
Warriors: The Prophecy Begins

As a house cat, Starlight has the easy life with Twolegs, but from time to time she dreams of living in the forest. Some dreams come true, hers did. She now has lived two very different life styles, one with her friends and family back at her former owner's house and one in the wild with her clan. As she isn’t clan-born, the struggles to continue to live in the forest are growing by the second. However, not being clan-born isn’t going to stop her from becoming the best warrior in the forest, and maybe even leader. Who knows what adventures she and 4 clans will have next only StarClan knows!

funtime_chloe · Fantasy
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34 Chs

ThūñdęrÇlãñ Çhãrãçtęrš

Hello readers, I would like to first thank you for reading my novel. I only made this novel after my favorite book series "Warrior Cats" and mainly for enjoyment pleasures! So, truly, thank you!

Here is a list of all the members of the Thunder Clan and other clans that are in the series (Only ThunderClan characters are here, other clans will listed later).

Thūñdęr Çłãñ Męmbęrs

~ leader: Firestar (handsome ginger tom-cat)

~ deputy: Yellowfang (yellow striped she-cat);

~ medical: Spottedleaf (beautiful dark tortoiseshell she-cat with a distinctive dappled coat)

~ queens: [she-cats expecting or nursing kits]

Frostfur (beautiful white coat and blue eyes)

Brindleface (pretty tabby)

Goldenflower (pale ginger coat)

Speckletail (pale tabby, and the oldest nursery queen)

~ warriors: [toms, and she-cats without kits]

Ravenclaw (black and brown tom-cat);

Rednose (red furred with a dark red tipped nose tom-cat)

Whitestorm (big white tom-cat)

Darkstripe (sleek black-and-gray tabby tom-cat)

Runningwind (swift tabby tom-cat)

Mousefur (brown furred tom-cat);

Willowpelt (pale grey she-cat with blue eyes)

Longtail (yellow striped with a golden tipped tom-cat)

~ apprentice: [more than six moons old, in training to becoming warriors]

Starpaw (blue, grey, and white furred with blue eyes she cat);

Bluepaw (blue and purple she-cat);

Graypaw (grey and black striped tom-cat)

Dustpaw (dark brown tabby tom-cat);

Sandpaw (pale ginger she-cat)

~ elders: [former warriors or queens, now retired]

Patchpelt (small black and white tom-cat)

Halftail (big dark brown tabby tom-cat with a part of his tail missing)

Smallear (grey tom-cat with very small ears. The oldest tom-cat and the second oldest cat in ThunderClan)

One-eye (pale grey she-cat, the oldest cat in ThunderClan. Virtually blind and deaf)

Dappletail (once-pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with a lovely dappled coat)

Çłãñ Ñãmęs

~ Thunder Clan

~ Shadow Clan

~ Wind Clan

~ River Clan

~ Star Clan (clan of the dead)

I would like to, again, thank you for reading my novel! Feel free to leave comments on things I need to work on. I accept all criticisms welcomingly. :)

Thank you for reading my novel once again and have a nice day/afternoon/night!

P.S. I have an editor now, and she is a bit dramatic. If you want a recap, feel free to go and reread it.

Here are all the characters that are in the story

so far. More characters will be posted later through out the story!

funtime_chloecreators' thoughts