
Chapter 8

After they reconcile, Dale glides back to the shore, and they only see Candice waiting for them.

"Took you long enough, Wil." Candice noticed Celestine's flustered face, "Oh? Did something sweet happen? You two had some 'alone time' together for quite a while you know? Quite romantic to have a date after a quarrel is it not?"

Wilhelm ignored her as he quickly recovered his normal face. He didn't take the teasing and seemed like he didn't know what she meant but Celestine was awkwardly blushing.

It was enough to convince Candice that something did happen when they were riding Dale's back, Wilhelm's summon. It made the corner of her mouth rise.

"Where are the others?" Wilhelm asked as if he didn't hear what she said.

"They went inside after the both of you flew away with that giant chicken over there," She meant it as a joke.

But Wilhelm took that seriously, "What chicken? Does he look like a chicken to you? And his name is Dale, Candice."

She sighed, like why did she even try?

"Never mind, going back. Lady Samantha was concerned about the damages, do something about it Wil"

"I already planned to fix them."


They went inside the house, and Runa greeted them as they were about to enter the study. Right after they flew out of sight, the rest went back to his study to do what they were supposed to do, research...

"Have you found what you're looking for?" He asked Samantha. She didn't find what she was looking for in fact, she was not even close.

The books were thick and the pages reached about a couple of thousand, Celestine looked at Wilhelm with a scowled face.

"What are you making my younger sister do?" Celestine asked.

"Making her search for what she's looking for obviously..." he replied.

Celestine brought them to Wilhelm knowing that he could tell them in detail about what he knows considering that he was quite knowledgeable but then her sister was searching for book pages that matches the thing that she was looking for.

"Enough searching Sam, you don't need to do that," Celestine told Samantha as she pulled Wilhelm towards her. "Tell her what you know" she demanded.

Wilhelm looked at her with both brows up. He actually wanted to let them have their time searching for it even though he already knew what to tell them and how to show it to them.

"You're spoiling the fun woman."


"I already gave them permission to have access to my study, that's more than enough. It's not like you'll pay me right?"

"Ugh! What's the point of searching if you can just tell us? Wouldn't that shorten the time? And no, not this time since you made me angry"

Candice got the idea of what he was doing.

"Lady Celestine, truthfully speaking Wilhelm--"

"Stop, stop, stop... Don't even say it, Candice. I'll spill." Wilhelm intentionally stopped her from saying any more than what she could have.

Knowing that it would only be something that could embarrass him. Samantha and Runa don't know what they are talking about, it's as if they had a little world of their own, the three of them.

All Candice needed was to smile at him and slightly tilt her head and he knew so well what she was going to say, he didn't know what ran into her head but most of the time she would spout lies with a smiley face.

Wilhelm caught up with what she was about to say, Candice had been together with them back at the academy. She also knew that Wilhelm subconsciously liked Celestine.

She would tease him about it and he didn't like that, especially the part where she keeps on repeating that he likes Celestine but he keeps denying the part of him not liking Celestineni. Therefore, it developed as a habit to deny his feelings.

He lets out a sigh, "Can you show me the items again?"

"Okay...?" She took the ring from her finger and pulled out the sword.

He asked while inspecting the sword and the ring. He already felt magic inside them and had a grasp of some of its effects. He can tell them a lot of details regarding the objects.

"What do you want to know about these?"

"T-the owner. I want to know more about the owner."

"I see, very well... [Inspection] [Analysis] [Tracking] [Identification]"

Wilhelm closed his eyes as he formed magic circles. His inspection and analysis magic was blocked.

"The one who made this is skillful but too bad... [Item Details] [Magic Manipulation] [Tampering]"

He finally passed through the blocking system by tampering with its function. He then traced the owner using his magic as it provided him with vision. The magic directly went to Samantha and they all pointed at her.

"I see, so the owner gave these to you and basically it makes you the new owner, which is why my magic pointed to your direction... [Skill Manipulation] [Magic Control] [Precision]"

He set the Precision Magic to identify the previous owner. Then there comes an image of a silver-haired man inside a forest, he's the previous owner of the ring but the distance makes the image blurry, Wilhelm zooms his view.

