
Was I Summoned To Another World? Are My Servants Heroic Spirits?

Follow the story of Allan, who suddenly summoned a servant and discovered that the world is not as simple as it seems. (this is the english translation of my story. my original story is written in brazilian portuguese.) The tags of this fanfic are: ARIFUETA, FATE, DXD. (I write this fanfic for fun. I only own the protagonist of this fanfic and the original characters I add to this story. The other characters and franchises that appear in the story do not belong to me.)

Jovictor · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

prologue (part 2) [edited]


I am in front of the mirror finishing the final touches of my makeup, when I get up I see myself completely in the mirror, what I see is a beautiful young woman of 15 years old, with long straight black hair down to her waist, I have violent eyes, I'm wearing a simple light green dress, this dress may be simple but it doesn't detract from my beauty.

If the boys at my school see me like this they'll swoon over my beauty,

i heard that more than 80% of the boys in school have already confessed to me, honestly maybe it's true, almost every day some random boy would show up and say he was in love with me, and i reject every single one of them, why i reject them them is just for two reasons.

First it's because most of the boys who confessed to me were a bunch of lewd trash, when they confessed to them they didn't look at my face but at my boobs, seriously if you're going to say you fell in love with me say it looking at my face and not my boobs, in fact there was even one who openly said that he only declared himself to me because of my huge boobs, needless to say I slapped him in the face, but at that moment I forgot to contain myself and used almost all my strength, and the strength of a middle class fallen half angel is no joke, luckily he didn't die so all i had to do was alter his memories of what happened, there were also guys who broke up with their girlfriends to confess to me , obviously I rejected them too, the girlfriends who had their hearts broken decided to direct their pain and resentment to me, they tried to bully me, but let's just say that after my retaliation a lot of girls transferred They went to other schools, well not all the boys were trash, there were some with good intentions, who looked me in the eyes while declaring themselves to me, I could feel the sincerity in their words, but even I rejected them, and that's because of the second reason, in my heart there is already someone I love.

His name is Allan Graysen, he is the same age as me, with brown hair and brown eyes, his appearance is simple and normal, in school he is average either in test scores or in activities, his hobbies include reading light novels and manga he also likes to watch anime, at school they usually call him an otaku and because of that he is not very popular at school, of course no one is mistreating Allan-kun or I should say no one would dare, after all everyone at school knows who we are childhood friends, there were some idiots who didn't accept our closeness they went to Allan-kun they punched him and demanded that he get away from me, when I heard that I didn't stay without acting, a few days after that those idiots showed up in the middle of the classroom they lowered their heads and apologized to Allan-kun, the other students who saw this noticed the scared faces of the idiots, the next day the idiots asked for a transfer, from this day forward no one cares dared to mess with Allan-kun again.

Fortunately Allan-kun is not alone, besides me he has one more friend, this friend is called Hajime Nagumo he also likes manga and anime like Allan-kun. The two became good friends and Nagumo-kun really cares about Allan-kun as a friend.

After looking at myself in the mirror, I'm ready to go to Allan-kun's house but I feel like something's missing, after looking at my hair I remembered.

"Oh my hair clip" I said remembering my clip, I opened the drawer and took it and then I put it on, when I see myself in the mirror I look at the clip, the clip is in the shape of a purple flower with a jewel transparent, this hair clip was the gift that Allan-kun gave me on my birthday last year, whenever I remember I remember the party that day, who was at that party was me, Allan-kun and Clarisse -san, even though I was just an agent at that party it was fun, whenever I remember that party I feel happy but at the same time sad too, because my father and sister are not here.

But I'm sure in the future we all will be, as Clarisse-san said that when I reach upper class I can meet my father.

After leaving the house and walking for a few minutes I arrive in front of Allan-kun's house, I open the gate with the key I received from Clarisse-san, after taking a few steps in the garden I stopped, paying a little more attention to myself. I felt magical energy emanating from Allan-kun's room, Clarisse has already warned me that Allan-kun is not involved with the supernatural side, and even though there are some factions hostile to Clarisse-san, none of them would dare to invade her house after all she managed to force a draw with a god, I thought this was absurd when I first heard it, but Uncle Azazel confirmed to me that the information is true.

Any faction that wants to get in touch with Clarisse-san has to fulfill several requirements, so far the only factions that can visit her are the grigori and youkai faction, but Clarisse-san didn't tell me about any of them visiting.

