
Was I Summoned To Another World? Are My Servants Heroic Spirits?

Follow the story of Allan, who suddenly summoned a servant and discovered that the world is not as simple as it seems. (this is the english translation of my story. my original story is written in brazilian portuguese.) The tags of this fanfic are: ARIFUETA, FATE, DXD. (I write this fanfic for fun. I only own the protagonist of this fanfic and the original characters I add to this story. The other characters and franchises that appear in the story do not belong to me.)

Jovictor · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

chapter 24


"Damn, how did the situation get to this point?" I asked myself in the face of the situation in front of me.

The current situation was that me, Allan-kun and that damn cat were the three of us in the bathtub. Allan-kun was between me and the damn cat, both me and the damn cat were hugging Allan-kun's arms without any towel making our breasts directly touch Allan-kun's arms.

"Damn, this was supposed to be my big break that Clarisse-san gave me." I thought as I recalled what happened 30 minutes ago.


"Asia-chan very sheltered for preparing dinner today." Clarisse-san told Asia-chan that she had finished preparing dinner here in the hotel room.

"You're welcome, I made dinner so Allan-oniisan could rest when he arrived." Asia-chan spoke up.

"I see, Asia-chan if you want you can go to the living room sofa and watch TV with Kuroka." Clarisse-san spoke.

"Really? Then I'll go there Clarisse-san... I say mom Clarisse." Asia-chan said and went to the living room.

"Hey Akino, while Asia and Kuroka are in the living room watching television I want to have a serious talk with you." Clarisse-san spoke as she arranged two chairs at the table so we could sit.

"And what would this serious conversation be about, Clarisse-san?" I asked as we both sat in the chairs.

"So Akino... When are you going to make your advances?" Clarisse-san asked.

"My advances?" I asked confused not understanding what Clarisse-san was referring to.

"I will speak in a more understandable way for you Akino." Clarisse-san spoke as she brought her face close to my ear, and then said softly.

"I'm asking you, when are you going to make serious advances to conquer Allan?" Clarisse-san spoke and pulled back a little to see my reaction, she was smiling as if expecting something funny.

"Cla-cla-cla... Clarisse-san what are you..." I stuttered at this sudden question. And before I could say anything Clarisse-san put her finger on my lips.

"Akino I'll give you some advice. You have to be more daring, if you stay shy like that you'll fall into the friend zone." Clarisse-san spoke.

"Friend zone?" I asked upon hearing about this terrible possibility.

"Akino, among the five girls vying for Allan... You're probably the one at the biggest disadvantage right now." Clarisse-san said.

"Wait a minute Clarisse-san. What do you mean by 5 girls?" I asked surprised at what Clarisse-san said.

5 girls? But so far there was only Serenity and the bitch fox. Who are the other two girls Clarisse-san mentioned?

"First let's talk about the fifth girl who may or may not fall in love with Allan. Can you guess who it is?" Clarisse-san spoke.

"No attempt? How boring. Well, the girl I'm talking about is Leticia." Clarisse-san spoke.

"What? Leticia? But how is it possible that she has romantic feelings for Allan-kun?" I asked shocked to learn that the first girl was Leticia.

"Talking about Leticia's feelings, they're not romantic... yet." Clarisse-san spoke.

"Akino, try to imagine the kind of life Leticia must have lived before we met. As she is a Child of Miracle she probably had a very restricted childhood full of responsibilities and training in the church. with her being treated practically like royalty, she probably didn't make many friends either because of those statuses. Fortunately knowing old man Vasco, she was probably accompanied by reasonable people during her childhood." Clarisse-san spoke.

"After Leticia arrived in our city she can experience a bit of a normal life, going to school and making some friends the same age as her. And in the middle of it all is Allan."

"Allan not only cured her of the poisoning that happened to her, but he is also helping her to accompany her and her adaptation here in Japan. All this has already made her have a very good opinion of Allan."

"It's quite likely that she didn't have much contact with the opposite sex when she was at church, and talking about the boys, how can I describe them?" Clarisse-san was trying to find the right word.

"They're disappointing. That's what you want to talk about, isn't it?" I told Clarisse-san.

Honestly, boys are idiots.

On the first day that Letícia came to our school, many of those idiots looked at her as if she had never seen a beautiful girl.

The only ones who didn't look that pathetic were Allan-kun and Nagumo-kun.

She received several love letters in his locker. And as a good friend and veteran in this matter I gave some advice on what to do in this situation. I told her to just gather all the letters she received and make a fire out of those letters.

"Well, unlike other boys of the same age, Allan was always around to help her with her questions about Japan. He also treated her like a friend and even taught her the fun of reading and watching manga and anime. Considering all that..." Clarisse-san spoke.

"If Leticia still hasn't fallen in love with Allan then it's only a matter of time before she falls in love with him." Clarisse-san spoke.

"I never imagined something like this could happen." I said upon hearing Clarisse-san's explanation.

"I was also surprised when I noticed all this. Now let's talk about the second girl who is the most recent addition among the five of you." Clarisse-san spoke.

"It's not that damn cat, is it?" I asked already assuming she would be someone annoying.

