
This is from Mr Huo

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

She smelled exactly the same as she did four years ago. It drove him crazy and made him want her even more.

"Don't move…"

Lu Zhaoyang continued protesting until he shut her up rudely and swallowed her whole.

A soundless tear rolled down her face as she endured his violent attack.

As Huo Yunting repeatedly thrusted himself into her, she finally blacked out...

The next day at dawn, the man twitched first on the bed.

Huo Yunting felt a headache rise instantly. He massaged his temples and then noticed the soft bundle in his arms.

He shook his head opened his eyes wider to see Lu Zhaoyang curled up cozily in his embrace. Her body was peppered with colorful marks.

Flashes of what happened last night came to him!

He was drunk and had come to find her out of desperation. He had also been very brutal with her…