
Wasteland Gunner Princess... [Up for Adoption]

A 17-year-old teenager gets reincarnated into her favorite game but not all goes as expected... She may love the game but living in the Fallout Universe as her new reality makes her seethe with hatred... She is an unyielding Tyrant with a vast territory and is a true Warlord. But... Can a certain someone from a Vault enter the Tyrant's heart and change her for the better? We shall see...

Crimson1997 · Video Games
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5 Chs

McDonough makes a deal with the devil...

"I hate my life... Do you know why Cherry,?" Morrigan narrows her eyes at the cheap vodka.

"Because the wastelands are utter shit?" Cherry cracks her neck popping the joints.

"Exactly!" Morrigan snarls.

'It's been 18 years since I was reborn into the Fallout universe! What did I do to deserve being reborn in a hell hole like this!? I was born as the youngest daughter of a Gunner General... In other words, I've been born into a Mercenary family! I saved up just enough money to have a decent house built in Diamond City...

I'm stocked up on food water and booze that will last for three years... It took so many contracts just so I could live somewhat comfortably! At least I have a lot of influence due to my upbringing... I can command any Gunner's and they will follow my orders to the letter... I even convinced my father to let me create an Assassination Unit... I named our unit Night Raid... Only a reincarnate would know why I named my unit Night Raid... We commit our assassinations at night time...

I also use a very nice Odachi... It cost 12000 caps to buy this baby! And another 3000 to have it sharpened and repaired... It took a long ass time to find a blacksmith good enough to repair and sharper my baby! Most of my unit are either snipers, swordsmen, or infiltrators who go deep undercover... I currently have saved up 78564 caps... It took years to save up all of this... And of course, I have a Safe full of 1567 Gold Bars as liquid funding for my unit... It takes money to maintain our weapons and lifestyles... We all have our vices...'

"...Uh um... Ma'am... Are you willing to take a contract to kill a person for me?" The Mayor of Diamond City nervously asks for a contract.

" Mayor. McDonough... You know our prices and our rules... based on the difficulty of the hit we will ask for more caps... Unlike a rat like you, I take care of my people... If they become disabled I make damn sure they can live a comfortable retirement... So how much are you willing to pay for your original Sin?" Morrigan narrows her hawk-like eyes at McDonough.

Cherry folds her arms against her chest and only people with sharp enough eyes will notice that a 10mm silenced pistol has a bead on McDonough... Hidden within her arms ready to fire.

Edward Deegan a ghoul notices the hidden weapon and if he still had the ability to sweat he would...

'Those Night Raid gals are crazy!' Edward shakes his head and goes back to playing Pole.

"I... I want Piper Wright dead... She has been a thorn in my side since day one!" McDonough growls and is full of anger.

"Original Sin... Wrath..." Cherry writes down what his sin is... It's just a formality for the Unit...

"10000 caps... No bargaining... It's 10k or nothing... Piper Wright despite being a reporter has impressive combat skills and is a great gunslinger and hardly ever misses when she shoots... She has great hand-to-hand combat lessons and prefers kickboxing... she is also proficient with explosives... there is no backing out now Mayor... Do we have a deal or not McDonough?" Morrigan pulled out some papers that has a very detailed description of Piper's life from age 8 to now and all of her skills and habits.

Vadim the bartender also works as an information broker for Night Raid and handed the papers to Morrigan. Morrigan slides over a bag full of 500 caps.

"Y-yes of course! I will even pay an additional 2000 caps for you to keep this hush-hush! Make it look like an accident and I'll add another 1000 caps!" McDonough feels like he just made a deal with the devil but he also feels like it's all worth it in the end.

"Consider it done! Cherry, you got your work cut out for you... If you succeed and make it look like an accident you will get 5000 caps and if you sustain an injury that keeps you from being a Gunner... I'll add 50 gold bars and another 10000 caps for you to live in a luxurious retirement..."

"Got it, Boss!" Cherry shows a feral grin. The people in Night Raid are very comfortable with their lives... and if they do sustain such an injury they know they will be taken care of and live an easy life of retirement... So they have no qualms about doing very dangerous missions since they know that no matter what happens their livelihoods are secure.

"Boss... I'd actually like to take this job... I need some caps for my cigars and whiskey... Also, you know who also wants her gone..." Kellogg whispers just loud enough for Cherry to hear and the gal shrugs since it doesn't really matter who takes the hit since they are very well off. It's only the ones with expensive vices like Kellogg who take missions frequently to keep their lifestyle steady.

"Alright, Kellogg it's all on you... Same deal... Here's some for the stakeout..." Morrigan gives a box to Kellogg it's his favorite San Francisco Sunlights which are 500 caps for a single box.

"Thanks, Boss! I'll have the hit done by tomorrow morning..." Kellogg swaggers out and lights a cigar.

"You spoil the old man too much..." Cherry snickers.

"I take care of my people especially the big 7 like Kellogg the sin of Greed... He's the best gunslinger in the wastelands... Cherry the sin of Lust... The pleasure district is on my payroll... I keep you fed..." Morrigan gives a feral grin.

"Yeah... Those men are really rough just how I like it! The women are also a great spice of life!" Cherry drools.

Morrigan starts to walk away and stops right next to McDonough... "I expect the 13000 caps to be delivered by noon tomorrow... You know what happens to people who can't pay... If you want to keep your skin attached to your body I suggest you don't stand us up..." Morrigan walks out the door leaving a sweating and shivering McDonough.

'I need to gather up all the caps! These Night Raid Gunners are crazy! She will really skin me alive!' McDonough runs back to his office and opens his safe... After this deal, he will be left with a measly 700 caps.

"it will be worth it in the end... it will all be worth it... It has to be!" McDonough hyperventilates trying to comfort himself.