
6. Ranking up the Martial Soul

Su Mo expected the Evilwind Wolf to run away.

Although low-level demonic beasts were unintelligent, they were still decisive in the face of danger.

Su Mo allowed it to run to chase after a bigger prize. Wolves hunted in packs, and he needed a good fight to unwind a little.

His Martial Soul required various materials to rank up, and nothing beats blood in this aspect. It's common cultivation knowledge, you know.

With genuine Qi spewing out from his feet, Su Mo rushed behind the Evilwind Wolf.

The Evilwind Wolf rushed into a small valley. Su Mo stepped into the valley behind it.


Soon the valley was surrounded by tens of wolves. A few had become demonic beasts among them.

Their leader seemed to be a Class 2 Lv 1 Demonic Wolf as it stood a few steps away from Su Mo. The Evilwind Wolf entered a small cave behind it.

Su Mo did not hesitate and plunged into the pack.

He punched left and kicked right. Su Mo was surrounded from all sides, and the wolves attacked together.

Su Mo fended them off clumsily. He elbowed and knee-ed. He used them to train in techniques of [Frenzy Fight]. He pushed all the wolves back with a Qi outburst when in fatal peril.

He soon became more proficient in it and quickly sent them to their death. The Class 1 Lv 1 beasts took their place, and the leader joined.

Su Mo struggled for some time. Demonic beasts were tougher with sharper claws and a more powerful bite.

Su Mo achieved Minor Proficiency in [Frenzy Fight] during the fight.

"Thanks for being so diligent in your work. Hope you enjoy a better next life."

Su Mo quickly finished off all the Demonic Wolves. He left the corpses unattended as the valley was quite remote for people to snatch his loot.

He proceeded towards the den of the Evilwind Wolf. It was different from other wolves. It had awakened its Beast Soul, hence could command the pack to fight while it retreated safely.

As expected, after rushing into the cave, Su Mo saw an injured Evilwind Wolf lying on the ground.

"Hoho! {Special Spirit fruit in the Cave Trope}, hun."

Su Mo saw a 5-inch-tall plant growing in a crevice not far from the Evilwind Wolf. The plant had eight green leaves surrounding a pale red fruit, which was only the thumb's size but exuded a fruity fragrance.

Su Mo stared at it and became excited.

"Sorry, Mate. Can't keep the others waiting, right?"

Su Mo drew out his sword and sliced the Evilwind Wolf in two with a stroke of [Last Sword], ignoring its whimpering and pitiful look.

The Purple Spirit Fruit was a Medium Lv 1 Spirit Fruit, which could increase by one level the cultivation of martial artists who were below Lv 4 Qi Cultivation Realm.

However, judging by its colour, the fruit was not yet fully ripe.

Nevertheless, this fruit, along with the blood of over 50 wolves and the Class 1 Lv 1 Beast soul, would surely rank up his Martial Soul. It may also be sufficient to increase Su Mo's cultivation to Lv 3 Qi Cultivation Realm.

Su Mo brought all the carcasses into the cave. Then, he plucked the Purple Spirit Fruit without hesitation.

Although the Purple Spirit Fruit was not ripe, Su Mo could not afford to wait. After all, a Medium Grade Purple Spirit Fruit was quite rare.

He sat down cross-legged and swallowed released his Martial soul.

The cave was secluded, so it was not dangerous.

The Black Hole Martial Soul rose from behind him and rotated slowly.

Then, the Purple Spirit Fruit was sucked in it. The Black Hole Martial Soul also sucked in the Blood Qi and energy from wolves' dead bodies.

In the end, an illusory Beast Soul floated up slowly from the Evilwind Wolf corpse, and the Black Hole Martial Soul devoured it.

Su Mo marvelled the beauty of his Martial soul as it began to change.

The Martial Soul began vibrating and then exploded with a yellow light.

Instead of having its previous yellow halo, it now shone with two yellow halos.

The Martial Soul's rate of absorption of Spiritual Qi was double than before.


Although Su Mo was usually a composed person, he was elated at the moment.

His Martial Soul had progressed from Rank 1 Human Class to Rank 2 Human Class.

If he could devour enough Beast Souls, his Martial Soul level could increase to Earth Class and Heaven Class.

Su Mo was excited.

"Haha, Haha!"

Su Mo calmed down but could not help laughing as the changes did not stop.

His Martial Soul released an abundant Qi amount, which he rapidly absorbed via [Refined Qi Art 1.0].

After a while, Su Mo's elixir field bulged with abundant Qi.

"I've finally broken into Lv 3 Qi Cultivation Realm!"

Su Mo exclaimed and nodded with satisfaction. His estimation was spot-on.

The Purple Spirit Fruit and wolves not only helped him rank up his Martial Soul but also pushed him to Lv 3 of Qi Cultivation Realm.

Now, Su Mo's genuine Qi was twice as dense and smooth as before.

He could feel the improvement in his senses.

"I should stabilise my cultivation before leaving."

Su Mo smiled and began cultivating again. He calmed down in some time.

Before leaving, Su Mo flipped the Evilwind Wolf corpse and pulled a gray crystal, its Demonic Core, from its skull.

The Demonic Core of a Class 1 Lv 1 Demonic Beast was worth around ten silver taels.

After that, Su Mo quickly left the cave.

Over the next two days, Su Mo slaughtered more than 50 demonic beasts.

Among these beasts, 20 demonic beasts were Class 3 Lv 1, while the others were of lower classes.

Having devoured the essence, blood, and Beast Souls of demonic beasts, Su Mo's cultivation had stabilised at peak Lv 3 of Qi Cultivation Realm. But his Martial Soul did not progress.

Su Mo's proficiency in [Frenzy Fight] and [Last Sword] improved by leaps and bounds as he engaged in more fights.

Su Mo rested in the cave of Evilwind Wolf. The Black Hole Martial Soul floated behind him with two dazzling yellow halos.

Su Mo's body absorbed the surrounding Spiritual Qi in torrents.

After his Martial Soul progressed to Rank 2 Human Class, it was ten times faster at absorbing Spiritual Qi than at Rank 1.

After a while, Su Mo opened his eyes.

"With my cultivation at the bottleneck and without any improvement in Martial Soul, it is meaningless to stay any longer."

Su Mo grinned. After all, his sharp increase in cultivation over the past two days was worth the trip.

"Pitter-patter, pitter-patter."

One could hear footsteps coming from outside the cave.

"Brother Wei Long, the Purple Spirit Fruit is in this cave, and it is probably almost ripe."

"Be careful. It is too quiet to be an Evilwind Wolf den."

"Hah! A mere Evilwind Wolf and a pack of regular wolves? I can kill them with a turn of my hand."

Hearing the voices, Su Mo waited patiently while two tall young men strode into the cave.