
The Naked Truth III

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Y" stood for Yang, which was her name.

"Yang Yang, I've missed you." Huo Chen ran a hand through her hair and said.

Lu Zhaoyang felt a moment of surreality when she heard that.

She sucked her lips in, knowing that he must have seen the scar there, as she did not want to talk about it.

Since she remained quiet, he continued gently, "What happened last night during the call? I didn't hear your voice, so I got worried."

"It's nothing. I must have accidentally pressed something without noticing."

As expected, he was asking about the call.

It was humiliating for her to tell him the truth!

"You're still as clumsy as I remember. You're so cute."

Huo Chen never doubted her. His gaze turned softer still.

Lu Zhaoyang was not sure how to respond to him, considering that it was all a lie.