
Watch Out! My Boyfriend, the Human Weapon

Your typical boy meets girl love story...if the boy was a highly trained super soldier and the girl was a target he was hired to kill. Six knew there was something different about Claire Conway the moment he laid eyes on her but he never would have guessed how she would turn his entire world upside down! *Cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

Mcllorycat · Urban
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400 Chs


How should Claire play this? She needed to seem like a good sister because Ben was at least passingly close to Isabella. She couldn't outwardly show her contempt for the entire Harrington family.

"So you've been studying abroad, huh?" Ben asked, breaking through her frenzied thoughts. "Where?"

"England." That was the lie that Tim had been spouting all night. Staying on that subject could be dangerous; she needed to change it and fish for information at the same time. "I'm afraid I have missed out on so much back home in all that time. I don't even know my own family very well."

Her dance partner took the bait perfectly. "My family has been close to yours for years; I might be able to help you out there. What do you want to know?"

"Anything you can tell me. The more I know, the better I can fit in after being gone for so long."

Ben's expression grew thoughtful. "Why don't you tell me what you do know first? So I don't repeat anything unnecessarily."