
Watch your story on video for all universes

Everyone has their own life and each one lives as they want, but everything they do is recorded, their past, present and future, but what if someone else reveals that story, the world will be in chaos or will be safe, just investigate and see what awaits us in this new future. . . . . "He he he he" "It's my moment of glory, it's time to reach a million subscribers and this video will give it to me." [Publicando video......2%...29%...44%....67%....89%....99%....100] [Uploading video, video posted] "Now we just have to wait." . . . . *Meanwhile in all the known universes* . "Look a new video has been released" "Hill calls all the avengers to watch the new video." "Hey Bruce what's this video about" "Gojo-sensei there's a new video." "Hey Vegeta look at is you" "Ichigo look at this is new" "Hahaha I finally get to see my dream of being hokage" "Am I going to die?" "Can Saitama kill with one hit???" . . . . *In the main world* "Wow he's only got a few minutes and he's already famous enough." "Hahaha yeah they really like these videos".

Darknight558 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Cap 1

Before starting, the characters are not my property, all rights belong to their respective authors. I'm creating this story for fun, and I may continue it or leave it forgotten, depending on your support and whether you want the story to continue.






"Ugh, what time is it? Where's the alarm clock?"


"Ouch, that hurt! Note to self: no more staying up late watching videos and playing video games."

"Wait, whose room is this?"

The young man, who had just fallen out of bed and woken up from the strong bump on his head from hitting the floor, tried to get up to lie back down. But before doing so, he noticed a room he didn't recognize. He looked around and didn't recognize anything. There was a desk with a computer, several notebooks and pens, a chair, a closet, and a shelf with various books and some toys.

The young man was confused. He didn't know how he got here or why he was here. He was supposed to be at home, in his room, playing video games and watching YouTube videos all night because he had just started his vacation from work and wanted to relax for a while. He had a good time at night, but then he felt quite tired. Even though he was 35 years old, his eyelids felt incredibly heavy.

Before falling asleep, he turned off everything: his TV, his phone, the lights, and finally, the computer. But before shutting it down, he received an email. He wasn't sure what the email was about because he was very sleepy and couldn't read it properly. It just said if he accepts or rejects the job. He thought it was a new project at work and they needed him. If that was the case, why reject the offer?

And his assumption was correct. He managed to read that it was a new project that would change the future for many people and many worlds. Sometimes they use the latter to promote people or have Stan put that in, as everyone knows he likes to see a lot about the future.

He clicked accept and turned off the computer. He went back to bed and lay down. He immediately fell asleep, snoring deeply. But while he slept, his computer turned on, showing the email he received, which displayed a message.

[I hope you enjoy this new job. I hope you manage to change many things.]

And then it turned off again. The young man, or rather the adult who was sleeping, felt a slight headache, but this pain soon disappeared. It didn't last long, so he went back to sleep and then woke up in this unfamiliar room. He was checking his mind to figure out when he was kidnapped or which of his friends was playing a prank on him. He got up and walked to the desk while pondering what was happening.

But upon reaching the desk, he saw his phone reflecting his appearance. This surprised the young man, who opened his eyes wide, not only because the phone was different but because his appearance was that of a 16-year-old boy. He had no idea what was going on; his mind was a mess.

Was he kidnapped? Was he being pranked? Did a criminal surgeon come and perform plastic surgery to change his appearance? Did aliens come and take him, or is he in an experiment at Area 51? All sorts of thoughts flooded his mind.

First, why was he here? Second, why was he young? Even though he didn't hate this opportunity, and third, what happened? He started to get anxious about the situation. He wanted answers quickly. He felt his heart rate increasing rapidly, and his breathing became heavy. He was having an anxiety attack because of this situation.

But the world seemed to hear him, and suddenly the computer on the desk turned on. The young man noticed this and looked at his computer. It was on, but it only showed a blue screen, which changed to white. He was confused. He didn't turn on the computer, and he didn't do anything, but when he was about to turn off the computer, messages started appearing.

[Welcome to Video Universal.]

[Thank you for accepting this new job, and I hope you enjoy working.]

[If you have any questions about the contract, please check the INFORMATION below.]

[I look forward to your new videos and to you exciting the whole universe along with others.]