Looking a little more closely, I realized that in addition to the unknown magical energy there is also a poisonous aura, having noticed this I opened my four wings and went to the window, there was no time to open it normally so I had to force my way in by breaking it. In the process, when I entered I saw Allan-kun and a woman with a skull mask that covers the upper half of her face, but watching her I understood two things, first is that she is the source of the poisonous aura, now that I am close to her I can feeling how terrible her poison is just by her aura, the second thing I realized is that I can't beat her.

I've been in the middle class for some time now, during that time Clarisse-san forced me into insane training, so even if I were up against someone from the upper class I wouldn't be at much of a disadvantage, and even then I feel like I don't have the slightest bit. chance against this masked woman.

At that moment while thinking about it, Allan-kun turned and saw me, his shocked face already tells me how surprised he is with my arrival and my wings, I would like to explain the situation calmly to him but that's for later, now I have to save it.

"Allan-kun stay away from her, she's dangerous" was all I could say to him.


It's very messy, I mean it's a total mess, this morning I received a message on my cell phone and then I learned magic, then I did a summoning magic and this masked woman appeared, and finally the akino appears breaking the window and she has four black wings in the back, it's really chaotic around here.

When I was about to ask Akino what's going on, Serenity appeared between us with daggers in her hands in a fighting stance.

"Don't approach the master" was all she said to akino in a cold voice, akino was visibly furious at these words.

"You're the one who shouldn't approach him." Akino spoke with a serious expression as electricity surged through her hand, the atmosphere in the room was filled with tension, but before either of them could make a move someone spoke behind us.

"Hey, you two might not mess up the house, it sucks having to clean up afterward."

Everyone turned towards the direction of the voice and then it was seen the owner of the familiar voice, it was Aunt Clarisse, but just like this whole chaotic situation, she is adding more fuel to the fire with her arrival and her appearance, she is holding a katana japanese in her left hand, she is all soaked in water and most importantly she is completely undressed.

And I must say that she is insanely beautiful, including those wonderful tits.

"So Allan, have you nothing to say about this situation?" Aunt Clarisse looked at me with a gentle smile, but around her is a fierce and frightening aura, and I turn around and see Akino with her knees on the floor and her hands on her head, she is shaking a lot and has a scared expression as she mutters " It's the end... it's the end... ".

I then look at Serenity she still maintains her posture but I see that the daggers in her hands are shaking.

I'm not much better than they are, my legs are so weak that I fell to the floor, I can barely breathe.

"Wow, I exaggerated a bit, sorry Allan." when Aunt Clarisse said that the pressure dropped, I was able to breathe again.

"So, I'll ask again, does Allan have nothing to say about this situation?"


"Oh what a headache, what a hangover" I said as I tried to open my eyes still lying on mine.

"Oh? when did I get to my how much?" I find it strange that it's in my room when I'm sure I lost consciousness when I lay on the couch.

"Oh yeah, Allan must have brought me to my room." I say as I remember that Allan always brings me to my room when I'm drunk.

"But I can say I don't dislike it, especially when I'm carried princess-style." I say as I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom in my room.

When I look in the mirror I am surprised.

"this is me?" i said as i was shocked by what i saw in the mirror, who appears in the mirror is not the beautiful and charming me that makes all men drool in my presence, what i see in the mirror is a woman with messy clothes, my hair blonde and smooth are messy and dirty with dirt.

"Seriously, even though I managed to beat Yasaka-san in the drinking competition the price was too high, if people who know me see me like that any dignity they had over me in their hearts will turn to dust, oh Allan saw me, what does he think of me now?" I ended up muttering as I was filled with depressing thoughts.

After looking at myself in the mirror I started to take off my clothes and went to the shower, while soaking in the shower I felt refreshed and then I remembered the conversation I had with yasaka-san last night.

Our conversation was the usual, Yasaka-san complaining about the stress of leading the youkai faction and me listening while drinking, but yesterday there was a moment when yasaka-san got really depressed I asked her what happened and she told me a story very sad what happened to your cousin and her daughter.

A few years ago a man declared to yasaka-san's cousin saying he loved her but yasaka-san's cousin rejected him saying she didn't love him in the same way, depressed by the rejection he left urakyoto, after a few months the cousin met a young boy, it can be considered that for both of them it was love at first, after a few months they got married and had a daughter, this daughter was born as a nine-tailed fox but her hair color was pink, but even so that didn't stop the couple from taking care of their beloved daughter.

The years passed and the girl became a beautiful young woman, she finished her priestess training in an exemplary way that even the goddess amaterasu praised her, if the story ended here it would be a happy story but the problem starts now.

The man who was rejected returned to urakyoto, I called he heard that yasaka-san's cousin got married and had a family, he didn't accept that, he went to the family's house and attacked them, he also threw poison on them before running away .

