
Warrior Queen's Chronicles

Her clan hated her. No Landers were after her. Kings longed for her. Tessa's job is to fight. Strong, quick, and steady. But she doesn't look like a warrior at all. She stands out because she has dark hair and green eyes. Everyone else in the kingdom has white hair and blue eyes and is taller than her. Even though they are different, most people can't touch her because she is a general in the Warrior Army. But things start to go wrong when Colonel Jothan of the House of Steel, the favorite to be the next Warrior King, starts to pay attention to Tessa. When a messenger from the powerful Land of Light shows up with an offer for the Warrior King that will change Tessa's life, she will have to deal with more than just jealous ladies and angry bosses.

Christabella_Clara · Fantasy
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20 Chs


"The land will burn red, the new moon will rise, and the world will be in a warrior's palm. The troops pulled back their chairs and took their places as the chant reverberated throughout the dining area. Today had a strong spice aroma, the kind that the Greenlands only provided once or twice a year. Before revealing the feast, Tessa observed the kitchen staff placing dozens of copper dishes on the three large tables that lined the chamber. The hundred eager soldiers were drawn in by the mounds of chicken and veggies in the red, creamy sauce. Despite some of them casting glances her way, they mostly observed the food.

Tessa groaned. Although she detested the routine, it was necessary to teach the recruits how to survive on less food because they were inexperienced. As the seconds passed, the odd coughs in the hallway became more regular, breaking the stillness. She could feel more eyes on her at this point, and she was aware that some of them would be imploring while others would be furious or perplexed based on past experience. These first-year recruits had been exercising on their morning bread until it was almost dusk.

"Lieutenant?" She was brave enough to speak when a girl from the table next to her did so. Tessa turned to face the sergeants who were positioned along the walls and disregarded her.

The quad laps, sergeants The climbing wall is where those who fall behind are taken.

As the sergeants yelled at the recruits to stand up, Tessa turned on her heel and exited the room. You heard the Lieutenant, right? Move towards the quad. Move, please. This specific exercise always troubled her, despite the fact that it was for their own benefit. She was undoubtedly feeling so hungry that it brought back memories of her time at home. The orphans split her half of the meals among themselves when the kitchen crew was short-handed and unable to provide a supervisor in the dining area. She has occasionally gone two or even three days without eating before collapsing and being fed in the hospital ward.

Lieutenant Tessa, hold on. Just outside the food court, Captain Leo of the House of Quartz was leaning against the wall. He gave the female sergeant seductive looks before turning to look furious at her. His hair was braided on one side and chin-length on the other.

Let's begin. "Sir!" Tessa stepped aside to allow the recruits to leave the hallway, then she went up to her superior.

"Sir?" For the last of the passing recruits, Captain Leo put on a phoney smile. You still recall that I am your superior, right?

Certainly, sir. She clearly recalled how his silver belt had elevated him to a position he didn't merit. Lazy. Neglectful. Untalented. The only reason he was superior to her was because he was a prince.

"Really? Is it the reason you blathered on about your theories today in front of the council without addressing me once? Captain Leo moved forward with frightening eyes perched atop his hooked nose. Recruiting Ra-Innu to test our defences, the Bone Eaters? What a wonderful discovery!

When he took another step forward, Tessa tensed her spine and said, "You must have forgotten, Captain," but she continued. You were the only one who helped me get the knowledge. You were the one who asked me to investigate No-Lander's recent behaviour pattern.

That abruptly stopped him. "I did?"

Tessa nodded. "Of course you did. How predictable this dude was was amazing. Nothing else mattered to him in the end, as long as he looked good. And when the Council inquired as to what had raised my doubts, I responded as described.

Captain Leo raised an eyebrow while grinning. "Tessa, you're a smart girl," someone said. He moved closer to her. "Talented. Driven. Your physique is not at all awful. Tessa averted her face as his fingers reached out to touch her chin. Leo, the captain, snorted. I might even have thought about making you mine if it weren't for that horrible scar.

Tessa strained to suppress her contempt. If that's all, sir, I must return to instructing the rookie recruits. While turning, he caught her arm. Her body was screaming at her to move, to grasp his wrist and throw him to the ground, but she bit her lip and resisted the urge.

"From what I've heard, Colonel Jothan set up the Council meeting for you. Is he attempting to garner your favour with the generals? he demanded, his voice venomous once more. Didn't you say that he despises you?

That would have troubled him, of course. Colonel Jothan was considered somewhat of an ally by her supervisor. Due to their royal ancestry, they were both admitted to the officer training programme; nevertheless, the 30-year-old Jothan had become a Colonel two years prior, at the age of 23, whereas Leo had only recently been promoted to Captain.

Tessa forced her arm free of his hold while concealing the drastic action with a tight smile. "Since I was the most senior officer present at the ambush, Colonel Jothan sent me to the Council. If he had wanted to provide his support, he would have shown up at the meeting himself. That was the reality. Tessa had briefly been perplexed by Jothan's behaviour. Although he had almost appeared to be genuinely attempting to assist her, he had left her in the meeting on her own. She wasn't sure how seriously the generals had taken her findings without his support. But at this point, it was irrelevant. She had spoken up, and if she was right, it would be a step in the direction of defeating Bone Eater intentions and a step in the direction of promotion.

"He didn't even show up to the meeting he set up." Leo grinned, instantly content. "Well, that shows what he thinks of your theories, doesn't it?

"Precisely. If you'll excuse me, please Tessa used his brief diversion to her advantage as she fastened her boots together and made a brief bow.