
Chapter 25

Runa woken up from a long sleep. Her body was feeling weak and uncoordinated. Because of her body's condition it was a bit difficult for her to move as how she normally does. Despite her body being weak as of the moment, Runa persistently finished all the morning chores she had but it took her about an hour longer.

She was feeling hungry. It was unusual that she would. The house doesn't have any food nor ingredients around the kitchen. She can't cook even if she wanted to. All that was left was to wait for Wilhelm to wake up.

While she was waiting, Runa got a hold of her thoughts and felt like something was amiss. What happened yesterday was very mysterious. She doesn't understand why she suddenly rushed towards Wilhelm crying like a baby. As far as she recalled a couple of guards were helping her the other day and she suddenly--- She doesn't remember why...

The magic Wilhlem used was effective but he didn't erase everything. Runa stopped thinking because the more she wanted to remember what had happen the more she's at the state of reverie.

And as usual the clank of the door made Runa jolt.

"Good morning master~" She greeted with a bright smile on her face.

Wilhelm patted her head and smiled warmly. 'So she could smile like this huh... I'm glad.'

"Good morning Runa" He greeted back.

"Master, about breakfast. I want to learn how to cook so-- can I use the kitchen?"

"You want to learn how to cook?"

"Yes... I want to cook for you~"

A little too honest. Runa had always been an honest child and now that she forgot her dark past it wasn't a surprise that her old self would resurface. People who experience Amnesia creates a new version of themselves or may revert back to their past persona's.

A person's character is built through his or her environment. Once a memory is wiped clean, almost every character that was built up through experience is reverted back to a specific point.

"Sure, you can use the kitchen. It's not like I'm using it often anyways. It'd also be good for you since you can cook your meal whenever you feel hungry." He said.

"I can bear my starve and I wanted to eat together with you. I'll also ask for Rachel to teach me how to cook."

"Speaking of Rachel... I think we'll go visit her for a meal."

The store was having a small renovation and it was temporarily closed. Rachel and Patricia were giving snacks to the workers.

"Is Tepht not around?" Wilhelm asked.

"Oh~ Wil... Nope, he's not around. He returned back to his post a couple of days ago." Rachel said.

"Is that so... How long will the renovation be finished?"

"About a week they say. Ah! I forgot to tell Runa that about the renovation. It was too sudden, my husband sent a letter that he'll be sending some money for the shop."

"Fatty probably had a bonus. Anyways, we came here to have a meal but since the store is in that condition then I guess we'll have to look for a place to eat."

"I'm sorry about this Wil. I guess you won't have some of my cooking for a while."

"Well it can't be help I guess."

Patricia came rushing to Rachel. "Rachel! There's something wrong with Runa! She's all bright and shiny!" 

"What do you mean by that?" Rachel asked.

"Look at her! Look!!" Patricia pointed to where Runa was at. "She was like 'Patricia! How have you been?' with a bright smile and asked me if she could help out!! Runa was supposed to be like 'U-uhm-- C-can I help you with a-anything?' there is definetly something wrong with her!"

Rachel took a long stare at Runa while she was giving snacks and she too saw the diffence. She was bold and bright. Like a different person. The timid girl they knew can no longer be seen. A sudden change of vibe is simply not possible not unless someone pulled some strings.

Rachel suspected that Wilhelm did something to Runa and she didn't like it. No matter how pitiful the young girl was, it's not a good reason to forcefully change her. She began to sharpen her gaze almost as if she was glaring at Wilhelm.

Patricia noticed her look and asked, "Um, Rachel? Is everything okay?"

Rachel got a hold of her emotions and smiled back to Patricia, "Yes, everything is fine. Can you keep an eye on Runa? Wilhelm and I will have a talk."

"O--kay..?" Patricia went back to Runa's side.

". . . So, what did you do to her?" Her voice sounded serious. Rachel was fond of Runa that's for sure. After spending time with the girl, she couldn't help but be attached to Runa's timid nature and seeing how it vanished overnight made her want to slap Wilhelm.

But she didn't slap him even if her hand was itching for it. She was never fond of mages in the first place but Wilhelm was a dear friend of her husband so she made an exeption. Although, it may turn out that Wilhelm was just like any other mages. Mages who lacked morality and would use magic for their personal desires.