Yasaka-san learned of the tragedy and went as quickly as possible to help them, but when she arrived only her daughter was alive, after taking her to the medical center and doing first aid they stabilized her condition for now, but it was discovered. that the poison that is in his body was a type of cursed magic poison, even removing the poison from his body the effects will still linger, the only way to heal himself is through his own magic resistance.

Being a nine-tailed fox she has a lot of magic resistance but not enough to get rid of the poison, since then she has been on the brink of death.

"Yasaka-san is trying to save this girl through every possible method and it still isn't working, if I were in yasaka-san's place I would be depressed too. It's been 3 months since that tragedy and that one is still persevering, she has strong will, what was her name again?"

"Oh I remembered, it was Tamamo-no-Mae."

At that moment I came out of my thoughts to hear the sound of breaking glass followed by akino's voice.

"Allan-kun stay away from her, she is dangerous"

Upon hearing I focused my senses and then I felt three sources of magical energy, the first is from Akino, her holy energy flow is agitated which means she is in her fallen angel form.

The second is an unknown magic energy that emanates a poisonous aura judging by the amount of magic energy this person must be in the upper class verging on the final class, if Akino fights this person she wouldn't stand a chance.

The third source of magic energy is very weak it was almost impossible to feel, although it was very weak there was a strange feeling of familiarity, but I ignored this feeling while doing a short incantation and summoning my katana, my katana had a simple appearance anyone who saw it would think it's a common weapon but the moment they touch it they'll change their mind, I left my room towards Allan's room, when I got there I was surprised.

"Do not approach the master."

"You're the one who shouldn't approach him."

When I arrived at the door I saw the three people who were there, there was the akino with her wings exposed, there was Allan there surprised by the presence of akino and finally there was someone surprising there.

She is the assassin-class servant, Hassan of serenity.

Why is she here? who summoned her?

it was then that I started to pay attention to Allan and noticed two surprising facts.

The first was that Allan was producing magical energy and the second and most important is that on Allan's left hand there are command seals.

How is this possible? Allan's magical awakening was supposed to happen only 3 years from now, why did it happen now? It doesn't matter now, first I have to stop these two from destroying the house.

"Hey, you two might not mess up the house, it sucks having to clean up afterward."

Everyone paid attention to me, but Akino and Allan's expressions were strange it was as if they were seeing a pervert, but that doesn't matter now.

what matters now is, why did this happen?

Allan's magical awakening was supposed to occur when he turned 18, then he'd get his three spells, that's how it should have happened.

But that bastard broke the deal and rushed things.

Alaya you shit just hope I'll spank you when I meet you again.

I notice that Allan is looking at me strangely, at first I didn't understand why he was looking at me like that until I remembered that I'm undressed.

I'd be lying if I said I'm not embarrassed but I can't show weakness right now, the most important thing is to check Allan's condition, forced awakening can damage his magic circuits and this can bring various health problems.

"So Allan, have you nothing to say about this situation?"

I asked this question to Allan while releasing some of my magical aura to give them a subtle message "don't make a mess", the message was effective I see Akino on his knees muttering something under his breath, that day in training was very traumatic for her poor thing, as for Serenity she still maintains her defensive posture but her hands shake slightly, she understood that I can kill her easily if I want to but that I didn't kill anyone.

And Allan just fell to the ground with trouble breathing.

"Wow, I seem to be exaggerating a bit, sorry Allan." I said as I lowered my blood pressure, Allan already breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, I'll ask again, does Allan have nothing to say about this situation?"

Allan looked at me and looked away before saying.

"Aunt Clarisse I'll tell you everything that happened today, but before that let's all calm down and…put on some clothes."


I sigh at what Allan said, we really should calm down and listen about the situation.

"Akino" when I called akino she turned her face to me.

"That masked girl called Allan a master, right? So she must have no intention of harming Allan, so calm down."

Akino reluctantly nodded in agreement.

I turn to Serenity and ask.

"How about you?

Serenity didn't respond for a while until she dematerialized her daggers, Allan looked at this in surprise.

Seeing that everything is resolved, let's go to the most important.

"Allan, go down to the kitchen and make us all food, after all you can't talk on an empty stomach."


Now we are all in the kitchen, more precisely while I am at the stove making food for all of us, Akino, Serenity and Aunt Clarisse are at the table waiting for the food, Aunt Clarisse asked me several questions (of course before we got to the table she put on her clothes ) and I explained about the cell phone message I got, about body modification magic, and about my summoning Serenity.

"So you used summoning magic because you were excited and curious, and you didn't think about what the person would think when summoned?"

