
Was I Summoned To Another World? Are My Servants Heroic Spirits?

Follow the story of Allan, who suddenly summoned a servant and discovered that the world is not as simple as it seems. (this is the english translation of my story. my original story is written in brazilian portuguese.) The tags of this fanfic are: ARIFUETA, FATE, DXD. (I write this fanfic for fun. I only own the protagonist of this fanfic and the original characters I add to this story. The other characters and franchises that appear in the story do not belong to me.)

Jovictor · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

chapter 22

While Allan was going up in the elevator, in another room two people were talking. In this room the two men were filled with monitors showing several arenas identical to the ones Allan and Shuuzou fought.

"Are you sure of that, my lord?"

"It's okay Akihiro. Actually, I must apologize for interfering with the outcome of their fight."

"This tournament was created to fulfill your wishes. Interference at this level is fine, but I ask you to refrain from repeating such actions as the tournament proceeds."

The two people who were talking in the room were two men, one of them being Akihiro Sousuke the organizer of the swordsman tournament. While the other man was an elderly man who looked to be at least 90 years old, he was in a wheelchair.

"Now excuse me sir, but the end of Allan Graysen's fight the 128 participants has been decided, I need to go to the stage to welcome the participants." Akihiro said in a respectful tone.

"Alright, go Akihiro." the old man said to Akihiro.

After Akihiro left the room.

*cough cough*

The old man was coughing and a few drops of blood on his hand.

*sigh* "I just hope that in this tournament there will be an exciting fight before the end of my life." the old man said as he looked at the monitors on the walls.


"The next fight... Will it be the last?" I was asking myself inside the elevator.

After I got in the elevator he started to go up, this was very different from what happened the other times I got in the elevator after the other fights.

After a few minutes of ascent the elevator finally opens and the doors.

The room I saw in front of me is very similar to the room the tournament organizer appeared in. The room is spacious and has a stage in the middle.

I'm not the only one in the room, besides me there were also several other people who are probably also participating in this tournament. There must have been at least a hundred people in this one, while there were people who had torn clothes, several bruises on their bodies and there were also some who had superficial cuts all over their bodies. There were also a few people who were completely unharmed and without any scratches.

As I looked at the other participants I noticed a certain girl.

She had long black hair tied in a ponytail, she also had short bangs that covered her forehead and finally she had red eyes. She is wearing a white kimono that has a few small cuts but is nothing serious.

"So she's here too, huh? Well, I wonder what a fight between the two of us will be like in this tournament." I thought as I saw my classmate.

Shizuku Yaegashi was looking at all the other participants as if she was looking for someone, when her gaze landed on me she looked quite surprised.

At that very moment...

"Dear participants, congratulations to all of you for making it through the preliminaries." a loud voice echoed in the room.

I looked towards the voice and saw that it was organizer Akihiro who was standing on stage.

"Now that the 128 participants are gathered in this room, I declare that the preliminaries are over. The tournament will start tomorrow, so we will provide a first class hotel room for the participants and their companions to rest for the night until the end of the tournament, however once you lose in the tournament you will have to remove all your belongings and escorts from the hotel in less than a day. If you do not leave the hotel then we will have to resolve this in a not very elegant way." the organizer spoke.

After that a door opened in the room.

"And before I forget, you will have a medical check after you pass that hallway, after all some of you must have been injured during the preliminaries. That's all for today dear participants, we'll see you again tomorrow at the start of the tournament." the organizer Akihiro spoke.

After the organizer Akihiro has finished speaking, all the participants head out into the hallway. I also had a medical checkup that lasted 30 minutes. Soon I finally arrived outside and whoever was there to greet me was Aunt Clarisse.

Aunt Clarisse was standing a few meters away from the entrance to the stadium, although she was casually dressed in a blue short-sleeved T-shirt and women's jeans that didn't diminish Aunt Clarisse's beauty level, after all many men weren't. managing to look away from Aunt Clarisse's direction, some men received a tug on the ear from their girlfriends or wives. And Aunt Clarisse didn't mind any of that.

"You finally arrived Allan, I was tired of waiting." Aunt Clarisse crossed her arms and said when she saw me.

"Hi Aunt Clarisse, I'm sorry for making you wait so long." I said as I scratched my head with my left hand.

"First, congratulations on passing the preliminaries, I have already received an email on my cell phone informing me that you are officially qualified for the tournament." Aunt Clarisse spoke.

"Second, the girls are waiting for us in the hotel room you've been assigned, so let's go Allan." Aunt Clarisse said.

So we walked towards the hotel that the tournament gave us. During the walk I told everything that happened in the preliminaries even my fight with lord Shuuzou.

"I see, so what did you think of your fight with Shuuzou Yaegashi?" Aunt Clarisse asked.

"Honestly speaking, even if the physical restraint you placed on me was removed and I could exert my lower-class physical strength to fight Lord Shuuzou... I still wouldn't have the slightest chance of winning in terms of swordplay." I spoke my honest opinion.

"I see. So bringing you to this tournament was a good idea after all." Aunt Clarisse spoke.

After a few minutes of walking we finally arrived at the hotel.

"Wow, it's huge!" I said while looking at the 60 story building.

We entered the hotel and went to the elevator of the building, our room is on the forty-second floor.

After getting off the elevator we went to our assigned room. When we opened the door I was impressed with the hotel room.

The hotel room is very large and full of first class furniture.

"Allan nya. You've finally arrived nya."

"Welcome Allan-oniisan and mother Clarisse."

Me and Aunt Clarisse were greeted by Kuroka and Asia who was watching the news on an LED screen TV.

"Hi Asia. Hi Kuroka. We're finally here." I spoke to both.

They asked me about my fights and I said that I am qualified to participate in the tournament tomorrow.

"Allan after so many fights you must be tired, right? How about taking a shower to freshen up? Look, you'll be impressed with the size of the bathroom here." Aunt Clarisse suggested it to me.

"Thanks for the concern Aunt Clarisse." I thanked Aunt Clarisse for the suggestion and headed towards the bathroom.

"Keikaku doori."

I heard Aunt Clarisse say something under her breath but I didn't understand what it was. Then I went to the bathroom of the hotel room and I have to say that the bathroom is simply huge, the bathtub is big enough for 5 people to stay there and still have plenty of room.

After taking mine off and giving a quick wet, I got into the tub that had hot water.

*sighs* "Oh, this is so relaxing." I said as I lifted my arms to stretch.

At that moment I heard the bathroom door open.

I turned to see who it was. But when I saw who it was I was speechless.

"Allan-kun you must be very tired right? Then let me help you wash your back." Akino said in a shy tone with a completely red face. Akino wasn't wearing clothes instead she was wrapped in a small towel that barely covered her big boobs and her waist.

"Of course, feel free." my mouth went through an automatic response as my overheated brain was trying to process what just happened.

When I finally understood what happened Akino already got into the bathtub and removed the towel that covered her.

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