
The Fateful meet up

We all know how it goes with the first love, we usually see it as the true love, the one we just can't forget. The moment when two young hearts beat for one another for the first time at the same time. This feeling we cherish coz it feels like no other. It is something so special that you can't dare to think of living without it.

Like all stories there has to be a bigginning for it to have authenticity. Two hearts are intertwined together in a crazy manner, not too unauthodox, could be regarded as common but certainly not in the eyes of the beholder. I've learnt that there are three sides of the story, my side, her side and the truth that's why each story has to meet in the middle.


Sam was a young man back in the day awkward in his own cocky way, being introverted and carrying a low IQ plus he wasn't much of a socialist usually spoke less coz he had nothing to say. Sam was sent to a mixed boarding school by his parents since he had passed his ZJC with flying colors and decided to go there. He felt it was time for him to leave home for school and try out something new where few or non knew him.

It all began when he was 11 years old about to turn 12 in the later month this was in 2014. Life as he knew it was about to disappear and rebloom like he never anticipated. Young as he was he could never have seen himself being the youngest amongst all the boys in his stream. He had just left primary school so you'd imagine he wasn't that good in maintaining a conversation more so with the opposite sex.


School life

Day one

He woke up early being rushed by his parents so he can quickly get ready for school. A week before Sam and his parents had organized everything he might require from books to tac(trunk and food). He bathed like normal and went on to change into his newly acquired Uniform which was basically bigger than him making him look way way younger. He travelled with his family in their by then Family car, a Toyota Corolla, silver in color with a yellow number plate lamented both infront and at the back as the country's law deemed essential.

It took approximately 4-5 hours for the family to finally reach their destination which was Selfont High School. Selfont High School was in the top ten best schools of the country with it's extraordinary feel covered with a certain demeanor and a blessed vibe as it was a Roman Catholic school. Selfont High School was located deep in the woods of Greatle while in the district of Galil.

Sam spent the four hours looking outside the window as trees seemed to be running backwards when in reality it was the car moving fast. He was looking back as though trying to jump out and run back home but since it was his decision to be moving far from home like literally 5miles away, he had to pull up his big-boy-pants and act unphazed infront of his family. They talked some more until silence was the only wind blowing in the car.

The family finally arrived and the parents were greeted by Mr Michaels whom was the boarding master in charge of the boys affairs. He spoke calmly with a loud voice which didn't seem to be his ideal tone and as the boys got to know him they totally understood where he was coming from and kinda perfectly. All of the parents and the students were taken to the dormitories in which the students were to sleep and live their personal lives without parental control, that is besides the boarding master.

Sam was given a bed in a conner. He had also met two more students two days before when the parents met to discuss traveling arrangements. These two were David and Albert and the trio were luckily if you might put it placed in the same dorm which was called Dorm 1 or more appropriately called Ndocheni a name given to the whole ward. There was so much noise created in the rooms since no one knew the other and the parents hadn't left yet as they were helping the boys bed thier beds.

As the sun was showing signs of setting, parents began to disappear one by one as they left the students to rely on themselves or better yet on each other. The boys began unpacking other clothes and organizing their bags as they prepared for their first Monday at their new School. The day quickly turned into night as loud noises echoed from the hostels signifying the arrival of new dumb students who were not ready for what awaited them the next morning.

At night there was a fellow student, taller and more muscular than the rest, he was as confident as his build proclaimed. He was called Rheeds, Rheeds came into the hostel where Sam slept and confidently declared himself as a Form 2 prefect and everyone blindly accepted even though no one knew the truth. His homeboy Paulo on the other hand just kept quiet while slowly laughing.

Rheeds : Yooo listen up

The whole dorm went quiet as they prepared to listen.

Rheeds : I'm a Form 2 prefect and I've been assigned to sleep here and keep an eye on all of you

Neither one of the students had thought of asking the universal question that was on everyone's mind at that moment

"Like why should you be here"

The noise died as everyone went quiet in a fearful manner as though their tongues had been cut off. That night totally began a new world order for all the young boys as they attempted to adapt to this new bizzare world. Sam as quiet as he was slept besides a trio from Galil surprisingly their names were a trio of T's, namely Tyler, Tom and Tameal.

Tyler slept nearest to Sam and Tom next to him then came Tameal. They began to chat all night to the extent of failing to notice how time had flown. Sam even went to the extent of saying something stupid while he foretold a story to the trio and ended up feeling awkward due to the laughter's being thrown his direction but he also learnt of the correct way of putting it.

While they spoke, they even touched on topics of birthdays where Sam discovered that he and Tyler shared the same birthday but Tyler was a year older. The 4 boys finally slept after a few minutes of silence that finally killed the vibe. The wind blew calmly as the rain dropped since they were still in the rain season. The whole estate went silent as they all slept on their first day at xul and for some like Sam, it was their first time to spend a night without any member of his family.