"I..." I couldn't answer back because she's right. thinking now I didn't think about the feelings of the person who would be summoned, if I was summoned for some stupid reason like "because I was bored or the cliché situation of saving another world" I would be pissed to be kicked out of the house.

So looking at Serenity I do the only correct thing to do, I lower my head and apologize to Serenity.

"Serenity I'm really sorry because of my stupidity you..." but I couldn't finish as serenity interrupted me.

"Fine, I don't mind." was all Serenity said.

I lifted my head to face her, when I saw her she had already gotten up from the chair and was right in front of me, she raised her hand to her face and removed her mask, when I saw her face I felt like time had passed frozen.

Although her expression remains calm and expressionless, she is beautiful, her beauty can be described by many words as, a calm beauty, an ephemeral beauty, but the best description of beauty for her would be her very name "serenity".

"Master, normally when I am summoned it is to participate in a ritual called Holy Grail War, in this war 7 servants are summoned by 7 masters to fight each other until there is only one pair of master and servant left, the remaining pair will be rewarded with the holy grail, the miracle-working mechanism that can grant any wish."

I was silent listening to all this, so serenity was summoned and forced to participate in this mutual mantaça ritual, and from the way she spoke it happened more than once.

serenity continued talking.

"Whenever I was summoned in a war I was always defeated, not once, not twice, but several times I was summoned and always defeated without reaching the grail."

"My wish for the grail is to rid myself of this poison that is in my body, because that way I would be able to live normally."

"But now none of that matters to me anymore.."

Serenity then takes my hand and puts it on her face, continuing to speak.

"But none of that matters to me anymore, after all you are here master. When I was summoned by you master I received two types of information.

the first was over this world, there is no holy grail war here so i don't need to fight other servants. The second was about your magic, with your magic I can get rid of my poison, so I don't need any grails."

I heard serenity talking, honestly I felt relieved to know she won't have to go through this ritual again. It's very sad what she's been through so far, but I'm glad she doesn't have to go through this and that I can help her get rid of her poison.

Gently cupping serenity's cheek I say with a warm smile.

"Don't worry serenity I will cure you of this poison and I will definitely make you happy."

Serenity was surprised by these words and blushed a little and then gave an almost imperceptible smile as she said.

"Yes Master."


As Allan and Serenity stay in their own little world, they forgot they weren't alone in the kitchen.

Clarisse and Akino were watching the whole scene, with different reactions.

Clarisse watches the scene with a satisfied smile as she speaks softly.

"Good to know you're not like those Allan scumbags."

Akino watches the whole scene with a calm smile, anyone watching her very little would think she was okay with it, but for those with good perception you will notice that she is so furious that she almost forms an oni behind her back.

when she was about to speak to the duo in front of her Clarisse interrupted her.

"Akino I know you don't like the mellow mood of the two of us in front of us, but I want you to listen to me."

Clarisse spoke the last part with seriousness that made Akino take her next words seriously.

"Allan's magical awakening was caused by someone unknown, we don't know his intentions so we need to act carefully and cautiously."

Akino nodded in agreement.

"So I want you to pack all your stuff and move into our house"

Akino was surprised by those words.

"What? Seriously? But why?" Akino asked.

"Yes you are one of the few people who are friends with the family, so I worry about your safety." Clarisse said worried about Akino's safety.

Akino is sometimes a little afraid of Clarisse because of the hellish training he received from her, but hearing that Clarisse worries about her safety made her heart warm.

"And you can use this opportunity to make advances on Allan, aren't you happy?" Clarisse says with a teasing smile.

Akino blushes madly upon hearing this.

" cla-cla-cla Clarisse-san what are you saying?"

Akino stutters as he asks.

"Did you hear me." Clarisse turned to Allan and Serenity and then spoke.

"Hey Allan and breakfast, how long will it take?" Clarisse asked pulling the two of them out of their little world.

"Breakfast is almost ready, just give me a few minutes." Allan said hurrying to put the food in.

"Oh that's right Allan, I was about to forget to tell you something important." Clarisse spoke.

Allan turned to look at Clarisse and then heard...

"Happy birthday Allan." Clarisse spoke with a gentle expression.

Akino and Serenity heard what Clarisse said and remembered that today is Allan's birthday.

"Happy birthday Allan-kun." Akino spoke while still blushing a little from what Clarisse had said moments ago.

"Happy birthday...? master?" Serenity spoke in a doubtful tone, she doesn't know what birthday means but from the way Clarisse and akino spoke it must be important so she also spoke to her master.

Allan heard the three in front of him and was very happy.

"Thank you so much guys." Alan thanked him.
