
Warrior Princess comes for the throne

Only one can rule the werewolf kingdom. Elina ran away from the only place that she could barely call home. It was not her willingness but was a desperate attempt to save her life. Where would this road lead her to ? A bright future or the abyss of darkness .

Regilmac · LGBT+
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26 Chs

Chapter 22

Emma looked shocked and then surprised she asked excited " Who is he? Is he here or someone in the town? Why are you worried then isn't this a good news? When can I meet him? How does he look? Is he handsome? Or is it a she? Tell me why are you not speaking? "

Elina rubbed her nose " I will speak when you give me a chance " she said helplessly

"Opps " Emma laughed " Alright I won't say anything else go ahead answer my questions "

Elina took a deep breath " I met him back at Palace on my 15 birthday. It is just that I was scared that someone will harm him so we kept our distance. Staying there was still Ok but now it is getting difficult and because I was afraid that he will be exposed so I put a binding spell on us so... "

" You put a binding spell. " Emma said a bit agitated voice " Are you crazy? You will feel everything doubled does he know you did that? " Emma said exasperated

" No he does not he just thinks that it is a spell to numb the pain. I can't tell him that Em, if he knew this he won't let me do that. " Elina said slowly

" Who else knows about this? " Emma asked

Elina looked at Emma and said in a low voice

" Claire knows "

" Sorry who " Emma asked as if she could not believe her ears

Elina just looked at her without saying a word her meaning was conveyed in her silence.

Emma shook her head " I don't know what to say. You told Mom but did not tell us. "

" I did not tell her, she sensed it herself. Your Mom... she is one powerful witch. " Elina said smiling " She even helped me hide it from uncle. "

" Wow what did she say then? I am sure that she must be upset. " Emma said shaking her head. Her mother really was a force to reckon with.

" She was but she gave me some potions to help me with nightmares but even with them I am restless and worst Crys is doubting that I am hiding something from her " Elina said

" Then tell her. Why are you keeping it a secret? " Emma asked

" You don't know her Em if she knows about this she would take drastic steps. When I left the Palace I was ready to be alone but she followed me stubbornly even when it put her and her family in danger. I don't even want to know what she would do if she knows about this. I don't want to trouble her anymore. She doesn't show it but she cares a lot. " Elina replied

" So I have to keep it a secret too. " Emma asked with a eyebrow raised

" Yes. Nobody can know not even Cassius. " Elina said giving her half a smile

Emma rolled her eyes " Yeah, Yeah I won't tell him. But you have to promise that as long as you feel anything wrong you will tell me immediately. I am not as good as Mom but I can still be of help. " Emma kept smiling but she was deeply worried she very well knew that this is going to take a toll on her health so she has to keep her eyes on Elina.

" I know. We are almost back let's just drop this now. " Elina said

" I am not done questioning. At least tell me his name. " Emma grumbled

Elina leaned and whispered something in Emma's ear which in turn resulted in Emma's hands flying over her mouth and her eyes wide gawking at Elina. She looked so funny that Elina threw her head back and laughed.

Emma immediately punched her in the arm and laughed alongside with her.

" Shhh keep it a secret. I don't want to worry everyone. " Elina whispered

" I know but I will keep my eyes on you. Remember this you are under surveillance if I feel you don't look right or look even slightly uncomfortable you will take rest. " Emma said seriously

" Yes, Yes I heard you and will follow your orders now come and help me sort some data " Elina said and dragged Emma towards her office

Elina was afraid that someone would hear them and she did not want that. She is already feels that her good days are coming to end with Emma knowing who knows what would happen if more people knew not to mention he could be in danger too. She can never be too careful when it comes to him.

" Earth calling to Eli " A voice rang beside her jolting Elina out of her thoughts she saw Emma was in front of her and giving her teasing look.