As soon as it was getting close enough, the silver-haired guy felt him peeking and pulled out his sword and sliced his magic with a slash of his sword. It was a beautiful cut, even though he is not a swordsman he could tell that it was such a feat to perform it.

"Well, that was amazing...? He cuts magic with only using a sword and it was a sword without magic imbued in it, Lady Samantha... I think the previous owner is still alive... He's someone with silver hair and uses a sword."

"Yes, he had silver hair and used a sword. Do you know where he is?"

"He's also very sharp, he noticed me watching him in a brief moment... I don't want to peek at him again. I might offend him. And he's inside a forest in the elven territory."

"Specifically, the great Forest of Frol while the other owner of the sword doesn't seem to have a previous owner but the rune sculpted near the hilt translates the name Elyssa."

"I think that the previous owner may be dead since I couldn't track her location... In addition, I think that your annoying sister already told you the functions of the ring and the sword but it must've been lacking" Wilhelm smugs at Celestine.

She was slightly offended about the way he looked at her, "Very funny. Ha ha ha" Celestine commented as a form of sarcasm knowing full well that she's inferior in terms of knowledge.

"Going back, the other function of the ring is summoning. It allows you to summon a contracted servant. Also the ring has an interesting feature that can distinguish who is loyal to you from those who aren't."

"The ring will show how strong their loyalty is by showing you a scale. There's already one contracted summon and his name is 'Leonnid'... This skill has a time requirement before using it, half a day before you can perform a summoning and it would reduce your mana greatly but since the ring has a Mana Regeneration passive skill then it wouldn't be a problem."

Wilhelm grabs the sword that is oddly dark and told them the details about it this time.

"This is an interesting magical sword, by pouring your mana into it, you can control and manipulate the components of the sword either making it really sharp or really durable."

"You could say that these items are almost comparable to the treasures of each kingdom in Delios, for example the Staff of Gresham from the Kingdom of Gressaia or the Shield of Khrodel from Krofder."

The items were priceless and they were given to Samantha, the man who gave it must be someone who has great origins. It will be dangerous if the information about them is known by the public.

He advised them, especially the new owner of the ring and the sword to make sure to never tell anyone about them. It will only attract possible threats from those who have greedy hearts.


The sun has set. After their discussion, Samantha was satisfied with the information she received. Since they got what they needed, she wanted to return home as soon as possible, and most of her work would start to pile up if she won't return as early as possible.

"Sis, we should rent an inn inside the town and go back home by tomorrow." Samantha suggested. They can't stay away for too long or else people from their place would start looking for them. They've only asked to leave for about five days.

"You already want to head home?" Celestine asked.

"Yes, I have unfinished business back home." Samantha replied.

"Alright" Celestine then glanced at Wilhelm, "My sister wants to go home, send her back."

"You sound like you're my owner. Can't you politely ask me?"

"Seriously? Not today mister..."

"Sigh, I'll have to ask for a payment in return" he replied.

"Alright deal, now send her back"

"Sis, we can't have sir Wilhelm to escort us back" Samantha was concerned about his time and their budget. Hiring a mage as an escort would cost her to pay extra money.

"Escorting? There's no need for that." Celestine told her.

Samantha raised a brow, wondering what she meant by that.

"It'll be quicker to explain if you were to just send them back right now, my sister and Miran, her maid." Celestine said.

"Also include me Wil, I also have things to do," Candice said and added,

"I'll leave Lady Celestine to you.., You got two days remaining my lady... I expect you to be in your room by then... Now then Wil, please send us back"

"Wait, she's not coming with you?"

"She needs a break... Isn't it a good thing? Right, Wil?" Candice smiled at him.

And with things settled Wilhelm snapped his fingers, Samantha and the two maids vanished and were sent back to their home leaving Celestine behind.

He still doesn't know why she stayed but she had already decided to stay at his house. She couldn't let such a good opportunity be wasted.

Samantha and Miran were surprised that they were inside Celestine's room. It was only a few seconds ago when they were inside Wilhelm's study in a remote place in Reolona but now they are back at the Kingdom of Meltiz.

"That was a long-distance teleportation magic...?" Samantha was unconvinced by what he had just done, she couldn't believe that a single mage was capable of using such mana consuming skill.

