
Watch Out! My Boyfriend, the Human Weapon

Your typical boy meets girl love story...if the boy was a highly trained super soldier and the girl was a target he was hired to kill. Six knew there was something different about Claire Conway the moment he laid eyes on her but he never would have guessed how she would turn his entire world upside down! *Cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

Mcllorycat · Urban
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400 Chs

We Can't Be Rash

Alex's phone buzzed suddenly with a text and he briefly screeched to a halt. It was from Ethan.

'I'm pretty sure the guy behind this is Three. He's apparently pretty powerful in the underworld these days and sent some people to kidnap Emma and the Osborne triplets. They're shaken but safe at our house with Karli and me. Cody is on his way to help you out. Be careful'

Having his suspicions essentially confirmed made him feel worse. He knew Three was strong on his own but how did he end up getting people to work for him? All he knew until the Agency shut down was following orders. So how did he end up being the one giving them?

Alex always assumed he got arrested with everyone else since Carmen said he was heavily drugged with the same tranquilizers that took him down when he distracted them so Ray could get Claire away to safety. What had he been doing all this time?