
Chapter 23: Some Losers Come out on Top


Piper's plan centered around using Heaven Leigh as bait to draw out Ivy so we could then ambush her, and that was a plan I could fully support. H*ll, I'd support anything that didn't involve putting Piper in harm's way.

After spending a solid hour hashing out some of the details, Chloe prepared the top bunk in Piper's room for Heaven Leigh. Then, everyone either left or scattered to their various bedrooms. I'd claimed the couch for myself, even though I could have stayed in Sean's room. But the couch gave me a much better vantage point should anything else happen.

I toed off my shoes, then flopped down on the couch. The house had fallen silent, but my thoughts were screaming at me. Fighting Ivy was bad enough, but did we really have to work with Heaven Leigh to make that happen? I yawned and stretched out.

Piper walked into the living room, then stopped abruptly when she saw me. "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize you were sleeping out here."