Day two

The morning came quicker than they expected as they prepared for their first day of school. The boys took their buckets and fetched their water straight from the tap as they were no geezers back then and they showered. They got dressed early as they were addressed by Mr Michaels on what was to happen. They were told to leave their books and follow the prefects who were to show them around. Everyone who slept from Dorm 1 upto extension 2 were stunned when they saw Rheeds in a uniform that did not signify prefecthood. Though they had questions, the boys quickly rubbed them off of their minds as they had more important matters to attend.

The boys were shown around school and they began to have an outlet of what the school was like. They went from the dorms to the church were they bumped into the girls who were just coming out of the church after cleaning up the church. As young as the boys were they acted shy, well some more than others actually.

They greeted the girls like a group of drunkards, giggling like an awkward bunch but all in all they were scared. The boys went to the classrooms as they were shown their classrooms in which they were to select their favorite rooms. This was the task for tomorrow when every student had arrived at school.

The boys were told about the timing for the dinning room to be opened up. This was also an important matter as that was where the boys would end up relying on. The boys started to understand one another much better than anyone thought they might. They were an easy going bunch filled with different characters. They were the loud, the quiet, the humble, the boastful and your occasional bad boy with an edge.

There were no cleaners or companies designated to do that type of work so the students were notified that they had to do the cleaning in groups switching every week to reduce monotony. This definitely stunned some who were hoping for an easy life not knowing that any easy life has to be worked hard for.

The day came to a close with everyone knowing their designated roles. They all went to their rooms tired as hell, chatting with one another about the class they had selected to attend. The simple discussion turned into huge topics and a creation of a creepy game formally known as "THE BEAT UP"(macuts). This game was created by those who saw themselves high up on the status Quo, students would pick up anything they liked from belts to key chains just to beat up those who were sleeping. All this was done for their own amusement as they were a bunch of psycho's.

What started as a game for a few participants turned into a full scale brawl, like a virus that increases with contact. Soon three quarters of the dormitories had been enthralled into "THE BEAT UP GAME" were all the non active students were also thrown into it indirectly and these included the weak Sam. These games were a manice on the minds of the students as they became competitive over who beat the most students.

These games awoken a sleeping character in Pantol an awkward but kinda funny guy who had tendencies of saying words like "Sky spirits" "moris", you know those words from the famous KING JULIAN from the famous show PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR. These words brought about one of his many nicknames to date which was MORIS. Moris had a tendency of using his touches chain to play the game, which made some realistically dub him the chainman. His chain was small thin and portable though it was long.

Moris had a relative with whom he used to be playful with his cheeks, this relative was called Shiba. Shiba was a lil thick but definitely strong and charismatic dude. Shiba had a smooth aura around him in which he could draw company towards him. He was on the backlash end of Moris's chain though for many nights mostly without knowing. Moris was an instant hit thanks to his mini chain and awkwardness, he was respected in that area or you could say feared. He went about from Dorm to dorm inflicting pain on anyone who was at the receiving end.

That night after the students were given assignments by the Boarding master, the beat up game began it's destructive beginning. Those who had brought up the idea had started it's execution by beating those who had fallen asleep mostly those who had accepted the terms of the game untill all hell broke loose and those who weren't connected with the game began to be beaten up just for the fun of it.

The game went on from 8pm stretching to 10pm when the psycho's were tired of all the hitting and running. The calm breeze of the January night made the only clearest sound besides the snoring of cause, it felt as though it was the first night on repeat. It was Summer as usual but with a wild rainy vibe all day long as they were still in that sort of season.


Day three

The sun came up as the cock began it's morning ringtone which played a crucial role in waking up the sleepy boys. The boarding master woke everyone up and they all began preparations for the life that awaited them.

Mr Michaels: "right, now it's time for you to prepare for your first day at xul, so shower and do your respective chores"

All the students went quite as they listened and remember this was around 5am.

Mr Michaels: "I'll be here by 6:00 and I hope you'll be ready otherwise ummah whop somebody today"

The students all looked at each other with the expression of saying "he's joking right, ... there's no way he would do that on the first day".

Mr Michaels: " so be ready "

The students made their beds as some rushed to fetch their bathing water as the showers carried pure unfiltered dam water and no one was ready for that. Buckets were filled with water like mad as everyone was trying to get ready for the first academic day as soon as possible. The chores were dealt with as soon as everyone could. You know how form one's operate on their first day, they carried all of their books in their satchels. Every bag was so buffy that it looked likely to burst but somehow it managed to hold up.

Students began to leave the dormitories as Mr Michaels arrived on the scene, slowly going out but the selected time had climaxed so the remaining students were seriously going to be the first to feel Mr Michaels wrath. A student who went by the name Prinkol was very unlucky on his first day as he messed up and had to be given 5 strong lashes by Mr Michaels. Every student now understood the capabilities of Mr Michaels, now finally learning that he's the boarding master for a reason.

Prinkol totally felt the pain of both the humiliation he had to suffer after playing the role of the prototype for the other students and the physical pain of simply being whopped.


The students all went to school where they were to realize the rough truth of being a form 1 student. The students reached the classes and they all began to pile themselves in one of the three classes in which they fancied. Sam entered the middle class also known as 1B where he was to begin his new life. As he was selecting the position to sit his eyes met Talia's eyes.