
Was I Summoned To Another World? Are My Servants Heroic Spirits?

Follow the story of Allan, who suddenly summoned a servant and discovered that the world is not as simple as it seems. (this is the english translation of my story. my original story is written in brazilian portuguese.) The tags of this fanfic are: ARIFUETA, FATE, DXD. (I write this fanfic for fun. I only own the protagonist of this fanfic and the original characters I add to this story. The other characters and franchises that appear in the story do not belong to me.)

Jovictor · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 30


When I turned to see who it was I saw that it was Kaori Shirasaki and Kouki Amanogawa.

"Oh Kaori and Kouki how nice to see you here." Shizuku Yaegashi greeted them both.

"Eh? Graysen-kun and Himejima-san also came with you Shizuku-chan?" Kaori Shirasaki asked when she saw me and Akino.

When Kouki Amanogawa saw that Akino and I were holding hands he was shocked and directed a slight hostility towards me but immediately hid it. Of course something like that would be easily noticed not only by me but also by Akino, Aunt Clarisse, Kuroka and even Asia who is the most docile of us felt it. The only ones who didn't notice were Shizuku Yaegashi and Kaori Shirasaki. As for Shuuzou-san, I don't know if he noticed or not.

"Graysen-kun and Himejima-san, why are you two holding hands?" Kaori Shirasaki asked.

"Isn't it normal for a couple to hold hands?" I spoke.

"Are you guys dating? So congratulations to you both." Kaori Shirasaki stayed initially and then congratulated us.

"Haha Graysen I know cracking jokes is a good way to start a conversation but you shouldn't tell lies that jeopardize Himejima's reputation." Kouki Amanogawa spoke up.

"But what did that idiot just say?" I thought when I heard what Amanogawa said.

I could see that Akino looked at Amanogawa with cold eyes.

"Hey Kouki stop being rude, Himejima-san herself said that she was Graysen-kun's girlfriend. So hurry up and apologize." Shizuku Yaegashi spoke up.

"Kouki-kun that wasn't nice, go apologize soon." Kaori Shirasaki spoke up.

"What? But I'm not wrong, there's no way Himejima-san is his girlfriend." Kouki Amanogawa said it like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Honestly if we hadn't been in public view I would have already broken this idiot's nose.

But before I could say anything...

"Amanogawa-kun. What do you mean there's no way I can be Allan-kun's girlfriend?" Akino asked in a cold voice.

"Eh? But Himejima-san..." Kouki Amanogawa tried to speak but he was interrupted by Akino.

"Amanogawa-kun, yesterday I confessed to Allan-kun and with that we finally became a couple. Today is our first day together and because of the tournament we won't be able to stay together for a long time. So I would appreciate it if you don't. make us waste time with your Amanogawa-kun ravings." Akino spoke with a cold expression to Kouki Amanogawa.

"Now let's go Allan-kun." Akino said as she turned her face to me and changed from a cold expression to a warm smile. She then started to hug my arm and lead me into the stadium. Aunt Clarisse and the others came after us.

Shizuku Yaegashi and her group followed soon after. I could also feel Amanogawa's hostility intensify but I didn't care.

After we entered the stadium, Shizuku Yaegashi and I separated from the others and went to the waiting room where the other participants will wait until the tournament starts.

After we walked a bit down the hall that leads to the waiting room Shizuku Yaegashi spoke.

"Graysen-kun I'm sorry." Shizuku Yaegashi spoke suddenly.

"Apologize for what? You didn't do anything you needed to apologize for." I told her.

"But Kouki's attitude was very rude. So I..." Shizuku Yaegashi spoke.

"Shizuku Yaegashi, I'm not angry about what happened anymore, although I still think he deserves to be punched to stop being an idiot." I spoke.

"But you know what? I have no intention of wasting my time on him, instead I'm much more interested in you Shizuku Yaegashi." I spoke.

"Eh? Interested in me?" Shizuku Yaegashi asked in surprise.

"Yes, after all I was curious to meet Shuuzou-san's granddaughter." I spoke.

When Shizuku Yaegashi heard my reason she calmed down a bit.

"I understand." she said.

After that we both arrived in the tournament waiting room.

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