
Watch Out! My Boyfriend, the Human Weapon

Your typical boy meets girl love story...if the boy was a highly trained super soldier and the girl was a target he was hired to kill. Six knew there was something different about Claire Conway the moment he laid eyes on her but he never would have guessed how she would turn his entire world upside down! *Cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

Mcllorycat · Urban
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400 Chs


The following morning at breakfast Claire picked at her eggs benedict awkwardly. She wasn't used to all of this fancy food and she hated the way that all of these people were looking at her.

Everyone was dressed to the nines so early in the day. It wasn't normal. Tim and Leo had already gone to work but the rest of the Harringtons' presence alone was suffocating her.

She didn't feel comfortable enough around them to stay in her pajamas but she still felt severely underdressed for an occasion as simple as breakfast. Coming here already felt like a mistake but it was too late to back out now.

If her life was ever going to be peaceful again, she had to get off of that hit list. All she wanted was to be able to go outside again without fear. Was that really so much to ask?