

Stella was an ambitious girl but her life changed when mistakenly she entered in the wrong room and met the wrong man, did she lost her virginity to him or not? She still had to find answer for that. But her life acted like waves after that, with each wave she experienced a new aspect of life. She lost her loved ones, changed her religion, got heartbroken and went through all the hurdles to end up with a man who was secretly in love with her along ago..... But life had to show her something more than that and the waves kept coming, to shook here mere appearance once again and until the sea calms.....

Y_tariq15 · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 14

In the meantime Stella's mother's condition got worsen. Doctors tried hard, if they could save her. And they had to declare her dead. The nurse turned the machine off, and take out the pipes from her mouth. Another nurse cleaned her and started to pack the dead body. Doctors went out of the ICU, to reveal that she's no more.

While Stella was returning to the hospital to see if god has listened to her. As she entered Fatima's face was shining with tears and as she saw, she came up hugging her. Stella got disturbed and she didn't like the hug. As a reflex action she tried to push her up, maybe she was not ready to hear or accept anything  unusual. She didn't wanted to believe that her god has let her mother die.

As Fatima tried to control her voice, she came up with suitable words. "your mother is no more"

There was no place where Stella could stand, not getting hold of her senses, she fell immediately and got unconscious.

She woke up the other day, and in morning they carried out the funeral. Although Stella was not ready and was still in bad condition but she had to accept that mother died. And for the sake of watching her last time, she somehow put herself together again.

A week passed when Stella finally got out of bed and went to university. She met Fatima there and they sat for a long time, when Stella finally remembered to ask her that if she paid the expenses of her mother's operation.

"Fatima I wanted to ask you that if you paid for my mother's operation, I mean if you did then tell me, I owe you"

"I was going to ask this, that who paid for your mother's operation?" she got surprised.

"It means you didn't, then who else did?"

Stella returned worried, and kept thinking that who can possibly pay for her. There was no relative, with whom they were in contact and recently there were no close friends even. On weekend, Stella finally decided to go to hospital and ask them, maybe they can tell her.

Stella straight went to the counter, and ask the receptionist to check the data. "it was a bank transfer, and the account is under some company name" replied the receptionist after a while. Each word surprised Stella more. "what's the name of company?" she asked in horror as if she didn't wanted to accept the fact.

"Its under McKasson company"

Stella was greatly shocked, that if she heard right?  Steven Joseph has paid the expenses of her mother. But why? And how did he know that my mother is in hospital? Questions keep flooding her mind. She went straight to home and tried to solve the puzzles. Steven Joseph can be responsible for my mother's condition? What possibly he can say to her?

The next day she decided to pay Steven a visit. Her hatred for him grew even more. She lost her mind and rushed in, his secretary tried to stop her but she opened the door and entered. She remembered, that last time despite getting invited he didn't met her on purpose, it was the only way to get in.

Steven was sitting on his chair and signing some papers when Stella entered. He was not surprised to see her, as he was expecting that in some days she will come. Stella almost shouted, "can you stop interfering in my life?". The secretary was still behind when Steven asked her to go. The door closed. "what are you talking about?" he wanted to hear from her.

"I guess you paid my mother a visit? And her condition got worsen because of you, and then in return you paid for her bills but she died. You jerk!" she almost lost her control and didn't realized the words.

"yes I went to your mother to return the pendant, and she was already ill. She asked that how do I have it? I told her all about us, from sleeping in my room till ending in my office last time. And then I went back but as I was going I noticed that her condition got worsen, but I had a meeting. After coming back I asked my assistant to check up on your mother, when I got to know that your mother is in hospital, I paid bills as a gesture but I'm really sorry for your loss, I heard that she passed away" he explained without noticing Stella's expressions.

Stella suddenly picked up the vase lying nearby on window side table and threw in direction of Steven!