It would be understandable if it is teleporting for a short distance or using a device, but teleportation magic is considered one of the most complicated magic to master and the further the distance the bigger the consumption of mana but he used it with ease and fast to only flick his finger to send them back instantly.

"Candice, that man... Just who is he?" Miran her fellow maid asked her curiously.

"Him? You must've heard rumors about the Blue Magician from Gressaia" Candice replied. A bit smug having a good connection to a well-known magician.

"He was the blue magician all along?! I wouldn't have thought of it, he looks like he's around the same age as me"

"Yes, around 5 years older than you. he's a genius."


"So... What should we have for dinner?" Celestine asked Wilhelm. She hadn't eaten lunch because she rushed to his house the moment they arrived in the territory.

Wilhelm sighed, he then said to Runa, "Let's go buy dinner"

Runa nodded, Celestine had a sharp stare at them.

"Wait, you're going to leave me here alone?"

"Yeah and?" Wilhelm walked past her along with Runa. She pulled his hood.

"I'm coming as well!"

Celestine wanted to have some time with Wilhelm but that idea seems to be quite difficult now that Runa is around. She seems like a good girl and Celestine doesn't want to cause her trouble. It was a little frustrating that she couldn't do anything about this situation.

"Are you going to have a walk or just go straight to the town?" She asked.

"I'll use teleportation magic to save time."


The three of them teleported near the town. In front of the gates, the guards greeted them. They were surprised to see that Wilhelm had another companion.

"Good evening, buying dinner again?" Jonathan was feeling happy at the moment, "Can I ask for your companion to remove her hood?" He requested with the intent to familiarize a new face that would enter the town.

Celestine removed her hood. The guards' eyes were enlarged by the sight of a beautiful lady. They were fazed by her. They forgot to ask about her identification but since they were with Wilhelm they let it slide, having a good connection with influential people makes it easy for you in different circumstances.

They talked about her, still fazed by her beauty,

"Damn, that was one hell of a beauty."

"An angel? No, she's a goddess..."

"That's a bit of an exaggeration but I have to admit she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen... What the hell did he do to have beautiful ladies walk with him?"

Celestine heard what the guards talked about, she then walked back and approached them. Wilhelm saw that Celestine was having a chat with them, they were acting a little shy around her.

"Why'd you approach them?" Wilhelm asked as he interlocked his arm.

"Nothing in particular I just told them something so they would know about my identity" she replied with a mischievous smile.

Wilhelm didn't bother asking what she told them, her smile said that she wouldn't tell him even if he asked her. They went to Rachel's store,

"Oh? Here to buy dinner?" Patricia was mopping the floor when she saw them enter the door while Rachel was cleaning tables. Runa was happy to see Patricia and Rachel.

Rachel approached them, she noticed Celestine behind them. She then offered them a table.

"Is Tepht here?"

"Yes, he arrived just a little while ago. He's in the kitchen washing dishes." Patricia replied.

"Can you tell him that I'm here?"

"Sure, wait here for a bit"

Patricia went inside the kitchen. Tepht went out to see them while wiping his wet hands.

"You're a bit early today, that's unusual." He said as they approached their table. Tepht then noticed Celestine.

"Ah, now I know why. You must be Celestine, am I right?" Tepht said confidently.

"Yes, My name is Celestine but I believe this is the first time we've met in person, have I met you somewhere before?"

Celestine never met Tepht before, she was curious as to why the man knew her name just by glancing at her. He laughed as he saw her giving him a suspicious look.

"Don't be anxious miss, I know you simply because this guy would talk about you from time to time--"

"It's best for you to shut up." Wilhelm cuts his sentence before he can mention the remaining words as he looks up at him with a shrewd smile. He was laughing out loud.

"I see, I see. You're all shy because she's here huh? Don't worry there's no harm if she knows about how you casually brought her up in our past conversations"

Celestine grinned as she heard the last part. Wilhelm placed his fingers on his temples. He was annoyed because of Celestine's face. He doesn't want to let her know about how he would sometimes bring her name up when having a conversation with Tepht.

"Don't get weird ideas woman." He stated and glared at her.