" Yeah what is it? " Elina asked while picking the papers up

Emma shook her head and said " My friends would arrive here next week, we need to arrange a place for them. "

" Okay that's good. New cottages are built we will settle them there and ask them their demands for work. I will try my best to fulfill them. Also when is Ethan coming back? " Elina said

" They don't have much demands, I will settle it as for Ethan he will be back by next month. " Emma said and frowned

" Everything OK? " Elina asked

" I am worried about Ethan. To tell you the truth Dad and Mom can handle the meeting without him but they called him back to see if he could find his mate among the people who came. " Emma said and sighed

" For his mate.. Is it urgent? He will find his mate when it is time " Elina said confused

" He is already 23 normally witches and warlocks find their mates by then. Dad wants him to take over the coven but that is not possible without his mate. I am afraid Eli that if he does not find his mate soon he will be asked to take someone else. " Emma said sadly. She knew that her brother is happy that she found her mate but at that same time she could detect a faint sadness from him. She knew that her brother has been looking for his mate for a long time.

Elina's face froze because she remembered her mother she really does want to see something similar happening to her friends. For a moment both of them went quiet then Elina slowly spoke

" What does Ethan think about this? And uncle, Claire what did they say? " she asked

" Of course Ethan is against this. He has also went around to see if he could sense something. And you know Mom and Dad they will support us for anything, they are on his side but we are not the only people in the coven. They have delayed it until now if he doesn't find his mate soon it will become difficult to avoid. Dad has to step down and when he does that Ethan will take over with his partner. " Emma said

" Don't loose your faith maybe....maybe Ethan will find his mate here. We can't give up until the last moment now, can we " Elina said and gave her a small smile

" I hope you are right. Goddess won't abandon us. I really want him to be happy Eli. " Emma smiled sadly

" He will. I am sure. Now let's do some work aren't your friends coming, tell me how many things would be needed " Elina said trying to distract her from those depressing thoughts

" Yeah sure " Emma smiled and took a deep breath. They are not at the dead end she was sure of it.

On the other side of the mountain there were many wolves on the training field. Some were sparing in human forms while other in wolf forms. Cassius was fighting with Malcom who has turned into a wolf. So they did not paid attention to a fight happening between two wolves on the other side.

The red wolf jumped on the chocolate brown wolf pinning him on the ground but before it could balance itself the brown wolf threw it off and clawed at its face so the red wolf hurriedly dodged but it was late as the red wolf realized it was just a trick and before it could dodged the other attack its neck was already caught by the brown wolf. The red wolf tried to escape but it was bitten even harder, the red wolf let out a whimper and accepted defeat.

The chocolate brown released the red wolf and backed few steps then turned into a human. Lukas looked at the listless red wolf and smiled to himself and said " Change back Crys. You don't look like you are in mood to fight today. "

The red wolf slowly turned into a human, Crystal was left sitting on the ground she looked downcast.

" Are you this upset because you lost? " Lukas smiled and sat beside her

" I am not in the mood today. Otherwise you would have been having a day with the dust. " Crystal said

" I know you looked distracted for some reason. Mind telling me? " Lukas asked

" I feel like Eli is hiding something from me Luke. It is driving me up the wall. " Crystal said

" She carries a lot and she does not want to worry you. Give her some time she will tell you. " Lukas said patiently

" I know she will tell me but the thing is whenever she hides something from me, it means trouble. Back in the palace anytime she gets injured she would avoid meeting me. So I am afraid.... " Crystal stopped speaking after saying until here.

Lukas put his hands around her shoulder and said " She is not injured and I can see that she is very tired maybe it is stress. Come on let's go for a run. And skip the training. " Lukas pulled her up and then turned into a wolf again and looked at her expectantly

Crystal laughed and turned into a wolf too and ran into the forest Lukas following closely behind her. The moment they left two figures came to the place those two were standing.

" These two really, did they think we would not know that they skipped training " Cassius said

" Let them be Crystal did not looked good, they have been working non stop, this will give them time to relax. " Marcus said " Let's go "