Since Wilhelm and Rachel had built up a friendly relationship after Tepht introduced him when he first visited the area, it was enough reason to not carelessly allow her impulse and to not let violence do the talking. She had to hear him out, if he could give a reasonable answer then she'll let it slide, and if not then she'd seriously slap him.

Wilhlem already prepared himself in case someone asked about that sudden change in Runa's behavior. It's not like a lot of people knew Runa but to explain about what happened was the right thing to do for those who knew her, especially Rachel.

"I manipulated her memory using magic." Wilhelm told her. Rachel clenched her fist, forget about the slap, she wanted to punch him instead. But would she handle it if Wilhelm were to get angry? No, she won't. Wilhelm is stronger than her husband and she could barely win against Tepht.

She'd be a fool if she were to do anything rash against a powerful mage. And it's not like her attacks could reach Wilhelm's clothes, they'd be blocked by his magic barrier so punching him would be impossible even if she were to use aura.

"Why?" She asked. That was all she could do, she can't act rashly and it frustrates her. But, it's not bad to listen to his explaination since Wilhelm is a reasonable man, so she thought that there really must be a reason why he did it.

If he wanted to manipulate Runa's memory, wouldn't he have done that before he introduced Runa to them? Also, he wouldn't have bother letting Runa work at her shop just to build up her self-confidence.

Now that she put a thought to it, Wilhelm should have a valid reason for doing so.

". . . Runa went home yesterday and she was distressed. She panickly jump at me the moment she saw me... Her trauma, it was far worse than I thought... So, I asked her if she wants to forget about her past and she agreed... I had her permission to do it so you could say that it was on her volition."

"And the thing that triggered her trauma was when she felt overwhelmed by the presence of men. She had no trouble talking to them but when the guards started to get close to her personal space she felt completely overwhelmed."

"Also, while performing the magic, I saw every memory including her dark past... It was very unpleasant. What she went through was too much for such a kind girl..."

Rachel now understood why he did it. He was more of a softie now that he explained his side to her. It was her fault for doubting Wilhelm's intention. Then she realized, her husband would never be friends with untrustworthy people.

Her bad experience with mages got the better of her and she was glad that she didn't jump to conclusions.

"Sigh~ Well, I guess I'll have to get used of Runa's current self." Rachel said.

"Actually, that's how Runa would be like if her past weren't so dark... A cheerful girl, kind, and loveable girl."

"I think this side of her suits her very well."

"I think so too... Oh, by the way, Runa wanted to learn how to cook. Care to teach her sometime? It''s best to learn it while doing the job, right?"

"I don't actually mind, we would teach her how to do meals sooner or later, that is if you still want her to work here."

"Working and studying might be a little too much for her. I know she's hard working but I don't want to her to tire herself." Wilhelm said.

"She can work here during weekends. I heard that classes were only during weekdays. Besides, this may sound a bit selfish but I want to spend time with her and it's not just me, Patricia would too."

"I'll ask her about it. I doubt she'd refuse though."

Patricia and Runa were approaching them.

"Runa, we'll go buy ingredients. You'll be cooking them at the house, I remember that I bought a cookbook recently." Wilhelm told her.

"Okay~!" The smile on Runa's face was worth to watch. Rachel and Wilhelm felt like they are being drawn to her. That's a smile that's worth to see.

"I thought I'd be teaching her?" Rachel questioned.

"Practicing by herself first would be great so that when you're going to teach her it'd be a lot easier." Wilhelm answered.


"So, all you have to do is follow the book and you'll do fine." Wilhelm advised her. Runa was thrilled to use the kitchen. She wanted to make variety of dish and have a taste of it's delicacy.

Wilhelm had bought her all the thing she needed. He put them all in a magical chest.

"If you want to get the ingredients inside the chest just choose from the list that will pop up above it. The list are groups of ingredients according to classification. We have meat, vegetables, seasonings, and etc."

"This box was originally meant to be used to store crystals and stones but since you wanted to cook, buying a lot of ingredients is our first priority. Also, don't think about repaying me, just cook for me and we'll call it even."

Although, he was sure that he won't have a chance to buy food at Rachel's store from now on. Even Rachel was aware that they won't buy food from them the moment Runa suggested that she wanted to learn how to cook. And with that, Runa was left to practice her cooking skills.


