
Part 1

The land was dry.Void of any water or any sort of plants. It was the dead land they said. Nothing lives on the dead land. Everything died there. If it wasn't for the starvation or thirst that led to the dead, it would be madness. Alone on the barren, dry, flat and vast land would drive anyone insane.

Someone was seen walking painfully slowly on the dead land. She was hunching, cold empty eyes looking in front of her. There were cuts and wounds all around her body. She was very thin, pale and at any moment fell flat on the ground and greeted death. She had a haggard piece of clothing, her unruly dirty dark purple hair, a chain looped around her neck and red eyes that deprived of any will to live.

She spent at least 10 steps before she crashed on the ground. Her breathing slowed down, her eyes shut closed and she couldn't move anymore.

'This is my end.' She thought.

"Child, oh poor child." A man appeared near her. He crouched down and poked her head, checking if she was still alive. She stirred very slightly but that was enough to tell that she was still alive. "Ah, you're at your limit. Well, I've got nothing to do, come with me, child."

He scooped her up gently. She barely weighs anything. The man walked off toward a direction, humming a tune and smiling nonchalantly. She was drawn to his warmth and soothing voice. She thought an angel had come to pick her up in the afterlife. But that was far from the truth.

This was the mark of her new chapter. Her starting point of everything she wished to achieve in the future. This was the first meeting between Osial Sid and an unnamed girl that would soon be named Ocean Sid.

A slave child that ran away from her master and was severely punished for it. She was thrown into the dead land to die. Her tenacity to survive was admirable. She held on for several weeks without food and drinks. She continued walking, trying to find salvation on the land of nothingness. That until she reached her limit and succumbed to the end of her life. However, the man, Osial Sid appeared like a spark of light in a darkest room. He brought her back to life.


The girl had started learning to walk again. Although she would trip on her way to the door, she was determined to keep trying. Osial was amazed by her strong will. She had the tendency to do everything herself. She was very independent.

'She's going to be so strong when she grows up.' He thought silently with a smile.

"Do you have a name, Lil' one?" He asked.

"No. Slaves don't have names." She muttered slowly, she refused to look at him in the eyes.

"Is that so?" He nodded. He placed a hot food in front of her. "I hope you don't mind the mushroom. Most kids don't like mushroom."

Without saying anything, she began eating. Osial couldn't help but noticed how her eyes widened the moment she taste the food. It was like the first time she ever eat such hot meal. Her red eyes were practically glowing and for the first time since he found her, she looked like a child that was happy to eat. For the first time she was grinning happily. Osial almost wanted to pat her head but refrained himself. The girl hated to be touched.

"Do you like it?" He asked. She paused, probably realising her behaviour. She immediately turned serious again. Osial's heart was hurting to see such small child had to suppress her feelings and thoughts to this extend. "I won't be mad at you. You can relax."

"I..erm, yes, it's tasty." She nodded timidly.

"You can have more of you want."

"Is.. Is that okay?" She was shaking.

"Yes of course. You can eat how much you want."

"No, erm, it's fine." She was holding herself back.

"You have to eat more. You're too little!"

Osial took her plate and added more food. The girl was stunned but soon started eating again. Her complexion was getting better than before. She started to gain some weight and her pale skin had more colours. Although, she still very weak, she was gaining back her strength. Most of her injuries were healed. Osial used low healing potions on her and they were able to heal the small injuries. For deeper wounds, it would take more time to fully heal. She never complained about the pain but Osial knew how it must've hurt whenever she moved.

"Do you want to go outside?" He offered after they finished eating. She nodded. Osial picked her up carefully. She stiffened in his arms but didn't say anything.

Osial lived in small farm house, a little far from the town. He had cornfield in front of his house and a little barn, housing chickens and 2 cows. It was peaceful and it was the first time the girl saw such sight. Her eyes squinted at the bright sun. She had been inside the house for a week, she experienced the bright weather in the countryside for the first time. She was in awe. She wanted to run around the field, rolling down on the muds, feeling the grass under her feet, touched the chickens and ride the cows.

"You can't walk properly yet, so let me show you around." Osial said and they walked to the barn. The girl couldn't help but fascinated by the animals in the barn. Osial brought her by the fence, near the cows. "This is Milly and Olly. They're friendly, don't worry. They probably let you ride them if you want."

"I can?"

"Yes, of course! But not now. We have to wait until you're better."

She nodded eagerly. She never felt this kind of thing. Anticipating about something like this. This was fun. She wished she wasn't weak but she knew it would've been more enjoyable to play with the cow when she was healthy. The chickens were running around the barn as if playing tag with each other.

"Those chicken are sly. You'd better be careful with them. I've been fooled for so many times." Osial sighed. She smiled in amusement. "If you see one of them drop to the ground, don't bother, they like to pretend to be dead to scare the shit out of you."

They walked around the cornfield, letting the girl picked a small corn and they went back to the house. Out at the front yard, there was a swing hanging from the huge tree beside the house. Osial sat down on the swing with the girl on his laps. He carefully swung them in rhythm. She enjoyed the soft breeze and how she felt like floating in the air. She was relaxing. This warmth. This peacefulness, she wanted all of this. She wanted to stay here.