

pov- Akari Akihara

I set my alarm clock for 7AM to ring on the dot. I had gotten a few hours of sleep... that is until I heard rummaging behind me. Who was going through my stuff? Probably just Sakura I thought. That pup always likes to make a ruckus. I roll over onto my right side to take a peek.

"Sakura, do you want a treat-" I pause, realizing this isn't Sakura.

"Wow, flattered to know you mix me up with the dog." my little sister Eiya rolls her eyes.

"Why are you digging through my stuff?" I lean over to try and see what shes hiding behind her back.

"No reason, I'll just be going now!" she shuffles her feet back to the doorway. I hop out of my bed and grab her wrist. that little theif is always trying to steal my stuff. It's not my fault that mom gives me a higher allowance, I'm just more likeable. In her hand was a pair of my designer stilettos.

"Those cost over two hundred dollars Ei! You can't just take them!" I yank them out of her hands, but she won't let go.

"I just wanna be pretty like you! You won't even notice it's gone with the hundreds of other shoes in your collection!" I tug them out of her arms and the heel snaps off.

"What have you done?!"

"I'm ugly, Aki!" she fell to the carpet and started to cry. Crying over a stupid pair of shoes?

"That's not my fault." I sigh as I brush my feet past her and leave through the back door.

"where are you going?" she grabs onto my pant leg.

"Anywhere without you." I slam the door in a rage and put on my winter coat. No way I'm going back there tonight. Not until she apologizes. I walk around for a few, searching for a nice hotel. The only problem is I don't have a ride and my feet were getting awfully tired. It was freezing and I couldn't find a single store open. I came across a bench, but some hobo with a little girl were already using it. What bullshit. Theres an open convenience store right next to it, but I don't wanna be seen with the lowlifes in there. I come across I motel and try to talk to the woman at the desk.

"Heres the key to your room!"

I walk on down to the room on the very left that has my key number on it. I turn the handle and poke my head inside. This place looks like it hasn't been cleaned in ages. I try to make do with what I have, since I don't wanna keep walking to find a better place. My feet are aching so I slip off my shoes and flop onto the mattress. It looked soft to the naked eye, but laying on it I swear I heard the wood creak underneath. This place smells like rotten eggs. I hear a subtle squeak under the mattress again, but this one sounds a bit different. I peek underneath the rickety bed to see what's making the noise. It's pretty dark, but I try to make something out of it. Suddenly something hairy jumps onto my face and I fall backwards. I screeched and flung it into the cement walls. It was a nasty rat. I leave out the front door immediately and run up to the front desk to make a complaint.

"Sorry ma'am no refunds."

"It attacked me!"

"I'm sorry for your inconvenience." she mutters again and gestures me to leave. I bet they won't be too happy when I sue. I storm out in a fit of rage and walk back down to that convenience store. At least it will get me out of the cold. the bell hung on the glass door clanged rather loudly and the cashier at the front desk waved.

"Welcome! Is there anything I can help you with?"

I ignore him and start to stroll through the isles looking for an empty shelf to sit on. Unfortunately before I get there I ran into my classmate Haruki Ishikawa. He's my favorite kid to bully, though. He was looking around kind of aimlessly.

"Fag! What's your retarded ass doing here?" I smirk and shove his shoulder.

"None of your business, Akari." he yells a bit too loudly at me, with a snarky tone.

"Where's all your makeup and heels, tranny?!"

"At home, why? Do you miss seeing my sexy thighs in that mini skirt?" he smiles back at me in a joking manner.

"That's disgusting, why don't you just go kill yourself-" suddenly a blinding light overthrows the room. It hurts so I cover my eyes for a second. All the sudden I open my eyes to a forest. Lots of trees surround me and I can't see the way out. I look next to me to find a snickers bar. What? What is that doing here?