
Watchful Eyes

In an abandoned mansion, seven malevolent mascot dolls, possessed by vengeful spirits, seek justice for their past murders. The story unfolds seven years later when the Bendeta Family purchases the mansion, still unaware of its dark secrets. As the new owners prepare to move in, they hire a team of 32 security guards to protect the valuable mysteries hidden within. Meanwhile, a group of five thieves embarks on their own quest inside the mansion. The protagonist, a private security guard monitoring the cameras, becomes entangled in unexpected alliances and encounters with the unknown. "Watchful Eyes" is more than just a story , it's an immersive experience that will awaken your senses and challenge your perceptions. Dare to peer into the abyss and see the truth that lies behind those watchful eyes. Are you ready to unlock the secrets within?

ChocoBibi99999 · Horror
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52 Chs

Hidden Feelings

As the clock struck 4 am, Lexus Tristan, Oriana Hoody, Prince Gunner, and Milky Cow stealthily ascended to the first floor of the mansion. Lexus peered through the windows and observed the outside. To his surprise, there were no guards left, except for a lone humanoid mascot patrolling the area.

Lexus's heart sank. "Oh no! It can't be," he thought to himself, realizing that all the guards had been wiped out. He quickly alerted the others to be cautious as there was a dangerous doll outside. They followed Lexus and made their way to the stairs, aiming to reach the CCTV room.

Silently and cautiously, they maneuvered through the mansion, finally reaching the third floor where Lexus's room was located. With their weapons at the ready, Lexus and Milky Cow stormed into the room, while Prince Gunner prepared his sniper rifle, ready to provide cover if needed. Lexus flicked the lights on, illuminating the room.

Relieved, they found that it was empty. They let out a collective sigh of comfort. The CCTV room was spacious, equivalent to two rooms, with the kitchen and the monitor room connected. Lexus turned on the computer and began setting up their new base.

"From now on, this room will be our base of operations," Lexus announced. "We can use the cameras to keep an eye on every part of the mansion and track our enemies. But first, let's rest."

Gunner and Cow closed the door, barricading it with two tables. As they finished securing the room, Gunner and Cow engaged in a conversation about how to counter the dolls. They discussed strategies and shared insights on the best approaches to stay alive.

Meanwhile, Lexus removed his uniform, preparing to make coffee and cook some available food in the kitchen. Oriana stood up and joined him, offering her help. As they entered the kitchen, Gunner and Cow couldn't help but tease Oriana.

"Ahem," Gunner cleared his throat, catching their attention. They quickly turned back to their conversation, leaving Oriana blushing in the corner.

The kitchen buzzed with the sound of utensils as Lexus fired up the stove and started cooking instant noodles, bacon, and eggs. He brewed some coffee and prepared plates. Oriana silently watched from the corner, catching Lexus off guard when he realized she had been there the whole time.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I bother you?" Oriana asked, breaking the silence.

Lexus continued cooking, a smile playing on his lips. "No, not at all. Is there anything you need?"

Oriana hesitated for a moment before gathering her courage. "Um, hey Lexus, what do you think of me?"

Lexus's mind raced, caught off guard by the sudden question. "Well, I think you're beautiful," he replied honestly. "But I'm a police officer, and you're a thief. It's a red flag for me."

Sadness filled Oriana's eyes. "uhghhh O-okay! I'm sorry"

Lexus realizing what Oriana's gestures mean, his heart pounding louder. After a moment of gathering his thoughts, he responded, "If we survive this, I'll take you on a date."

As Lexus continued cooking, a mischievous smile played on his lips. The warmth of the kitchen enveloped them, creating an intimate atmosphere.

Suddenly, Lexus couldn't resist the strong desire welling up inside him. With a surge of boldness, he gently pushed Oriana into the corner, his hand resting on the wall beside her.

Oriana's heart skipped a beat as she looked into Lexus's eyes, captivated by his intense gaze. Time seemed to stand still as the air around them crackled with anticipation. Lexus leaned in closer, his voice barely a whisper, sending shivers down Oriana's spine.

"Everything is done," Lexus murmured, his warm breath tickling Oriana's ear. As she inhaled deeply, a wave of ecstasy washed over her. The intoxicating scent of Lexus's sweat, a heady mix of musk and determination, enveloped her senses, causing her to momentarily lose herself in its allure.

