
Chapter 3

Thomas touched his back and when he removed his hand it was covered in blood. This wasn't good, he was still injured from the previous fight and had little to no energy left.

His sword was still left out of reach on the rooftop. Without it there wasn't much chance of killing this bird creature. Thomas took a moment to breathe and gather his strength.

Then without any wasted movements he pushed open the door and leapt onto the rooftop. The bird creature let out a screech and dived towards Thomas with insane speed.

Thomas didn't move an inch from his spot, instead readying his fist and waiting. After a single moment the bird was finally in range with its talons ready to slash. Thomas let out a roar as he punched forward past the huge claws of the beast and smashed his fist into the birds chest. The birds chest burst outward and his fist emerged from its back killing it instantly.

"Whoa." Thomas let out a surprised gasp at the sight of his arm penetrating the mutant bird. He was glad that worked. Before he knew it the veins in his arm turned black like it was coming from the bird. He tried to wrench his arm from the bird but it was stuck fast.

His veins turned black and moved towards his heart. Then just as fast as it happened the blackness in his veins retreated and he was able to shake off the bird. The birds corpse landed on the gravel and turned to dust like it never existed in the first place.

Thomas pulled off his shirt to try and follow the blackness running through his veins. As he watched it enter his heart the wounds he had sustained over the past 24 hours started to heal rapidly.

The bite wound on his neck and the gash wounds on his back all started to heal at extremely fast speeds. Even the old bite wounds he had from the past started to disappear. It seemed whatever he absorbed from that bird allowed him to heal all his wounds and scars.

As soon as he was fully healed and while he was marveling at his body, All of a sudden he felt that burning sensation in his heart. He knelt down clutching his chest as the burning moved from his heart up his shoulder and neck and entered his brain. Thomas clenched his teeth because of the pain almost losing consciousness once again. Somehow he was able to hold on for what seemed like an eternity as the pain finally subsided.

Thomas slowly stood back up and looked down at his hands. He could see the veins popping out and the muscles in his arms bulging as he clenched his hands over and over. He no longer felt tired or in pain and instead felt as if he had boundless energy and strength.

Was this caused by the numerous bites he receded over the months or was it because of this bird creature and what he absorbed from it. Thomas had no clue as to the reason for these changes but instead of dwelling on this for too long he instead grabbed his sword and retrieved his backpack.

Thomas threw on his shirt and pack and stood on the edge of the building looking down at the streets below. He was currently about five stories high and a fall from this height would kill most people or leave them gravely injured.

Putting all the strength into his legs he crouched down and leaped across the gap over to the next building. He landed quite easily and immediately started to run across the rooftops jumping from ledge to ledge over each gap like it was nothing.

Thomas felt as if this was a dream, he was feeling so high from the adrenaline he continued to run for the next two hours only stopping when he arrived at one of the survivor settlements located at the edge of the city.

He never encountered another special mutant and most of the normal mutants couldn't catch him the whole way here. By the time he made it to the settlement he was sweating and breathing hard but a smile could be seen on his face.

The whole settlement was busy with survivors rushing here and there. Some were in stands selling various types of gear and weapons and some were even selling the most recent technological advancements. Thomas saw all these as he was walking through the streets of the settlement.

He walked without even glancing at the merchants calling out to him wanting him to buy the various oddities. Soon he arrived at a tavern of sorts to look for work. Previously before he mutated he had been saving up for a mutation serum.

A mutation serum is something a normal person can inject themselves with to awaken various types of mutations depending on the person. Thomas had been saving up for one such serum even though he new he would never be able to afford one in his lifetime.

But now that he has been lucky enough to awaken all on his own even if he did almost die, he no longer needed a serum. Although it could also enhance his current abilities so it would not be wasted on him either.

While thinking about this Thomas sat down at the bar and bought a beer. There were many people in the tavern at this time of day even though it was early. Looking around Thomas could see many people enjoying themselves but he also saw many groups getting ready to head out for the day.

The bartender sat a wooden mug of beer in front of Thomas and went back to cleaning the bar.

Most people these days find groups they can join because its safer and you can complete bounties much faster than if you were alone. Bounties are usually for problematic mutants that are threatening settlements. People offer rewards for survivors to take out these mutants which can range to just a few credits to augments that can enhance a survivors body in many different ways, depending on how tough the mutant is that they take down.

Taking his beer with him, Thomas went over to the board where he could see all the many bounties posted. He saw one for a supposed super agile mutant that kept sneaking into someone's settlement and stealing people in the night. The post said that this mutant was seen carrying a large sack over its shoulder. This sack is what it used to carry the people it takes.

There was also one that was posted that said there was a mutant feeding on this one settlements livestock. None of these really interested Thomas. Now that he has a mutation he feels like he could take on bounties that he never could before. He's always been a very hardcore person who always returns with many injuries and always takes the hard headed approach to things.

He just never liked to beat around the bush when it came to things like taking out mutants. He would just rather rush in and start the fight then try any other tactic. It might be reckless but that's just the type of person he is. Its also one of the reasons he doesn't have a group. That and because his last group was all wiped out.

Ever since then he has been against grouping up. The way he sees it, he cant rely on anyone else or they would be put in danger.

Pushing those thoughts away, he spotted a bounty that peeked his interest. The post says there are three extremely intelligent mutants that are attacking a settlement nearby and they are offering a mutation serum for the job. Normally Thomas would never take a job like this but with his newfound abilities he was itching for a real fight.

Just as he was reaching for the bounty he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked over with his eyes full of surprise. "So it is you! I thought you were dead!" Max exclaimed.

"What! I thought you were dead!" Thomas replied. "Your legs were shredded, how did you survive that?

Max patted Thomas on the shoulder. "Turns out I got a mutation in my legs and was able to get away, after I saw you go down."

"I guess we both got lucky then." Thomas replied While removing maxes hand from his shoulder.

"You mean to tell me that we both mutated? That's like a one in a million chance." Max said in disbelief.

"Well believe it, cause it happened. Anyway iv got a bounty to take care of so ill be going now." Thomas said.

"Not so fast. I'm going with you." Max said assertively. "Your gonna need someone to watch your back."

"No thanks, I'm fine on my own." Thomas rejected his offer. Unfortunately max wasn't taking no for an answer and continued to follow Thomas as he took the bounty to the front desk. Thomas realized this and just told him to stay out of the way.

The clerk at the front desk told Thomas the person requesting the bounty was a girl named Anne, and where to meet up with her. With max in tow, Thomas headed for the entrance to the settlement.