. She straight went to her room and stood in front of the mirror. She looked at herself and then at her hand, which she used to hit him. Then noticed her lips, which were still swollen. She gently rubbed her finger on her lips and the fresh memory rewind in her mind.

"He just told my mother what I did that day, it was my fault. And she was already ill, I should have taken her to hospital before. It was not his fault. But I almost killed him with vase. And when I got fainted he took care of me. He was right I shouldn't had tried to leave his house in midnight. But why did he force a kiss on me? But I shouldn't had hit him so hard" she talked to herself.

Suddenly she remembered that Steven paid her mother's bills. "I will return him today" she thought to herself.