Oriana's senses heightened, and she found herself entranced by the tantalizing aroma. It was as if each molecule of his sweat carried a hidden message, igniting a fire within her. She couldn't deny the magnetic pull she felt towards him, the scent acting as a catalyst for an unspoken connection.

Her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, her breathing growing shallow as she succumbed to the intoxicating fragrance. The scent became a symphony that played on her senses, awakening desires she never knew existed. It was a scent that spoke of passion and adventure, intertwining with her own desires in a perfect harmony.

With a mixture of excitement and anticipation, Oriana reluctantly pulled herself back, breaking free from the captivating spell Lexus's scent had cast upon her. She took a moment to compose herself before regaining her composure and stepping back, a shy smile playing on her lips.

As Oriana returned to the computer room with plates filled with hot coffee, noodles, eggs, and bacon, Gunner and Cow couldn't help but notice the change in her demeanor and the smile on her face. They exchanged knowing glances.

Unbeknownst to Oriana, that momentary ecstasy had left an indelible mark on her senses, forever etching the memory of their encounter. It was a scent that would forever be associated with the whirlwind of emotions she experienced in that fleeting moment, a reminder of the magnetic connection she shared with Lexus amidst the dangers of their surroundings.

"Ahh, young love," Cow chuckled, nudging Gunner. "It's a beautiful thing."

While Gunner and Cow indulged in their well-deserved meal, Oriana's heart fluttered with joy, grateful for the connection she had found amidst the chaos of the mansion.

As Gunner and Cow enjoyed their meal, their conversation shifted towards strategizing on how to counter the menacing mascots that roamed the mansion.

Cow took a sip of his coffee and furrowed his brow. "Gunner, these mascots are no joke. We need a solid plan to take them down and ensure our survival. Any ideas?"

Gunner leaned forward, his gaze intense. "Well, Milky Cow, we know these mascots are driven by the Soul Cores. If we can locate and destroy those cores, we might be able to neutralize them. But we have to be careful, as they seem to have developed unique abilities."

Cow scratched his chin, deep in thought. "You're right. We should observe their movements and patterns, find their weaknesses, and strike at the opportune moment. We can use our weapons and teamwork to our advantage."

Gunner nodded in agreement. "We also need to stay vigilant and anticipate their next move. They're not ordinary dolls anymore; they've been empowered with dark energy. We must stay one step ahead and outsmart them."

Meanwhile, on the 4th floor, the tension continued to rise as only three guards remained. Guard 1 cursed under his breath, "Crap! These devils are relentless!"

Guard 2, his voice filled with determination, said, "We have no choice but to fight our way out of here! We can't let them overpower us!"

Robin Padaplin, a guard who had witnessed the terrifying power of the mascots before, pleaded with his comrades, "Run and hide! Don't fight them head-on! They're practically unkillable!"

Ignoring Robin's warning, Guard 1 and Guard 2 mustered their courage and confronted the Dino mascot, tearing off its arm and tail. Robin, frustrated and worried, aimed his sniper rifle at the Dino doll's head and pulled the trigger. The doll's body went limp, paralyzed and unable to move.

Feeling a false sense of victory, Guard 1 and Guard 2 exchanged triumphant smiles. "Ha! These dolls are nothing!" Guard 1 boasted.

Unbeknownst to them, Robin's face turned pale as he caught sight of something lurking behind his fellow guards. Fear gripped his heart, and he knew he had to escape. He shouted, "Run!" and sprinted for his life, leaving Guard 1 and Guard 2 confused.

Guard 1 laughed, mocking Robin's cowardice. "Haha! Robin, you scaredy-cat! Come back here!"

Guard 2, confident in his skills, chimed in, "What's wrong with him? He didn't know I'm a master of martial arts!"

But as the two guards continued to converse, the silhouette behind them began to reveal itself—a chicken mascot. Suddenly, their overconfidence turned to panic. Robin, running for his life, could hear the screams of his comrades echoing through the corridors.

"I must find someone! Lexus! Where are you? I hope you're still alive!" Robin desperately searched for any sign of his fellow guards, hoping to find strength and support amidst the chaos.

Little did he know, Lexus and his companions were making their way up the mansion, unaware of the perilous encounters awaiting them on the upper floors. The stage was set for a battle of wits, strength, and survival against the formidable mascots.

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