

when there spread a rumour of gold bars in an old valley in Chicago . 4 thieves decided to loot it until they were welcomed with the deadly old man . now there mission is survival . join the thrilling experience .

Ethan_Drake_419 · Others
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the death of Robert was not enough until the guy who's probably gonna accomplish the mission of killing our ass .we rushed upstairs and we split

like always thompson and Elena and me and Robert and wait now Robert's death why the fuxk am I alone .they knew that I'll get killed that's why they probably the bars and left me and sacrificed me for death . btw just for a note I'm pretty weak , I loose in arm wrestling with Elena . now I've gotta do anything to survive and hopefully by luck kill fuxkin thompson , idk about Elena , she's my crush so we can't about her . meanwhile the old man reaches the top floor and shouts " listen if you surrender I'm gonna give u guys up to police , thats all but if you don't , I swear to god I'm gonna burn you with that fuxkin body . and use you as manure for my plants I swear to god . I'm completely freaked out , these assholes commanded everyone not to take phones for preventing to alert the old fuxks . the old guy walks to my room and I'm beneath a fuxkin old bed which makes squeaky noises . I even stopped my breath I rest my head on ground and I'm shivering to death and I see opp side of bed and I see a mini tin box with a lock . now I've to wait for this old ass to leave until he rushes down on kness next to bed . idk how but I controllerd my voice . he Whispers " not in here , but I swear to god , they won't breathe more than 100 breaths " . I am fuxked with fear . he leaves the room . I crawled out of bed and took the tin box and got my lock picking kit and it was pretty easy . as I open it , I see some photos of young guys probably his son and his girlfriend ig . and beneath that I saw 2 rings damaged and pretty dusty . and a. Newpaper piece too . as I read it , it said

" reports for a car accident and death of 2 people have came up , the incident occured in Las Vegas on 23 December , 2011 . they were hit by a overspeeding car which was driven by a thug who looted a motel and was pursued by a cop car . the names the people died are :- Allen Spencer and Helena Spencer . May god rest them in peace and god give strength to his family "

I was a bit moved by reading that but that does not mean I wanna die by an old but extremely ripped guy . now I just wanna get out of this house and as I ended keeping the tin box where it was I heard the shout of elena and I crouched and left the room preventing any noise and saw that the old man has smashed Thompson's legs with a rod and he's crawling to elena begging for help . I'm freaked , feared about my future but thompson got what's comin and than as he raised his hand for elena the guy stabbed the rod trough his hand and grabbed his legs and pulled him splitting his hand and at this moment I had thoughts to commit suicide as it was equal to painless than what punishment I'm seeing , meanwhile thompson was yelling " you motherfuxkin slut if my make it alive I'm gonna f...." and the guy just squeezed the Thompson's neck with a single shot . he says in a dreadful voice " now it's you , what is it Elena " now I'm decided to save her even if it means I die but I cannot leave the love of my life . Elena screamed " pls leave me take your bars , I won't tell anything "

I shouted " hey dousche!!!" he looked behind and I striked his shoulder with the a wooden chair , it literally dislocated his shoulder bone but he didn't affect him he moved a hand and pulled his disclocated hand like nothing and now he's good to rip my ass. he punched my head and I'm out of senses ( I passed out ) .

when I came back to my senses I see elena crying abd she saw me awake she said " god thank you , your alive!! your alive!!" and hugs me tight . she cried " ethan pls get me out of this house , I wanna go home !! pls get me out !!! " . I said with my numb voice " don't worry I'm gonna get you out " for whole of that terrifying night I actually felt good she tucking me tight , it's was like a dream come true but normal for a situation like that . I saw around it was pretty quiet and I asked where we are . she said terrified " in the basement " I saw around for some useful stuff and I saw a room that has glass wall and I thought there might be some stuff I could use , we were hungry too . as I opened it , I saw that it was pretty dark and there were old card board boxes . I started searching well there was a safe box , I thought of myself " I wonder what's this guys net worth " and elena outside the room says with a low but hearable voice , " ethan , don't move , don't even move a fuxkin muscle " now I'm terrified what's behind me . she said ," when I say rush for the door and close it . I was very nervous and confused . she shouted " NOW!!!" i ran and rolled out of the door . and elena closed the door and a giant fuxkin spider spider sticks it's gross body on window . Elena screams " AHHH!!! "

and I almost lifeless , almost pissed my pants " pretended that I was okay . Elena said " are u

okay " is said almost lifeless " sorta" . she asked did you saw something ? " it told her about the safe " . and than I told her that I'm gonna go in , she commanded emotionally " NO ETHAN , I can't afford to loose you , I want you with me " now I'm ssly sushed and thought " she likes me " . I said " elena this is our last shot , we can't afford any opportunity to get Outta this shithole , I'll be back " elena said " imma come with you , I won't leave you alone " I shouted at her " NO!!! NO!!! I DONT WANT YOU IN ANY MORE TROUBLE " I convinced her and started searching for any stuff I can use for defence . I saw an acid bottle . it contained hcl and I needed water but it wasnt there ig . so I pissed in one plastic bag and hcl in other one . now as I was about to go in , i thought that there is a pretty good percentage of chance that I won't make it back so I said elena " elena , there is good chance that I won't make it back but If I dont I wanna let you know that I love you since the first time I saw you , pls don't say anything " elena said in low voice " ohh eth , I won't speak anything but " she rushed and kissed me . I was like woah , do I have to go in . but yah now the girl of my dreams is like my girlfriend? nvm I decided to go in the spider was gone like they always disappear probably in corners of the room . I started to pick the lock . I even could not take it out as it is very heavy and as I ended up picking the lock , the spider jumped on me out of nowhere I started running around the small room and managed to jerk it off the ground and roaming around I crushed it , it was like gross mucus all over his eyes crushed Jesus I thew up on him . Elena " ohhh ethan u made it , Jesus it's good I kissed u before u threw up" I opened the safe and saw a silver pistol and some ammo and as I took a look over it . Elena said " ethan !! there wasnt only one " now I'm thought " fuck my life " I grabbed pistol and ran out of room throwing the 2 bags . closing the door shut and I see like dozens of spiders sticking on the glass walls and as the rection radiate exothermic energy or blast they all exploded and we can see their busted bodies . Elena said " u made it " I said " yah shockingly" and now the plan is to shoot the motherfuxker.