Time has past, it was the day before the official enrollment. A lot of people from different kingdom had gathered to be a student of the academy. Almost all of them had lodge in the dromitory.

"Runa, tomorrow be a very busy today. The enrollment will hold from morning to evening. Well, the enrollment thing is actually an exam in disguise. They will test your skills, knowledge, and talent for magic." Wilhelm informed her.

"I'm still a little bit nervous for tomorrow but I will do my best to pass the tests!" Beaming with energy. Runa was well prepared of the challenges that were prepared for the upcoming students.

"Good... Since this will be your first step of becoming a mage I'll give you something."

Wilhelm pulled out a cloak from his space box. It had a similar design with what Wilhelm was wearing. A shade of blue with white highlight on each end of the cloth.

"Also, have these." A grimoire, a wand, and a staff. "They will come in handy during the test. Choose whatever you're comfortable with..."

"Thank you master! I will treasure them~"

Like a child receiving a wonderful gift. Runa's eyes were filled with joy. Looking at her hold a staff, a book, and a wand made Wilhlem pull a ring from his finger.

"This is a space ring. This ring has a confined space that allows you to store materials inside it but the space inside it is limited so you can only put important items inside it... Just to let you know, I've calculated your year's worth of budget and added your allowance for the entire year inside this ring. Don't spend carelessly because I won't be giving you anymore than this."

Too considerate! Wilhelm had already prepared everything she needed including the funds that she'll be using...

"You should sleep right now. You can't afford to be sleepy during the exam because you stayed up late at night."

Runa thanked Wilhelm one more time and bid him good night before climbing up to her room.

As she undress and lay on her bed. She couldn't help but to think of tomorrow. Because of that, she couldn't find a peace of mind for her to sleep. She was a lot more nervous than she thought. After trying to sleep for half an hour, she still finds herself unable to sleep.

If things keep up that way then she'll definetly going to stay up way too late.

Runa began to feel restless, she wore her clothes and went looking for Wilhelm. She took a peek at his room but he was not there. So probably in his study.

She saw him doing some paperworks. He looked so busy that she didn't want to disturb him. Wilhelm noticed her figure by the door.

"Can't sleep?" He asked.

Runa was startled and decided to enter the study while hugging the pillow she had. She said, "I'm sorry master. I can't sleep..."

"Do you want me to use my magic to make you fall asleep?"

"I... I don't think you need to go that far." She figured that it would be too much of a bother for WIlhelm and denied his offer.

Wilhelm set aside his paperworks and walked towards Runa. His eyes darted at hers after getting a meter close to her.

"Tomorrow will be a tiring day, what are things that could make you sleep other than me using my magic?" He asked.

He's way too considerate... With his attitude being like this, Runa couldn't help but to get a hold of it.

"C-can I sleep here master? The couch is big enough for me to sleep on it so~..." She was a bit embarassed to suggest that.

"Alright, if that's one way for you to sleep."

Runa went to rest on the couch while Wilhelm went back to his work. The sound of pen toucing the surface of the smooth paper and the presence of someone who she can feel secure.

She fell asleep after a few minutes. Wilhelm knew that it would be colder as the night goes on and Runa forgot to bring her blanket to protect her from the cold night. Her feet was feeling cold already. Although, it wouldn't have been a problem since he had to wear his cloak but to his concern, Runa might catch a cold at this rate.

And that's when he had to decide whether to cover her with his blanket or carry her back to her room.

Carrying her might startle her sleep, tomorrow is a big day and he want Runa to be on her best condition so he decided to cover her with his cloak instead. Well, now he had to deal with the cold. Wilhelm gathered his mana to coat his skin, by doing that it will fend off the cold temperature making him feel warm instead.

He stayed up late at night just to finish all the documents that he needed. Now that Runa is having a deep sleep it wouldn't be a problem to carry her back to her room.

The reason why he doesn't want to use teleportation magic is due to it's effect that gives a slight sensation of the body being sucked. You'll feel the magic over your body and the sudden transport will surely disturb someone who is sleeping.


Runa wakes up, about an hour before the enrollment begin. Wilhelm left her a note that was attached on her door saying,

[ Wake me up, I'll send you off. ] And she did...

