
"Don't you go hurting your stomach later. I gave you yogurt but you insisted on ice cream."

"I don't mind, I'm craving for one."

She had not eaten one for so long and he just had to nag at her for this once-off indulgence.

Xuxu loved spicy food too and that seemed to be inherited from Huo Yunting as well!

"What are you glaring at me for, did I strike a nerve or something?" He may be saying that, but he did thought that her glare earlier was rather cute.

"My palms are all sweaty," She tried to wriggle her wrist but she was not able to pull her hands out.

"The ice cream is about to melt, finish it quick."

It was such a rare moment he was willing to talk a walk with her. After this, she had to repay him with her stamina.

Lu Zhaoyang then noticed that drops of cream were already on her right hand.

The weather was just too hot and the ice cream had melted just like that.