
The Man from the clouds

The mere thought of seein somethin that isn't there can throw many people for a trip. Before I get to ahead of myself let me start how it began. It was a calm quiet morning in the rural south. I woke up like I do any other day at the crack of dawn. Ole Henry my rooster would be my alarm. Im as normal as it gets for a magic user. Im typically out on the farm with pa and he and I use spells like wofa (makes things grow fast) and inhar (doubles our crop yield) to help with production. We normally do about two sen's(equivalent to 10 hours) of work before heading on back to our cotton bed. For the longest time it's been me and pa. I don't know a whole lot of what happened to ma but pa doesn't talk much about her. From what i remember which mind you my memory is a bit fuzzy she was warm and kind. She would have her moments when things would seem fine and then they simply weren't. But I done did love her, but my memories of her fade to black when i try to remember anythin more. I know what yer thinking and yes i did done get my edumucation I know how to speak right and proper what wit how them other folks speak. But when im talking to you i know i don't have to put to much thought in what i want to say. This was my world farmin, dreamin and above all sleepin. In the mind i know i am most safe but granted in the mind is where i done did see em. I had just finished up with pa when i saw em. I didn't haft to think about much of anythin he was just there. I closed my eyes and it was black as ink not much to see when yer eyes are closed except for black. Just then when i was havin my dreams of mom is when he appeared. A man in a sky blue suit with clouds all over em. He was sayin somethin to me somethin about ma. He started and stopped. I started to talk to em and just then henry woke me up. I was up but i wasn't all there yet for when i closed my eyes again there was in my head the man in the sky blue suit with clouds as white as snow. He was sayin somethin it wasn't quite to clear somethin about finding a man named tan. That tan would be able to help me find her. It was at this moment that mind reconnected back to my body and i opened my eyes. But somethin was different somethin wasn't the same as before. Henry had changed color from his normal golden Cooper form to a more silver form. The sky wasn't it's usual sky blue but rather a tinted blue. I ran on over to pas room but he wasn't there it was as if he had vanished. Like a baseball hurlin pass ya a metor had slammed right into the ground and was next to my feet. I swear I've never seen anything like it, it was a silver metal ball the size of a baby watermelon. It had a symbol one that matched clouds from the man in my dream. Inside was a note. It read: Dear RYF i know you've seen me before. I know your confused but you need to wake up. Signed CloudX. I squeezed my fist i punched the ground as hard as i could. I screamed at the top my lungs so hard my voice fell silent. I looked down at my hand and i could feel the old familiar sting. I stopped my punching and i sat and i started back up at the clouds and i thought to myself what do you mean wake up. It was almost as if time had lagged back and just then i hear the sound of popping. No the sound of snapping, that was it snapping. I followed the noise and i came to the end of the noise and just then i see pa again he's snapping at me for me to wake up. That i was walking and then i fell to the ground like a dead body and when he had rushed on over to check on me i was as cold as ice. My eyes pa said my eyes were white and my mouth was open he cast several spell of healing and warmth on me but nothing seemed to work. Eventually pa said that he started snapping and he started doing this for the last couple days . He didn't know what to think of me and my dead state. I eventually got out of the bed that he had put me in and i walked down the road and kept on walkin. I walked and I walked and I walked i would catch a glimpse from time to time of seein something that wasn't all the way there yet. I think i member the teach calling it a mirage but i reckon its the mind pulling tricks on me again. So i continued my walk now a bit of context here in my home it doesn't get any much hotter then a cool 80 degrees thanks to my heat absorbing skills i could drop that down to a cool 70 degrees. Food this is something that i eat for taste but not so much for energy. I tend to fast for 2.5 sens per day. I can make my own water with the help of some spells pa taught me. A simple mow cast ( molecule reorder spell) would give me water from the air around me. I dont know how to quite explain it but when i can feel something i can feel when something needs to be. I need to find this tan fellow maybe he will have the answers i seek. Now i know what yer done thinkin why would pa let me leave on adventure that seems to not have a clear destination. So before i continue forward lets jump back a bit and let me done say what was said between us. After my dream with the man in sky blue suit and snow white clouds i walked to pa's room. He was sitting on his bed like he do most of the time i want to talk wit em. And it was a solid thing that was said. I told em like im tellin you in a straight tone no cracks in ma voice no stutterin of any kind justa straight calm voice that i wanted to leave the farm for a while and head where my body was tellin me to go. That right now i dont know how to be at peace in our small chunk of paradise if im conflicted with these dreams or visions you would call em i suppose. And pa well pa has a way wit things im not to sure how to explain. He told me to come sit wit em. And after I done did that. He told me that he will support me whatever path should i chose. A week a year a century i could be gone as long as id like all i had to was learn a couple more spells for my defensive skills and be sure to tell em all about just like how im tellin u. i reckon that just about brings us up to speed on wot had done did happened between me and pa. Where i was I... oh yea the walkin. How would you figure it to have visions of someone tellin you they can help guide you to find ma. I reckon you might just do what i done did. I kept on walkin for about 4 sens then my feet began to hurt a bit so i set up camp next to a beautiful brown oak. I think pa called this type a tree a xus tree. Them kinda trees are relatively rare. They take there time getting bigger and wot not and ye cant use any kinda spells like wofa on em. Them the natural bits left those few items left in my world that magic just dont got an effect on. Around this tree there are these beautiful flowers, pa used to say these flowers done represent a positive memory or rather a positive vibe that has been shared amongst people. Maybe some friends goin to the pictures or maybe two people findin hope an reassurance with in em. I done did think that was a mighty nice way for pa to talk about it but maybe thats not so true. Before i open that can a worms i best do my best to finish this one. Next to the flowers was this pond. Around the pond was marble beads or maybe there glass beads they look a lot like glass frog eggs but im not to sure what they actually be called. I then casted two spells one by the name of waben (bends water around you) and faben(adds a small layer of fire that doesn't hurt around you). Without henry i prepared my self for dreamin and got in my water bed. Set my body temp to a comfortable setting and shut down the shades.

This language is a bit different from most in terms of the English language it might be hard to read but it will be a hell if a ride.

Timeless_Driftercreators' thoughts