
Warrior Queen's Chronicles

Her clan hated her. No Landers were after her. Kings longed for her. Tessa's job is to fight. Strong, quick, and steady. But she doesn't look like a warrior at all. She stands out because she has dark hair and green eyes. Everyone else in the kingdom has white hair and blue eyes and is taller than her. Even though they are different, most people can't touch her because she is a general in the Warrior Army. But things start to go wrong when Colonel Jothan of the House of Steel, the favorite to be the next Warrior King, starts to pay attention to Tessa. When a messenger from the powerful Land of Light shows up with an offer for the Warrior King that will change Tessa's life, she will have to deal with more than just jealous ladies and angry bosses.

Christabella_Clara · Fantasy
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20 Chs


Leo, spare her any harm. As they got closer, the lady began to sob. The captain's attention was drawn to his sword, which was still only partially lifted, by her troubled glance.

Tessa came up and said, "My Lady, you must have misunderstood," as he rushed to draw his sword. We were merely practicing.

She observed Leo's nostrils flare before he gave the Colonel a stern nod. We were practicing, sir. Is there a problem?"

"But..." The lady's objection was muffled by a tiny hand motion made by Jothan.

I came to warn you that using swords without a break can be dangerous after Lady Mirabel informed me that you were out here practicing. Jothan focused intently on Leo. Demotions result from dangerous actions. Would you agree, Captain, that sleeping is preferable?

Tessa observed her supervisor trying to control the expletives that were undoubtedly about to fly. He succeeded somehow, and the next second he curtly and bowingly left. Tessa became conscious of the two people who were now observing her once the captain's back merged with the shadows. Jothan's look was difficult to decipher, but it was clear that the lady was upset. As her gaze combed Tessa's body, her deft fingers caressed her throat. Was she searching for injuries?

"I'm sorry, Lady; I know you must have been shocked. Tessa started by picking up the broken sheath that was lying on the ground and putting her sword away. She could only stare when a hand unexpectedly touched her arm.

The woman softly squeezed the lieutenant's hand and said, "Thank you, Lieutenant, and please call me Mirabel. Mirabel had compassionate eyes that were the same shade of sky blue as Jothan's. "Oh my, you're soaked in perspiration!"

Tessa released herself from the woman's hold after witnessing Mirabel offer Tessa a handkerchief from her sleeve. Please store that, my lady. She took a quick glance at Jothan's still expressionless face. Where did he acquire the right to act so furious when he was the one who had put her in so much trouble? She was confident that by tomorrow, Leo would find a way to humiliate her. And, my lady, it's ideal for a lady like yourself to avoid going on solo walks with guys moving forward. Keep yourself protected, and let your maids go with you at all times.

Mirabel smiled over her shoulder as her attitude abruptly improved, saying, "Jothan, she sounds exactly like you."

He brow-arched and said, "Hardly."

haughty ass. Tessa didn't have the time or the desire to observe the couple's conversation. "My lady, I'll leave you now that you're fine."

How will I pay you back, though?

Tessa protested by raising her hand and saying, "I can accept no thanks for doing what is right."

To Tessa's complete dismay, Mirabel's mouth gaped, and she then started to chuckle. "She is your double, Jonathan,"

Tessa was fed up after the Colonel raised his pompous brow one more time. She was too worn out to stand around and be teased. She quickly bowed, securing her sword to her belt, and made it three steps towards the barracks before Jothan's voice halted her.

Had you not just cautioned Mirabel against going on a solo walk with males, Lieutenant? Then, am I the exception?

the haughty jerk. In all honesty, she had no doubt that his honour was above reproach, and it was clear from his expression that he expected her to tell him that he was an exception. Tessa, though, would rather plunge into Diyu than feed his already enormous ego. She turned on her heel and walked up to Mirabel's side. Will you allow me to accompany you home, my lady?

Mirabel first appeared perplexed before turning to face Jothan and laughing. "Jothan, I believe the Lieutenant doesn't trust you."

"Don't worry, I'm not offended," said the colonel as he nodded. No one has the lieutenant's trust. He advanced and extended his arm towards Mirabel. You'll just have to make do with two escorts, I guess. Should we take you home, cousin?

Cousin! They were related? Naturally, they were. Tessa might have noticed Mirabel was wearing yellow, the colour of the House of Gold, if she hadn't been preoccupied with worrying about what Captain Leo had in store for her the following day. This time, she had truly pushed the issue, and there would be no turning back. She let the couple pass and then took a few steps back, intending to cut off any more talk.

Up until they arrived at a side door leading into the House of Gold, it appeared to work. A narrow hallway on the first floor connected the five-story octagonal residence to the inner fortress. Tessa had passed the entrance to the House of Gold from the keep and had even caught a glimpse of some of the exquisite paintings hanging on the walls while the door was ajar, but she had never set foot inside the palace. The higher levels' windows let in a flood of light, making the exterior walls shimmer.

Mirabel turned towards the door and said, "I know you said not to thank you, but I'll find a way to repay you, Lieutenant. Once she had said her goodbyes, she hurried inside the warm house in a cloud of drifting silk.

She'll carry out her word. Mirabel is almost as obstinate as you are, Jothan added, standing next to her. Why wasn't he already following his cousin, and when had he come so close?

Right, well, Colonel, good night. Jothan's unexpected contact caused her to struggle to breathe suddenly. He lowered his face to get near hers while holding her chin between his fingers. Too near. She was frozen and unable to think. He had a spicy, sweet aroma that reminded me of one of those unusual flowers from the Greenlands. His free hand reached out to stroke the ends of her hair as he observed the hair's odd tint.

She managed, her breath ragged, "Wha-what are you doing?"

Jothan caught her eye and looked at her. He then grinned slowly and wisely. Something is being checked.

Are you checking anything? Tessa slapped his hand away and took a big step back once she had some sense again.

His tone changed to one of seriousness: "You don't need to worry about Leo. I'll see to it that you don't pay for assisting my cousin in any way.

Tessa blinked, unable to formulate a reaction in time to his change of demeanour.

Jothan walked to the door, the light from the house making his eyes more gold than blue. "Now go and get some rest," he said. Also Tessa? I'm grateful.

After that, he vanished, leaving her on her own to sort through her jumbled thoughts.