"You should get yourself ready..." Wilhelm told her while he was strunggling to get off his bed. He wanted to have a few more hours worth of sleep.

"I'm already done!" She was excited, you could hear it from the sound of her voice.

Runa grabbed a slice of bread and some jam from the food chest in the kitchen. She prepared a light breakfast for the two of them. Since, Wilhelm doesn't like to have hot drinks in the morning, Runa skipped it too.

"I'll summon Dale to fly me near the academy... You'll ride your summon to school today..." Dale was summoned and had a glimpse of Runa. He was unexpectedly super friendly towards her.

"Well, that's a surprise. Dale would be snobbish around people. That's quite the charm you have there." He complimented her.

Dale had only been kind to Celestine since he could feel that his summoner had feelings for her. But, he would always scare off other people that were approaching him. Now Wilhelm began to question why that that was the case. Is it different for Runa?

He wanted to test it out if other summons would act friendly towards her or not. Maybe that's her special trait and he wanted to confirm it.

Runa called for York, the wolf came rushing by her call. He was having a nap at the backyard. Her summon never left ever since he arrived in their world. Wilhelm wanted to unravel that mystery but he decided to leave that for some other time.

With Dale's flying speed, it didn't even need half a minute to arrive near the academy, and York arrived a few minutes later. Wilhelm unsummoned Dale after he gave him a treat. It was a tasty looking berry.

"Runa, unsummon York. There might be people that might get fightened by him. We don't want to make a fuss because of him."

Wilhelm didn't like being the center of attention. That is also one reason why he landed before reaching the academy. It was to avoid getting attention from the crowd. He finds it bothersome.

Now the two of them had to walk their way to the examination grounds.

Runa was more nervous than she was yesterday. Oh how she could think of herself failing the exam. She doesn't want to disappoint Wilhelm but what if she were to fail? Now she was scared of failing the exam.

While they were getting close, Wilhelm talked to her.

"Are you nervous?" He asked.


"You know, no matter the result... You'll still be my student." He was assuring her, to ease her from her worries.

"It's just... I don't want to disappoint---you..." She said. Runa was feeling the pressure.

"Since master knew the head of the academy, I just can't help it..."

She was worried that she won't live up to the expectations.

"Hm, well I am pretty well known to some elders here. But, you don't have to worry about them... I will not be disappointed. After all, I saw how hard you worked to improve yourself. And besides, I'm the one who taught you, have some confidence..."

Runa realized that he want to remind her to believe on herself and trust the man who gave her this opportunity. How could she forgot? Now that she mustered her courage, she began to think that she was an idiot to doubt.

Doubting her skills is basically doubting Wilhelm. What she needed at that very moment is to walk inside the academy confidently. To not betray the trust that Wilhelm have on her, she cast aside all the negative thoughts she had.

"I'm sorry master... And thank you~" Once again, she smiled at him affectionately. Wilhelm smiled at her warmly and patted her head.

"You'll do just fine." He said. That was the assurance that she needed. Runa felt like she could climb every mountain that are in front of her.

The number of people was around a thousand. The two of them waited until the staffs started to announce that the examination had begun.

"Examinees will proceed to their assigned areas. The instructors that are present here will guide you there."

There were a total of ten instructors that were present. Each of them wears cloaks with variety of colors. Runa was assigned in the Red color.

"Good luck." Wilhelm said as he sent her off. Now that he had a proper look at the surroundings, he noticed that there were a lot of noble carriages indicating that the sum of enrollees are that of high status.

"It's best to stay out of their sight. They're quite the troublesome to deal with." Wilhelm concealed himself using his magic. Wilhelm saw that there were fancier carriages that arrived. Each of them had the flag of their kingdom.

"The heroes huh... I can't believe that all of them would gather in one place. I wonder why the elves suggested this. Each of them had fearsome bodyguards."

Wilhelm was well hidden with his magic that it almost felt like he never existed. It was very difficult to sense his presence but to his surpise someone shot an arrow to his direction. And of course, it couldn't pierce through his barrier that would activate instantly to any form of attacks that was aimed towards him.

"That damn woman..." He said as he saw Celestine by the window of her carriage. Celestine ordered one of her men to shoot at Wilhelm's direction. Her eyes tells it all, 'I could see you, Mr. Tomato~'