
Chapter 10: The Vampire is a Redneck


Piper fiddled with the radio. I gave her a strange look, then glanced at Abby in the rearview mirror, brow raised. She kept silent. Some strange moody tune filled the car.

"What is that?" My attention snapped back to Piper.

"Alternative rock." Piper hooked her seat belt.

"I don't think so." I changed the station, and a country song blared through the speakers. Not that I was a fan of country music per se, but if she wanted to mess around, I could, too.

Piper twisted around to look at Abby and Isach. "You failed to mention the vampire was a redneck."

I hid my amusement behind a stoic expression. "Listening to country music doesn't mean I'm a redneck." I pulled out of the parking lot.

"Then what does it make you?" Piper asked.

"A good old-fashioned country boy." I grinned. "You know. . . not afraid of a little hard work. No trouble getting my hands dirty. Knows how to treat a woman."

"Could've fooled me." Piper gave me a fake, sickeningly sweet smile that screamed game on. "You've been nothing but mean, rude, and cranky since I've met you."

Challenge accepted. "Like I said. I know how to treat a woman."

Abby kicked the back of my seat. "Be nice," she warned.

"This is going to be the longest trip ever," Isach grumbled.

"Just remember, Zoya, this was all your idea," I said. "I'm more than willing to park this car and board a plane."

"You know we can't do that." Abby sat up straight. "So, let's all try to get along, okay?"

Silence descended, but my nerves were on edge. Nothing about this felt right, and I worried how Chloe and Trent would react when we got home. Too late to turn back now, though. I had to commit to the plan and fight for my family - all of them. Isach included.

The radio station abruptly changed, and Christian worship music played. I whipped my head around to glare at Piper. Her hands were in her lap, but a faint smile curved the corners of her lips.

"Really? That's how you want to play this?" I asked.

But I couldn't ignore the excitement that swelled in my veins. How could I simultaneously love and hate how she behaved? I didn't know if I should be angry or annoyed or something else entirely. All I knew was I wanted to get a rise out of her so she wouldn't stop this little game we were playing with each other.

Abby laughed, which earned her a glare from me. I had to keep up the appearance of disliking Piper because I wasn't ready for anyone to know the truth.

"Fine." I turned the radio off completely.

A second later, the radio switched back on, this time to a heavy metal station that sounded like a bunch of angry people screaming at the top of their lungs. The volume slowly increased.

Okay, she got me with that one. Though the rock was certainly better than the religious music. But with heightened senses, the volume was seconds away from busting my eardrum.

I gripped the wheel so tight my knuckles turned white. "Control your witch, Isach, or I'll accidentally leave her at the first rest stop."

"All right, Piper, that's enough," Isach said, his tone full of humor. "As much fun as it is to poke at Jax, let's be nice."

"Fine." Piper sighed. The station magically switched back to the country music I had turned on, and the volume lowered to a more manageable level.

"Thank you," I said through clenched teeth. My grip on the wheel loosened, and I flexed my fingers. I really didn't want to listen to country, but I'd won this round, and I wasn't about to admit defeat.

"So, Piper, do you and your sisters live in that house together?" Abby asked.

Thank God she was talking. Someone needed to, and maybe Abby could get some information from Piper. I wasn't opposed to learning more about her, either. Strictly so I knew if she were friend or foe, so I could be prepared for having her close to my family. No other reason.

"Yes," Piper said.

"Cool. Do you go to school or work?"


"Piper and her sisters got a very hefty inheritance from their parents," Isach said. "They tend to lay low and mind their own business, which was why I'd enlisted their help."

Abby nodded. "How did you two meet?"

"Our family had a long history in New Orleans," Piper said. "Isach used to know members of our coven, back when he lived there."


"And what coven are you from, exactly?" I asked, not taking my eyes off the road.

"One that no longer exists." Piper's tone was sharp.

"Wait. Are you and your sisters rogue witches?" In the back seat, Abby's heart thumped hard enough to momentarily distract me.

We'd dealt with a rogue witch before, and I'd killed her for coming after Chloe. I glanced at Piper from the corner of my eye. Rogue witches were unstable, volatile, and had no place being anywhere near my family. Despite her secrecy and her annoying behavior, she didn't seem unstable. Maybe a little volatile toward me, but I probably deserved it.

"Not exactly," Piper said cautiously.

"You no longer have a coven, either. Or your magic. Are you. . .?" Abby's voice trailed off as she stared at Isach.

Pride swelled in my chest. Abby had been paying attention during all of our conversations about witches, and she was asking all the right questions.

"No," he said firmly. "I'm not a rogue witch."

"But. . . how?" She caught my gaze in the rearview mirror. Her unease and confusion were evident in her expression. A little too late for her to be having second thoughts now.

"A coven is considered a coven when three witches live and practice together," Isach said.

"And there are four of them," Abby finished.

He nodded. "Even though I'm not currently in possession of my magic, I still own it, and because I've been living with them. . ."

"So, you're now part of their coven?" Abby glanced from Isach to Piper.

"Something like that," Piper said.

I frowned. Was that the only answer she knew how to give? She'd said the same thing to me when I'd asked her questions.

"Look, Piper, I'm grateful to you and your sisters for helping Isach and keeping him safe, but the only reason I'm trusting you right now is because Isach does. But you need to understand that I'm trusting you with my entire family. With everyone I love, and it would be nice if you'd give me something to assure me that you're not going to stab us in the back." Abby's face turned red.

Piper turned in her seat. I watched her warily, unsure what she'd do or say. Surely, Isach wouldn't have put Abby in a confined space with someone who would hurt her. That sole thought kept me from pulling the car over and demanding Piper get out.

Yeah, right. As much as I still didn't trust her, she'd sucked me in, and I couldn't do anything to harm her any more than I could harm Abby or Chloe. Like it or not, I was bound to Piper, destined to protect her. Make her happy. Love her. My gut twisted.

"My coven was wiped out a very long time ago. My sisters and I were the only survivors, and we've been in hiding ever since. I promise you, Abby, I have no ill intent toward you or your family. I simply want to help Isach."

"Why?" Abby asked.

"Because I can empathize with his situation. I know what it's like to lose your entire coven, to be alone and lost. I've been lucky enough to have my sisters, so when Isach came to us for help, we knew we couldn't turn him away." Piper smiled warmly at Isach. "Ivy Rose has been a thorn in my magical side for as long as I can remember, and it's about time someone put her in her place."

Rage and sympathy tightened the knot in my gut. I hated that she'd suffered so much loss, and I wanted to seek revenge on her behalf. Knowing she despised Ivy as much as I did earned her a lot of points with me.

"We finally agree on something," I said, and Piper gave me a genuine smile that warmed everything inside of me.

"I'm sorry you lost your coven," Abby said.

"Thank you."

"They're trusting you because I asked them to," Isach said to Piper. "Now it's your turn. You have to tell them."

"Tell us what?" My voice hardened. I'd known she was hiding something. I hadn't known Isach knew what that was. The next words out of Piper's mouth would determine my next move.

Piper sighed. "My name is Piper Pendragon, and my sisters and I are the last living witches of the Pendragon Coven."