"Oh? What are you talking about? Why would I? Or perhaps you thought that I would think that I'm always on your mind kind of thing?" She said with a smug face. This is one reason why he didn't want to bring her with them.

Runa was helping Rachel and Patricia with the remaining work, she vaguely hear what they were talking about. She saw another side of Wilhelm, someone who's smiling more than usual. Runa the one to pick the meal on the menu with Wilhelm's permission.

"What things did this idiot tell you about me?" Celestine asked Tepht, their eyes were communicating.

It was their chance to tease Wilhelm.

Wilhelm got this feeling that they would therefore he said,

"Stop, don't even try"

"Why? It's a pretty good chance to get to know her in person" Tepht told him.

"I did hear about Tepht being your friend back at the academy. We should get to know each other since I won't be staying for long"

"Oh? You're not going to stay? I thought you'd settle down with this guy."

Tepht's statement implies the two of them living together. He seriously thought that she'd be staying for a while in the area. Celestine blushed while Wilhelm was trying to hide his face. He was doing is best to be composed.

"Oh? Don't tell me you're not there yet."

"Shut it fatty..! Don't get the wrong ideas...!"

"Was I wrong though? The way you talk about her seems like you wanted to ma--"

Wilhelm used his magic to forcefully close his mouth.

Celestine didn't get what he meant since he was interrupted by Wilhelm.

"I-it's not for you to tell" Wilhelm told him trying to look like he's not feeling embarrassed about it.

Tepht could tell that he was being bashful. Wilhelm's earlobe had gone pink. He couldn't get enough of his teasing. Wilhelm's current expressions are hard to come by. Tepht was certain that only Celestine can turn his character into a total mess.

Tepht raised both his hands agreeing to what his friend said. Wilhelm released his magic that was forcing his mouth to close and Celestine was left hanging but she could tell that it was something serious since Wilhelm was being flustered about it.

She tried to connect the remaining words and tried to conclude the answer. She blushed even more after figuring out what he was about to say but it's not for certain what it really was, it was just her assumptions.

Tepht then asked Celestine,

"Where do you plan to stay right now? Are you going to rent a room from an inn?"

"Nope, I'll be staying at his house for the time being so there's no need for me to rent a room"

"Oh, is that so?" Tepht looks at Celestine while he glances at Runa. It was getting interesting.

Tepht knew all along that Wilhelm likes the girl but for some reason he's being ignorant of his feelings. He figured that he would have a hard time expressing himself around other people. Maybe that's one reason he kept denying his feelings because he doesn't want other people to think that he likes the girl.

Although, his actions may seem like he doesn't like her and would sometimes look like annoyed by her presence but the way he looks at her will never lie to those who know him. If this continues then the ship will never sail.

Having a moment of thought, he wanted to help Wilhelm. He figured that Runa might get in the way of their development thus he came up with an idea to make her stay in their house for the mean time.

The idea of what could happen between these two made him feel excited. He had a chat with his wife, telling her about his plan. Rachel was intrigued by what her husband was asking her and she too began to feel excited as well.

Then, Patricia placed the meals on the table, "Your order is here"

Wilhelm was wondering why the food was on plates,

"My order's supposed to be take-out."

Tepht chuckled and said, "Won't you have dinner with us? After all, It's been a while since we shared a meal."

Wilhelm looked at him and considered his request. He also wanted to share a meal with his friend. They temporarily had dinner together. It was as fun as how he remembers it, only with additional different people.

The girls cleaned the table and washed the dishes. After dinner, Tepht winked at Rachel, signaling to execute the plan.

"Wil, can I borrow Runa for tonight?" Rachel asked.

It was the first time Runa heard Rachel talk, her voice was very seductive. Wilhelm was trying to know the reason why but he then concluded that Rachel wanted to have time with Runa, to get to know Runa better since they'll be working together in the future.

Wilhelm agreed to it, he thinks that it's a good chance for Runa to deepen her relationship with Patricia and Rachel. There were no problems with it since Runa wanted to spend some time with the girls too, it's one way for her to make friends.

Runa was feeling nervous and was a little bit anxious staying on an unfamiliar roof but since it was with Rachel and Patricia it assured her that she'll do just fine.