
An unfair battle

"I'm afraid that this conflict will not end well!"

"Su mo is a jinx!"

"That's right. Back then, su mo caused a lot of trouble in Guyun. Now that he's in tianlan, he's making an even bigger mess!"

"Su mo is the cause of everything. This matter can not be resolved without him!"


The hundreds of millions of spectating cultivators watched the confrontation between Gu Yun and tianlan, and the sound of their discussions was endless.

These people were all martialists from the nearby stars. There were also many martialists from the subordinate forces of the ancient Cloud Star Alliance.

The ancient Cloud Star Alliance had tens of thousands of branch planets. Although there were hundreds of millions of martialists on each planet, only a small portion of them were disciples of the ancient Cloud Star Alliance. Most of the forces were subordinate to the branch.