"Wow, you nailed it. It's like you guessed it, the second girl is one of your rivals in the conquest to conquer Allan is... Kuroka." Clarisse-san spoke.

*sigh* "I already had to deal with a bitch fox and now a damn cat has decided to show up and make it worse. Are all other youkai just as annoying as they are?" I complained.

"Well don't talk like that Akino, although I understand her bad mood about Tamamo and Kuroka." Clarisse-san spoke as she tried to calm me down.

"But frankly speaking, I'm sure Kuroka is interested in Allan, but I have no idea why she's interested in him." Clarisse-san spoke.

It really is like Clarisse-san said. It's weird that that damn cat started making a move on Allan.

She started to get bolder last week when she started trying to sneak into Allan-kun's room. Fortunately, Serenity always showed that cat her place.

"Well, leaving that cheeky cat aside… The other two must be Serenity and the bitch fox, right?" I asked Clarisse-san.

"Exactly. And needless to say, they have an overwhelming advantage over the three of you." Clarisse-san declared

I was silent at this statement.

"Akino... Let me give you two pieces of advice that will change your situation." Clarisse-san spoke with a confident smile.

"First. Put aside your useless shyness and go on the offensive. You've got this big body that will be the envy of any woman in the world. So try to use those tits of yours to your advantage." Clarisse-san spoke as she pointed her index finger at my breasts.

"But how can I do something like that, Clarisse-san?" I asked with a flushed face as I covered my breasts with my arms.

"I have a plan for that part, so you don't have to worry. I'll tell you shortly." Clarisse-san spoke.

"Now let's talk about my second piece of advice for you." Clarisse-san spoke.

"Akino, if you really want to take a chance on Allan then you'd better guide Allan to the harem route." Clarisse-san.

"Harem route?!!" I almost screamed but held myself back so Asia-chan and the damn cat wouldn't hear anything.

"Clarisse-san what nonsense are you talking about? I-" I could finish speaking when Clarisse-san interrupted me putting her finger to my lips.

"Akino. Wanting the man you're in love with only looks at you, is the desire every woman has inside her heart." Clarisse-san said with a small affectionate and understanding smile.

"As a woman I've been through this too in the past." Clarisse-san said with a happy and nostalgic smile.

"But Akino, if you try to monopolize Allan for yourself and try to push all the other girls away, the only result you're going to get from that is for Allan to pull away from you." Clarisse-san spoke.

"So... What am I... Should I do, Clarisse-san?" I asked in a shaky voice almost crying.

I already knew it.

That my desire to have Allan-kun all to myself was too selfish.


When Serenity and the bitch fox appeared in Allan-kun's life I was scared.

Afraid Allan-kun would set me aside for them.

Afraid he'd forget about me and not care about me anymore.

Just thinking about it makes my heart ache and tears well up in my eyes.

"Silly girl..." Clarisse-san said as she hugged me, placing my head on her breasts.

"Allan cares a lot about you, he wouldn't forget you or leave you aside." Clarisse-san spoke.

"Is this true Clarisse-san?" I asked.

"Yes. After all, just as you love Allan, Allan loves you too." Clarisse-san spoke.

"Serious?" I asked upon hearing what Clarisse-san did.

"Yes, he loves you. But the reason Allan hasn't told you his own feelings is because he's also in love with Serenity and Tamamo." Clarisse-san spoke.

"Akino, both you and I know that Allan is not a womanizer looking for a harem, otherwise he would have already tried some move on you instead of getting defensive." Clarisse-san spoke.

Really if Allan-kun was a womanizer he would have tried to get the three of us a long time ago.

"Akino, if Allan chooses only one of you then all the others will be heartbroken, but if Allan chooses the harem route path then all of you can be happy alongside Allan. So Akino which path will you choose?" Clarisse asked.

Honestly, I wanted Allan-kun just for myself, but I know that's an impossible request. That's why...

"Alright... I'll accept... The harem route." I say reluctantly.

"I knew you would make the right decision." Clarisse-san spoke.

"Now Akino I will explain to you what you should do to be bolder." Clarisse-san spoke.

When Clarisse-san explained what I should do when Allan-kun arrived, my face was completely flushed with embarrassment.

"But Clarisse-san..." I couldn't finish speaking because Clarisse-san interrupted me.

"No buts, you have to. This is one of your biggest opportunities, don't give up now akino." Clarisse-san.

After that Clarisse-san left the apartment and went to get Allan-kun who was in the internship.

"I can't hesitate now, it's like Clarisse-san said. I need to be bolder." I said to myself as I tried to cheer myself up to use the opportunity Clarisse-san gave me.


"Fufufu... What an interesting idea nya." I said as I listened to the entire conversation of the two who were in the kitchen. Because I am a senjutsu user, I was able to improve my hearing and hear the entire conversation.

"Did you say something, Kuroka-san?" Asia-chan asked as she was sitting next to me on the couch.

"It was nothing nya. I was just thinking about a few things, it's nothing important nya." I said to Asia.

"I will definitely use this opportunity for Allan to notice my charms. Then we can have a lot of kittens in the future. Fufufu" I thought.

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