"Huh, a job, videos, universe???"

The young man was confused by the words that appeared on his computer. He immediately sat in his chair and started looking at his computer. This message appeared, so he scrolled down where the word to check the contract appeared. Without hesitation, he clicked to find out when he signed a contract. Clicking it sent him to a new page where information started appearing.

[Good morning, afternoon, evening. I hope you are perfectly fine. You have been chosen to work at Video Universal. This is an opportunity you cannot refuse. You will have many benefits, a well-paid salary, fame, and many other things.]

[The job consists of recording videos about comics, manga, anime, movies, and TV series that you remember. But don't worry if you can't remember. You will be provided with an application where you can review these series to then make a video explaining what happens, your opinion, make a countdown of the best moments, or simply show what will happen. The decision is yours.]

[You will be paid depending on the number of views and the fame you gain. You will be provided with a place to stay, food, comforts, and clothing. You will have to pay for them, but as a benefit of being our first employee, you will be given a certain amount of money that you can check in your account.]

[We look forward to your videos and that you work hard to make your videos. Don't forget, you have to post at least two videos per week with a minimum duration of 15 minutes. You can extend it as much as you want or do live streams. The decision is yours. Do your best. If you have any doubts, contact our supervisor.]

After reading the supposed contract, which seemed more like instructions for working, he leaned back in his chair, staring at the computer screen, processing everything that had just happened. He unknowingly signed a work contract, he's in a different place, he's younger, and now he has to make videos to live.

The young man started laughing at this situation, thinking it was all a dream and that he would soon wake up. He closed his eyes, expecting to wake up. Minutes passed, and nothing happened. He opened his eyes to see that he was still in the room. He wanted to scream, run, and ask for help, but who would believe him? After spending about 40 minutes contemplating his existence and how he ended up in this situation, he decided to check what his new job required.

When he turned on the computer again to see the message, the white screen was gone, replaced by the lock screen asking for the password. He wasn't sure what it was, so he entered the password from his previous computer, typing it with fear, thinking it would give him an error. But it was correct, and the computer unlocked.

He then began to check what was on the computer. After a few minutes of meticulous investigation, he realized that it was like a regular computer, except it had some programs he didn't know. There was a video editor with many tools, a camera for recording videos with good definition, and the application where he could watch series he had seen before, including manga, anime, movies, and series.

He also researched this world, but from what he found out, it was his world. Perhaps his identity was simply changed, or a clone of him was created, but he couldn't do anything about it. So he proceeded to see how to work, although he didn't know it, the world he was in was not very straightforward.

He started to see how to make videos after accepting the reality that he accepted a job and now has a new life. He could go out to investigate and see what's up with the world, but first, he decides to watch videos since it relaxes him a bit. So, he focuses and discovers quite a few new things like editing tools, backgrounds, and many other things. Seeing all this gets him quite excited, so he gets to work.







"Ugh, my back hurts. I think that's enough."

Back cracks

"I'll hit verify and publish, rest my back, and then explore the world."

After hours and hours of research on editing and then creating his own video, he is happy with what he did, although he got quite excited about the video's introduction. However, considering the company he works for, he wanted to do something related to it, although the company didn't ask for it. He gets up from the chair after cracking his bones and lies down on the bed while the computer is verifying the video.

Normally, it would be the platform verifying the video before it's published, but the platform where he uploads the video is not YouTube; it's the company's platform that reviews the video and then publishes it on YouTube. This process doesn't take long, and in an instant, the review passes, then the video is fully uploaded to the platform.





Meanwhile, in other universes

Everyone was going about their daily activities, whether it's working, going to school, hanging out with family or friends, going out to have fun, saving people, fighting enemies, but at one point, everyone received a notification or a holographic screen appeared in the sky. Everyone felt curious, either because of the style of the notification or because of the holographic screen hanging in the air. The screen was off, but soon it turned on, displaying a phrase.

[There are very few things we know, but I will show them to you. Follow me, and you will see things you have never seen in your lives and prepare for this journey.]


<Author: I hope you like the story. If support it, may continue but it depends on my mood. might release only one chapter per week or month, even do daily, and if don't have much homework.>




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